What should I play on my psp? Anything I can emulate on my psp works too

What should I play on my psp? Anything I can emulate on my psp works too.

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My PSP Go is basically an Advance Wars 1/2 machine.

Shit is so cash.

Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai Portable

I played advanced wars but I couldn't really get into it. I think civ games soiled me. Maybe in retarded

Can't read runes

You can play that on your phone. Tactics games are the only playable games on a touch screen

gladiator begins

There's a fun Touhou fan game
Also, Hello Kitty Picross. Or just emulate Mario Picross.
I also remember playing Aladdin on it before I got a 3DS. Best Genesis game.
Also get Dracula X Chronicles, and Disgaea. And Megaman Powered Up. And Prinny 1&2.
Load it up with some SMB romhacks too while you're at it. Extra Mario Bros is my favorite.


my nigga

I've played through it a few times. Was my favorite game back when it was new

Thanks user I'll play it now. Hopefully this isn't one of those lewd games, Mr roommate is in the room with me.

Breath of fire 3 and 4. 1 and 2 with gba emulator

>touch screen controls

Fucking gross.

not gonna lie to you but its normal until you get to a few endings

also try the persona games

Monster Hunter.

I'm playing MHFU for the first time on my Vita and I'm completely hooked.
But playing it on a PSP is a pain in the ass due to the lack of a second stick, though.

I basically only play Dissidia 012 on it and its a fucking blast even still

>he doesn't know how to claw

I'm always grateful for the second stick.

Dissidia Duodecim.

>>MFW theres no online servers

FF Tactics
Rock Band
Metal Slug
Legacy (Doom sourceport)

Exit and Exit 2

Megaman Legends 1&2.

ape escape

You aren't playing MHFU if you aren't soloing everything, plus that title has poor synchronization between players. Tried the ad-hoc a few times and was not impressed. Anyway, Resident Evil 3 is a great fit for PSP.