How do you pronounce this?
How do you pronounce this?
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Hydro-city cause it's all about water
If you pronounce it like hydrahcity ur a literal retard
hydro city?
it's a city in the water
Found the soyboys.
hi-drosity, because it's one word.
"hydrocity" like "velocity"
Then why would they make it one word?
its a play on Hydrocity and Hydro City.
as in Hydrocity as a concept for the word wetness.
It should rhyme with generosity
High drockitty.
Absolute brainlets
This but unironically
anyone that says Hydro-City is a fucking brainlet
Only one true way:
It rhymes with Dinocity
Hi-drah-city, all in one go. Like when the English say military
>he pronounces one word as two separate words
I bet you pronounce Icecap as Ice Cap too nerd
starting a bait thread
>Water Level
>it isn't shit, but is actually one of the greatest stages in videogaming
how did they do it?
>how did they do it?
By making 80% of the level not underwater.
What said
The better you are, the less of a water level it actually is.
Goddamn this is the smartest thing I've seen on Sup Forums
Time to ask the real question.
I just completed Sonic Mania. Why was this considered difficult?
Call it a gimmick, but swapping the bosses in Sonic Mania was an amazing moment for me.
Too many brainlets out there.
I have no idea. It took me like 2-3 tries, but it wasn't a hard boss at all. It was pretty much the same boss as Sonic 2 with a few new tricks, so I just used the same strategy.
Surprised there was so many people complaining about it at launch.
Retard, see:
The fight is easy but glitches can make you die instantly randomly
Hydro City is the canon pronunciation.
this is a solid fucking argument
Hydrocity, one word because it sounds cool.
Sando Polis, two words because it sounds cool.
Shit Zone.
I always pronounced it like this, but I never made the connection...
I'm still gonna say it as hydrahsity
Because and the fact that Act 2 is fast as fuck.
>read thread
>no one pronounces it He-drow-cite-y
Kill yourselves you fucking brainlet soyboys
If you put it in translate and have the word read back to you it's Hydro-City
You're SO done pal
Because some faggy streamer took 16 tries to beat him
Brainlets BTFO.
Hydrocity rhymes with Atrocity. Simple.
Same as you pronounce Blackbird. It's different than saying Black Bird. First one is a collocation combined with 2 nouns forming 1. So the stress must be on the first syllable. 'Blackbird, which refers to a type of birds.
Second example is not a collocation, but rather an adjective and a noun. Both stresses must be on the first syllables 'Black 'Bird. This refers to any bird which is black.
Back to your question on how to pronounce this word. It is pronounced 'Hydrocity. It's a collocation of two words forming a noun so the stress must be on first syllable. 'Hydrocity.
>all these fag-ass replies
Anybody that pronounced it hydrahcity should be strung up with hooks and fed to sharks and then have their remains displayed on the city walls as their families are forced to watch
I'm glad I never played Sonic games as a kid.
It must really suck to see what has become of that series
YD-ROC-ITY (H is silent)
The problem with your statement is that there is no way of making "kb" sound like on syllable so you're forced to make it sound like the way it is, where as "oc" can blend together.
San dop Oh liss
There's no puff of air when pronouncing the "k" in Blackbird. It's not blackuhbird, but rather black*hold the back of your tongue up there*bird.
Its Hydrahsity until developers say otherwise. The argument about the katakana is retarded because velocity ends in the same characters.
Was that an Element of Harmony reference?
If the word has three syllables the stress must be in the middle. This doesn't apply to Hydrocity since it's a collocation. VeLOcity sounds more right than VElocity.
What are you talking about, Velocity 4 syllables in both languages.
Hydro cIty
its no different than township
Hydro City.
My mistake. Still the same rule applies to 4 syllable words. Comm/U/ni/ty.
Wait. What about 'Watermelon'? It has 4 syllables too. Why's the stress not on the second syllable? Because it's a collocation so the stress is dropped on the first syllable.
English is not even my mother tongue and I'm teaching you mofos how to speak it.
Ok, then how do you pronounce this?
Goddammit. First "Dragon Ball FighterZzzzz with a zzzz sound" and now this. Fuck these fags.
In my opinion it's because it's still fast paced. Sure you can avoid the water a lot but the underwater sections have plenty of boosters, springs, you get struck out of water by currents, the bubble shield makes drowning less stressful, you can run over the water if fast enough and I feel people don't notice this enough but Act.2 really takes advantage of how the water will propel you high up if you go up a ramp fast due to the physics (you can even skip some sections/reach certain platforms due to this detail). I'm actually a little disappointed in Mania's Hydrocity Act.1 due to this last part, it feels like they didn't notice this & relied on more Labyrinth Zone-esque designs (fuck the spears especially) even though Hydrocity showed how well a water level could be made (I appreciate the bubble mechanic from the Game Gear games though). At least it's not boring like Aquatic Ruin's underwater portion.
Its good question that I didnt consider til last year, but its Hydro-city