Why is pretty much everyone south of the US border absolutely shit at video games with little exception?

Why is pretty much everyone south of the US border absolutely shit at video games with little exception?
>join server
>200-400 ping beaners
>the only english they speak is calling you a hacker or a camper because you shot their laggy retarded ass while they stood still
>absolutely FILL US servers despite having their own regional servers

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when you build the wall make sure to cut the fiber i guess

Who is this guy?

el goblino...

They don't use their servers because their infrastructure is shut and even they don't want to play with each other.

anyone from a shithole country here please explain why you prefer using US servers

El atrocidad...


looks american

>look at map
>some poor beaner is stuck in the middle of the sea in the gulf of Oman
>fly over him in my heli
>go lower and he hops in
>fly him towards the beach