there's nothing to fucking play
There's nothing to fucking play
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same problem here i want to try fighterZ but i've never really gotten into a fighting game before and i'm not willing to shell out the 60 bucks
literally have one new game recently (ac origins) and I'm bored to death of it already half way through
>tfw it's all shit, cinematic, and just downright boring
Have you considered taking a nice steamy poop in the toilet yet?
I'm enjoying the Jan releases so far, far more than I should given the number of games I have that I haven't finished.
Waiting for it to get cracked so I can pirate it and play with my bros.
>there's lots of games you want to play
>can't play any of them because poorfag neet
Nintendo Switch general?
There's PUBG
There's Overwatch
There's Heroes of the Storm
what about your steam backlog
modern day gaming general
tempted at this point out of sheer boredom
ah yes lets just add more skins instead of maps. been bored of that for a long time
>heroes of the storm
fuck off
I have finished every single game I have on steam except for the betrayal that is aliens: colonial marines
Can’t because I'm constipated atm
Eating some prunes because I don’t want to get another enema
is destiny 2 worth playing? I got it for free
I’m playing Okami HD, Ninja Gaiden Black, and the Sea of Thieves beta on my xbone. Having a good time
I have a strong deja vu, I've seen post of a person with completed steam backlog before
nigga overwatch just added a new map
There's nothing new to play but I still have so much 2017 to catch up on so it's fine.
After the fire that was last year I want a backlog+a few good games kinda year.
It's alright until you hit the level cap, and that is sad.
why wont they let us make money in video games
why wont they let us learn in video games
why do they only brainwash us
why is it that they only brainwash us in video games
wow they added a shit themepark map to felate themselves. How many new maps have they released since launch?
Yeah, it's been a slow January. Only two games released so far that I give a damn about. Although that's more than most months, kek.
I'm doing that right now.
One of the only times I actually visit Sup Forums
Subnautica just came out. It's fun and the devs are based
Ac origins is pretty good. Takes a bit of time to get going fully (like 10 hours in) but it's a solid game nevertheless. I'm about 17 hours in with 40% completion and I'm enjoying it. I hated unity and syndicate.
I've played 16 hours of it and I'm thoroughly bored already. I only really got that far because of the setting
I don't find dig>build>dig>build very fun. I love the creatures and sound but its just another survival game which I don't enjoy
Play Rune Factory. Or Castlevania.
My condolences.
>the devs are based
I go back and play old games. Just finished playing Mass Effect 1. Going to start replaying Witcher series this weekend.
I didn't know you could dig in subnautica
That's where you're wrong.
>I couldn't just sit by and add more guns to the real world
L M A O i bet he thinks every time someone sent a gun emoji someone in the world died.
Combat Actions: VIETNAM
Wars of Succession
For games released so far this year.
clicking on rocks to mine the material, using the knife on plants, picking up scraps. Its "digging" for materials just the same and apart from sight see its all you do
i hear ya. story is nonexistent and everything gets boring once you leave the safe shallows.
learn to pirate homo
>only fps games on my "to replay from childhood" list are the halo games
>Setting up my xim on the television just so I don't have to move my Xbox one s or play a shooter with a controller like a retard
>Halo 2 is so fucking terrible
God I just want to play Halo 3 on my PC
Monster Hunter though
I'm about to play the porn mod for CK2 because I'm bored of everything else
>feel like I'm lazy and not accomplishing anything
>go around house cleaning and organizing shit
>get sick of doing that
>play video games
>start feeling lazy again
>rinse and repeat
anybody else know this feel
I appreciate the suggestions user but those games seem above even my level of autism
I'd love to play ODST. I might just see if I can find a cheap 360 to buy next weekend
literally just finished cleaning my kitchen and now I'm back browsing for new games
>mfw i realize ive done barely anything but switch between souls bloodborne and grand strat games over and over and over and over for multiple years now
what are some games with good replay value or are really fucking long, i need to take a break from this
>warcraft 3 custom games all day
>what is King's Bounty
The entire Half-Life series of games is like 50 hours long. Max Payne trilogy is roughly 30 hours. Most good RPGs are 30-80 hours long
>good replay values or really fucking long
grand strat games
Glad I don't know this feel, probably gonna try to finish my bugged as fuck modded Fallout 4 this weekend, then Skyrim I guess. I got shit to play for DayZ™ while I wait for the Shadow of the Colossus remake, might buy Kingdom Come Deliverance too if the reception is good.
Being older makes it fucking impossible for me to really enjoy multiplayer games anymore because I know how quickly they die. I mean think about it, even those great PC games in their golden years had high enough player counts to warrant the ability to play every day for just a couple years, and now you're lucky if a game isn't DOA on launch
believe me im well aware of that, as i said its pretty much the only thing ive been able to get into besides soulsborne
>Kingdom Come Deliverance
I have a bad feeling, but I want it to be good
>I don't know what to play wahhhh
Literally 30,000+ games on consoles and PC. 700,000+ if you think of ios games.
