Remember when Monster Hunter had free DLC and didn't charge you money for emotes and character creation options like...

Remember when Monster Hunter had free DLC and didn't charge you money for emotes and character creation options like hairstyles?

No console wars, no shitposting.
Only sadness.
Press F to pay respects, monster hunter isn't one of the good ones anymore.

Remember when it had character creation options to charge you for?

oh wait.

MHW will still have free content updates btw.

I member


I was so hype for Varia Suit you guys have no idea. I played female just to get it even though female armor sucks because people kept saying the suit was female only.
>Varia is an endgame suit
>Male can wear it too

>Remember when it had character creation options to charge you for?
>oh wait.
Nigga this shit is literally cut from the base game, most of the shit they're charging for was in old games anyway.
They literally just took it out of the game and decided to charge you extra for basic shit that shouldn't even be DLC

>MHW will still have free content updates btw.
I'm sure it will.

>we'll never get good dlc anymore
>every dlc armor will be stuff from shit games like Horizon
I never asked for this.

Instead it was just timegated on the cartridge.

please put in a dab emote



Why the fuck do they have micro transactions on a $60 game?


>free DLC
What a load of shit, they just made you wait for stuff that was already inside the game

>it's cosmetic shit and all the content addons are free


I'll gladly say it, if they're making all the monsters fee, at some point, I'll buy a sticker set.


I totally agree, this new system where they cut it out of the base game and let you pay for it whenever you want is much better


>28 monsters
>all the DLC monsters are one that should have been in the base game (like Jho)


alright we get it nintenbro

This isn't a consolewar thread you retard.
Monster Hunter transcends platforms



no OP I don't remember that because it never existed. Stop being so mad Worlds format is a success

I'm glad you're sure, as it already has free updates and DLC, and is promised to have more.

If I have just a basic 3ds should I get this or 3 Ultimate for the Wii U?

I liked 3U more, but 4U is pretty good too, its just more fun playing MH on the Wii U.

Honestly, just don't get MH Gen first, its really fucking weird

Thank you kind user

No worries m8, MH wouldn't be fun without its community, we gotta help each other out

Because they can and it works.