Never played Xenoblade before but bored as fuck with no Switch games and about to buy this
Convince me not to
Never played Xenoblade before but bored as fuck with no Switch games and about to buy this
Convince me not to
You seriously wanna drop 60 bucks on a a game that you may or may not be interested in out of boredom?
Think about this a little harder. That's all the convincing I can do.
>Convince me not to
Are you at least familiar with JRPGs? I can't imagine going blind into any Xenoblade game with no previous knowledge of the genre and its tropes.
it's fun, go for it
You don't have to play XC1 to understand it, and the game does a very good job of teaching you all of the mechanics. If you like action JRPGs you'll like this game.
I mean it looks pretty and the music sounds nice from the 2 minutes I saw of it.
I'm just looking for a long game that lasts 100+ hours.
What kind of combat is it? Doesn't look turnbased. Is there another game series you could compare it with?
probably one of my favorite JRPGs, but its not for everyone
Do it if you like JRPGs. If you don't like JRPGs I'm pretty sure XBC2 will make you want to kill yourself
Do it faggot
>no switch games
>convince me not to buy a switch game
uhh yeah I don't think the problem is the selection of games here.
Play Celeste first
Switch emulation is about to be a thing
Stop wasting money on garbage
If it's garbage, why would you bother emulating it?
Can someone explain the combat to me, I just wanna know how it works.
youre gay and you wont develop a deep love for the large chested wifus
>Switch emulation is about to be a thing
It really isn't, they can't even draw images or produce audio yet. They're in extremely early phases and they just announced a project.
its auto attack based, then you use arts to cancel auto attacks for bonus dmg. by using arts you get specials.
Then by comboing arts you can do driver combos, which is just basically stunning the enemy. But by doing specials you do Blade combos which does an insane amount of dmg, then there's fusion combos which is both of them together. Then there's chain attacks
sounds confusing and boring as fuck
so you're saying it just auto attacks for me and i dont have to press anything
No, I didn't say that, You wont win any fights auto attacking unless you're overleveled
That's not what he said at all, but now I definitely recommend you don't get the game.
Are you okay?
Stupid nigger
>Convince me not to
Whatever you would otherwise score the game the gacha elements (to be clear you don't pay to roll or anything, you earn crystals) will knock a point or two off.
If you haven't played Xenoblade before, what you should be doing is emulating the first one.
That saves you money in the short term, and the first game is better anyway due to not having the dumb mechanics that are field skill checks, merc missions, or gacha
this is the worst point, with the exception of Zenobia, most of the top tier blades are from the story or a quest line
>Malos and Akhos in Uraya
nothing else in the game has killed me this much, how do?
Whats the issue? you around the same level?
Based Noezou has delivered.
I'm at 20 (except vandham who's 22)
that's probably it but I haven't had much of an issue with story enemies that were higher than me. I get rekt before getting either one of them more than 1/8th of the way dead
Did you love XC1? If yes, don’t get this, it’s shit compared to XC1. If no, go nuts.
try pouch items
try changing party
You got the ability to use chain attacks recently.
Use that.
In fact, use that in every fight for the rest of the game.
I honestly don't get why people loved XC1 so much, the gameplay wasn't all that fun
Best Nia art so far.
It took me a while to get in to XC1. I hated the combat the first time I played it. Came back to it when XC2 came out and it “clicked” for me
What "Clicked"
It's pretty bare bones
you should play the first game first, no need to drop 60 bucks either just dolphin it
It's the casual filter.
That's actually pretty low, see if you can't level a bit from resting at the inn and if there are any leftover quests, finish them first. Also, make sure your blades have the strongest chips available and aux cores to help them and that your drivers have good accesories.
I can play the euro version for jap dub, right?
It's like MMO combat but SLIGHTLY more interesting.
>Do a bit of Tiger Tiger to level Poppi up
>Make sure everyone is equipped with your strongest core chip
>Remember your elemental combo and driver combos
>Chain attack
Ez pz
The Wii version of the game had dual audio, but not the N3DS version
man fuck this shit. I bought this game for the meme webms and for the first half of the game I laughed my ass off and convinced myself
I was “ironically” playing it.
then the story got fucking good and I started actually caring about the characters and it’s chapter 9 and I’m not ready to leave this game. I guess this is karma.
Yeah, I'm definitely emulating the Wii one.
>Not using blade Nia
Post more lewd blades please
Yes it was. It was amazing. So much better than 2’s.