Then do something other than play videogames? Fucking christ, user.
Yeah it could either be really bad or turn out cult classic tier, time will only tell.
>school shootings every single day
>want to play some Pre-3 Battlefield games
>they're all dead and getting others into it at this point is a losing battle
>want to play some 2005 Battlefront 2
>threads are now few and far between with my connection being too bum to host
>want to play Planetside 2
>I'm fucking trash at it and the Reddit metagame hivemind the game operates within makes it impossible to git gud while enjoying it
>Removing guns doesn't reduce overall crime rate, it simply shifts the demography of it
>Reduction in crime rate of areas which enacted gun laws is due to a variety of factors. Primarily reduced local economic inequality, increased education (which also helps with the former), and so on.
>Instead of actually saying the truth, I'm going to try and get points from retards by screaming NOGUNS
I've got $46 on Steam, what should I buy when I'm looking for an FPS and already have DOOM?
Doom II
Play my games that I made on roblox
Hoth Is never on map rotation!
look at that girl still managing to look kawaii during the entire ride
clean room feels nice though, isn't it?
i wanted to buy this game but there's no way i'm going to support these jackoffs, too many other awesome games to ever play anyway
I think I'm getting there. I can count how many games I've played in a year with one hand now.
You people have such narrow taste in games. How about branching out and trying stuff you wouldn't normally play? I have so much stuff on my backlog and stuff im excited for that I never run out
>dingdongs randomize the map set then stack on all of the space maps and their variations without bothering to put as many or more ground maps into the rotation and can't for the life of them figure out why we never get to play Hoth
We'll forever carry the pain of being stuck with endless space battles and Jabba's Palace CTF matches, user.
I mean they just added blizzard world
You could go back and play older games.
Wish I was in your situation, I have so many old games to play
This. How is there not a fuck ton of old shit you haven't played yet?
Nigga monhun and DBFZ just came out today fuck off
>build an expensive gaming pc
>feel like playing nothing new..
>download some enbs
>same bland game but looks prettier
>end up staying on youtube and Sup Forums maybe /vg/
I hate myself for wasting money like this
2017 spoiled me, now there's nothing and there's nothing on the horizon
I just spent $3.5k on mine. At least I can play Tomb Kings smoothly now...
I've been playing a lot of 7 days to die, really fun game with friends.
>tfw there's literally nothing to play
>tfw there used be so much games to play before 2010's
What happened?
Just wait until I'm done with my game like a year and a half from now
read my comment, i said i want to try fighterZ even though i've never really played a fighting game
60 bucks is just too steep for trying something new that i may not like
>get a good pc rig
>hope to play games more on it
>instead I use it all day to browse internet and Sup Forums and draw shit on my tablet instead of playing games
Did the games turn to shit?
>want to play games
>don't know which one
just kill me
why does this seem to happen a lot to pc gamers, i'm sure some are memeing but from the people I talk to building a rig and just finding nothing to do is common. it's like the only fun thing about pc gaming is building it
There will be no games this year, no movies, no tv-series, maybe an anime or two. Might even have to buy a Switch, since everything else is so bleak.
>memegame that'll be forgotten in a month (the exact kind of shit you see "look at me i'm a gamer"-types posting about on twitter)
>and a nogmagnet no one gives a shit about
Yeah no.
>with friends
>got MHW to play
>kind of mediocre but have a MG RX-78-2 kit to build and alan moore's swamp thing to read if I get bored
Feels comfy having other hobbies.
>it's like the only fun thing about pc gaming is building it
I genuinely enjoyed the whole process of picking parts and building it a lot more than I enjoy games. If someone offered close to what I paid for my PC i'd sell it and build another one
I've been thinking about getting a big lego set recently
Yes. Do a quick search on Steam front page. Try to find any new releases that fill these simple criteria:
1) 3D
2) 1st / 3rd person
3) not battle royale/crafting bullshit or VR
I have the opposite problem:
Totally burnt out on Persona stuck in late game 95 hrs in and it’s just a fuckin chore now.
Unable to get into 9S playthrough and get bored after 30 minutes in Nier.
Too scared to play evil within for more than 20 minutes and as a result complete like one chapter a month.
Can’t bring myself to buy a new game to get myself out of this funk because I want to finally finish something
celeste is pretty good
Video games are a dead hobby.
The only games I am even slightly looking forward to:
Shadows die twice(depending on what it turns out to be)
RDR (Will probably end up being shit)
Whatever the new game is that is being made by Private Division(Panacea, The outsiders, Obsidian, Squad, V1 interactive, Kerbal team up).
Everything else is a slow death.
>tfw comfy as fuck playing Ecco the Dolphin on emulator while the rest of Sup Forums flings shit at each other over which game journalist sucked off their favorite console harder
Feels good