Should I get this or monster hunter world

Should I get this or monster hunter world

do u wanna fight or do u wanna hunt

Whichever one will have a longer longevity to you



I really like both series so not sure. Liked the fighterz beta a little more.


DBFZ for console, wait for the PC release for World. Mainly because of poor performance for World on consoles

Do you prefer to be online with Euros or Japanese people?
you'll have Frenchfags in both games anyway.

Then, do you want to cuck capcom or support them?

Get Monhun, since Namco don't care about their customers.

I suck dick at fighting games and don't even play them, but I'm still getting DBF because I'm a huge weeb and DB fan.

Frankly I'm getting both of them, but MHW will probably appeal to me a bit more than DBF, since as I said I don't really care for fighting games, and I'm not autistic enough to enjoy it.

Neither are on Switch so boycott both of them

DBFZ has a ton of love put into it, pretty sure they do care

i dunno, which one has multiplayer?

Nintendo/PC owner here, buy Monster Hunter World
If you check Steam, the Dragon Ball FighterZ with the DLC(8 characters) costs 95 euros
Just buy Monster Hunter World and then buy Dragonball FighterZ when it gets cheaper

stopped reading

Nothing wrong with playing fighting games casually. You don't have to memorise frame data and spend hours practising combos to enjoy the game. Just play with other shitters at your level online.

Hell when I was younger, way before online play, when my friends weren't around I'd play versus the computer and make storylines with the characters.

>buy Dragonball FighterZ when it gets cheaper
stopped reading there

Don’t know why people buy the 100 dollar editions of games when you can just buy the exspansion pass or dlc later for around the same price, spending money over a period of time has much less effect than spending it at once like that

Yeah, im giving the opinion as an outsider to the PS4 and XBOX community
Monster Hunter World is worth the base price they ask for, Dragonball FighterZ is just Arcsys stealing money like usual

>le ebil corporations

Or later, whatever suits your cup of tea

Point is, its still a total of 95 for a game that offers 8 characters and nothing beyond that

Arcsys cares, sure, not Namco though.

Get both duh


its pretty painful to look at that price for a game, playing progressively seems better
But im also saying for him to wait to see if the DLC characters are worth it

If you're into fighting games pretty heavy get DBFZ otherwise get MHW and pick up DBFZ in a month for half price or less.


Pride Troopers dlc when?

Never, I know

Oh definitely I agree. Not buying the dlc until I know what I’m getting

Doesn't hunting involve fighting in certain situations?

Wouldn’t be surprised if Jiren was the last dlc

Please, dont do this to me.

Why Jiren? Id take literally anyone but Muscular silverfish

For one, Id take even heroes characters

I went with Dragon Ball for now, gonna get Monster Hunter later for PC. I've heard it has performance problems on console. Played an hour and a half earlier and had lots of fun, I just jumped into arcade and played some lag-free matches. The "lootbox" system feels fair(only cosmetics) and no real money involved. I earned alot of in-game currency aswell while playing arcade and online.


Jiren will probably be in the game if stays supported for a couple of years

>a couple of years
The arc where Jiren is the main antagonist is almost over.
He will most likely be one of the initial 8

Get Hunter for friends, Get Fighters for enemies.

I think Cooler, Broly, Bulma and Master Roshi will be a part of the initial 8.

>He doesn't find his friends on the battlefield
Only in the heat of battle can you truly know another person.

Stop being poor and get both

Buy Dissidia

master roshi maybe i think the rest are wishful thinking, unless they hear about how much westerners like broly for some reason

The Chad MonHun/DBFZ
The virgin Fantasy


Nintendo masterrace here, get MH.


>tfw really enjoy Hit's playstyle
>feel like i can't main him because he's not part of the original manga by Toriyama because of autism

Why are you asking Sup Forums? Wtf is wrong with you can't you make up your own mind you fucking drone.

why are frenchies so weeb

Toriyama designed Hit and his character I'm pretty sure

I want your approval.

If you are a fan of monster hunter get that. If you are a fan of fighting games and DBZ get DBZ. If you aren't a fan of fighting games or only a fan of DBZ/not a monster hunter fan and just think it looks good/good reviews get neither. Monster hunter is a nitche autist game (think the sims or animal crossing, it's a game with a whole lot of fucking nothing) and DBFZ is shallow and lacking content if you aren't a fighting game fan.