I think, the dub for XC1 is a gold standard for jRPG dubs though
Looks like you went for a similar build to me
Pic related was my party for final boss
If you just happen to be desperate, get some indie game like Battle Chef Brigade. Unless you’re really looking to kill a lot of time
Potato sack nia is such a waste. Just slap on blade nia and a healer blade on rex and you get the same amount of healing plus a broken blade in the form of mythra. Then you’re free to go full DPS zeke and tank morag/tora.
Anyone still have that mega with a shitton of Blade Nia snaps?
Why is Mórag so perfect?
Design, voice, personality - all 11/10.
How did they do it, bros?
>how did they do it
Can you care about a generic anime harem? Because that's what this game is. A dense protag, a main girl who acts like the perfect quiet and submissive girl that Japanese boys like, and a tsundere.
>tfw I want to play XC1 but don't wan't to buy a wii/u or the new 3ds
It's going to come to the switch eshop at some point, r-right bros??
I really want to experience the original, though. I'm aware it's a good dub.
>Had Kora and Praxis on Rex
>Had Dromarch and two generics on Nia
Driver combos didn't exist for me
emulate, dude
I know Healer Rex is arguably better, but I prefer maintaining the Offense/Healer/Tank triangle because I never really liked the Catalyst Scimitar's moveset.
Also, I want to ensure more Blades get Quest EXP.
Try emulating. A mid end PC can run XC1 on Dolphin pretty well at higher resolutions, plus it'll look better than shitty 480i on the Wii.
Really, at the endgame? That means you really didn't care about it, it's not hard to set up.
>two generics
People actually use them for something besides clearing elemental field skill checks and merc missions?
Look up the english dub and also videos with character interactions, if you are not brain dead it should turn you off from it
holy shit its such a fucking bad dub, and all characters act autistic generic anime shit, graphics also suck
there's a passive only generics may have that gives you a chance to slap elemental orbs without actually completing a blade combo
Why does handheld mode look like ass? its like im playing a 3DS game.
Xenoblade Chronicles games have the worst combat system in video game history.
Wait... People use those outside of merc missions and field checks??
I liked bitball and hoops since they gave Nia a guaranteed group heal, I just never pulled any rare bitball blades until postgame.
Though now that I think about it, pretty sure I had Vess since you get her from a quest.
Met the pope and haven't picked the game up since kinda slow. The gacha idea is fucking idiotic, specific blades should have come from specific quests or locations, feels cheap and unexciting to get the blade you've been chasing when it just gets shat out of common core #4,343,069. The actual gameplay is decent but doesn't hold it up all the way through the albeit kind of interesting story. Some of the blades are really nice to look at though.
What do you think of the gacha elemts though?
>I'm just looking for a long game that lasts 100+ hours.
Then it's perfect for you.
Also, don't listen to this retard . The combat is weird and off putting at first, but they do a decent job at slowly introducing you to how the game functions. Once everything gets unlocked it's really fun.
XBC2 has better combat than 90% of video games
Play the first one. It makes the ending of this incredible. Plus it's arguably better in a few ways. Easily emulated and on 3ds
The same happened to me with Kasandra, I completely forgot I had pulled her and forgot about her until post-game.
You monster.
Of course it would be Kasandra
The worst part is that at several points I kept thinking "man it would've been great if they gave me a shadow blade in a side-quest" because I didn't pull Vale or Azami until late-game.
>Using Rex and not Zeke
Do you also play on Easy Mode when available?
>The way she holds her hat in place before diving using field skills
Anyone who didn't try playing as every characters at least to witness all their different animations is missing out on a lot of cuteness.
I dropped a word. This is why I shouldn't type haphazardly at midnight.
How long did you take to finish the story (at what level), and how many rare blades were you missing before the grinding started?
For me it was 135 hours / level 75 and 3 blades (one of them being Theory though so only 2 left to grind for)
The motion blurs applied on models past a certain speed are actually 10/10. Monolith are fucking wizards at making the best out of outdated hardware.
I finished at a little over 100 hours. I was missing five blades, now I'm only missing Kos-mos.
I ship Rex with fan la norne. I'm going to be annoyed if something happens in the game to sink my ship.
About 125 hours, level 73-ish, I was missing about 6-7 rares.
Now I'm at 280 hours, I have all the rares and am currently filling in all of their grids.
I'm sure everything will be fine
That's a nice Blade you made friends with.
They should have had a solo segment for each character.
Prepare to be cucked