Yet another indie "retro-inspired" platformer with "retro-inspired" visuals and "retro-inspired" music

>yet another indie "retro-inspired" platformer with "retro-inspired" visuals and "retro-inspired" music
>but this one tangentially gives commentary on """"""depression"""""" and """"""anxiety"""""".

2018 is going to be even more cancerous than 2017, isn't it?

>indie game mafia strikes again

>put 180 collectibles in your game
>they do nothing
The absolute state of modern game design.

>put 999 collectibles in your game
>they do nothing
The absolute state of modern game design.

consider putting a bullet in your brain

How coddling can this game get holy fuck.

It gets worse.

I think indie devs put SJW topics in their games because the faggots on Sup Forums will endlessly shill the game by bumping the threads non-stop. You're basically playing right into his plans.

>oh no, not abortion
>muh choice
>reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *autisic screeching*
>drumpkins this, bama that
>486 replies and 52 images omitted. Click here to view.


Torrent fucking when?

they unlock new worlds, costumes, and customization options for your ship.

they definitely do something.