Why did zombies get so popular in vidya again?

Why did zombies get so popular in vidya again?
Are they just fun to fight against as well as potentially scary?

I don't want to fight zombies
Fighting them is only fun in coop and multiplayer games

Yeah they are scary to fight, it's exciting to always be on the edge. Zombies games still have room for improvement is why they are around though. No one ever does them right so someone else makes another in their own vision.

I'm still confused why like no one ever capitalized on the concept of PLAYING the zombies instead of making more generic survivor parkour zombie fighting games. Fuck, that massive zombie game bubble would have been perfect for a Stubbs style game, but nope.

Left 4 Dead did and it was a success.

t. Konami shill

I'm glad the zombie fad from a few years ago died out.

there easy to model and animate

>Zombie game where you hunt humans to survive hunger and fight other zombies
Any games like this?

people had discovered that zombies are not exclusive to survival horror or castlevania games, and there are more ideas that can be agregated to it such as wave mode, crafting ad RTS.

>fun to fight against
How the fuck is a slow shambling easily hit target fun to fight? They're punching bags for casual shitters in casual shit games.
I fucking hate zombie games.

human model with (deliberately) shitty AI


>what is a casual shit game
The only good enemies in l4d and its derivatives are the ones that are not ZOMBIES, but other varieties of undead. The very definition of zombies makes them unfit as an enemy in a video game without being FUCKING BORING.

don't be a faggot, user.

fighting zombies is a THEME not a genre

Zombie games are better without shambling slow shitty casual boring fucking ZOMBIES.
See: Vermintide.

Killing floor.

Theyre pretty fast though but and what other zombie game can have 150 enemies on map at once all running you around the map, play that game on advanced and up and well ill say its the best zombie game

In Japan you can't show much violence or any gore against people, but zombies aren't people so you can have at it. Most zombie games until somewhat recently came from Japan so there you go. As a double bonus, you can make their AI shitty and nobody will care because they're zombies and supposed to be dumb.

They are billions dont exclusively features shamblers, most zombie games doesn't actually.

And they would all be better without "shamblers" as you casual fucking shitters apparently call a regular zombie.

>In Japan you can't show much violence or any gore against people
Yeah i'm calling bullshit

still. as long as the game uses this element to its advantage.. e.g. you have limited ammunition so you have to decide which shamblers you need to clear to advance, etc.

obviously the premise of 100% shamblers wouldn't work if you faced 10 of them at a time or you you were 10 times faster than any of them. differen't strokes for different fucking games.

but do we have any more opinions to pass off as facts?

They only exist so casual faggots like you can feel powerful when mowing them down by the dozens.

actually, user here is right.

can you name 2 games that feature a roster of slow moving zeds???


I never said it only applies to games with ONLY zombies, their very existence is meaningless and only serves to devalue the game in favor for boring ass gameplay (that appeals to casuals).

cute Monika

Look right into my eyes and answer me:
You do believe in a single word you are saying, or you are doing for (You)'s because life sucks?

I do it because you are CASUAL FUCKING SHITTERS and need to get off my damn lawn.


Incidentally, the zombies in this game could just as well not even have existed for their actual impact. The only thing that sometimes made them interesting was when they would bug the fuck out and teleport straight up to you, though this is not a zombielike behavior.

their behavior was hilarious to manipulate. i had a friend who was basically a zed-shaman.. able to manipulate the hordes like the pied fucking piper.

To say that shamblers are nothing more than punchbags for casuals is a lie for the simple fact that every game actually tackle their utility particularly. Let's take They Are Billions for an example.
Shamblers are the lowest kind of zombie there, easily killed by the lowest combat unit in the game such as Rangers. One Ranger takes 3 shots to kill them, not a big deal right? But shamblers aren't quite simply punchbags scattered around, as you try to push you perimeter forward, you will see packs of dozens of them. And a dozen shamblers are no match for a Ranger alone. If you bring more Rangers or more powerful units such as Soldiers, the noise you make for killing them will trigger the heatmap for the other shamblers around, and even more dangerous zombies such as Executives or Runners or even Special Infecteds. So you dont mow them down, you need to be careful.
Not only that, Shamblers encroach your base constantly. and when they break into a building, all the workers inside will turn into zombies, such as more Shamblers, Runners and in the worst caes Executives who are tougher and quicker. So a mere zombie can ruin your whole base quickly if not tackled creatively and effectively.
I could go on and make more examples such as Killing Floor Zeds who grabs you and so on but what im trying to say is that a Shambler being a punchbag for casuals is too much of a gross oversimplification, what games besides Dead Rising can you cite that treat them that way? And even Dead rising is more of a joke about zombies than anything else.
So i will kindly ask you to cease your tryhard attitude and look at the points i showed you with care, do not turn into the cancer that kills this board everyday. I love you user.

Every one of your examples would have been better suited with a non-zombie that is an actual threat.
>muh ammo scarcity
Melee them you shitter. Or just simply RUN since they are by definition slow.
>muh can't stealth
If they were an actual threat it would add a proper amount of tension, and force you to stop being a casual faggot.
>muh constant threat
Served better by a non-zombie that is a PROPER threat and not just (slowly) moving target practice.

>do not turn into the cancer that blah blah blah I'm a fucking faggot
No, fuck YOU for coming to this board with your casual fucking shit attitude. I hope you fucking rot.

Can't use skeletons cuz of China
Zombies make a good easy enemy you can spam hundreds of to make any game feel more action packed than it really is.
Also some countries like Germany censor blood so with zombies it's not immersion breaking for them to have black blood

Post more juicy anime thighs in stockings pls

i think halo did zombies right cause they also take your memories and use them to fight other humans it adds another level to the horror