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shoot at him until he dies


>played on nightmare
>kept running out of ammo
>had to continuously run around the map to look for some that spawned while avoiding him
Git gud scrub

Have you tried shooting him in the fucking head?

Even Krillin could do it, you've got no excuse.


I'm seriously putting so many bullets in his head before he even pulls the mask off dude. Fuck.
Yes I keep getting the spawning ammo.

shoot the tank on his back until it blows up.

Dude, just parry it


Spray the bad man with water (from the ceiling)

Smoke bolts and sneak kills. He can't even touch you.
But you have to have your smoke bolts upgraded. You do have them upgraded, right user?

I played on nightmare my first playthrough and hes a bitch user just keep trying. Freeze him with what you can other than that most of the fight i was out of everything just get a couple shots off and run around the room find ammo hide behind a corner and slowly find him and get a couple more shots off and repeat. After this boss there is only one more hard part, but its even harder

You just shoot him in head then run away and repeat until dead

So does that actually work. It makes complete sense after all these years of vidya but I'll try it next time.
I can't parry in Dark Souls I at the final boss. I'm so fucking pissed. Bloodborne was fairly easy though, and it was a good story.
I do run during this event.
I thought it only extinguishes the flames in the room. The thing is I even freeze him and shoot explosive bolts into him frozen and I can't kill him yet, only get to the part without the mask.

Cheat the AI like everything else in the game
Fuck this game it should have been good

Of course not dude. I really don't have them upgraded. I don't.

>this boss

Circle around the room shoot him in the head and then circle back around and do it again.

The AI is fucking retarded.

You can crouch and the flames will fly over you? Does this really happen?

Stealth kill him. Use smoke bombs.

Dude ok but I'm 28 and alcoholic, I've lost some of my faculties from the old days, I'm just asking people. Fuck.

> The AI is fucking retarded.
Just like OP then

lol just calm down. Bait him around the room, shoot some freeze canisters near him when you can, pop him in the head with something strong, repeat. Just keep trying to use the environment to your advantage and taking shots at him when you can.
Also quit drinkin man, fix your life. Former opiate addict here, 3 years clean.

Good to know about the harder part honestly. I'm glad you didn't spoil it.

Opiates are much harder to kick than what I do. I know. I don't touch anything else.
But yeah dude I do freeze him with the canisters. Should I just not use explosive bolts until he takes the mask off or just not use them at all? He takes so many hits.

Now that I think further about this I'll probably do it next time.

I remember explosive bolts in general not being very good in this game but I guess it just depends on what you've upgraded. Really shouldn't make a difference if he has mask on or off. If you've got any points into Harpoon they're a safe bet. Otherwise just shotgun him in the face, use whatever damaging bolts you got, and switch to pistol for canister shots.

really bad idea. He starts charging at you constantly if you blow it up. Really annoying

EW1 > EW2

2 didn't do nearly enough with the whole mindscape thing and the fact that you burn through antagonists means they never get the build up Ruvik had.

I also wholeheartedly believe that 1 looked better than 2, something to do with the difference between darkness and light, 2 was far too soft with it's lighting

Makes sense, I feel like I'm doing all of this and can get him to take his mask off but don't last too long after that. I know I'll beat him eventually but he just seemed to have such gratuitous HP for playing on normal mode.

I haven't beat 2 yet but I already see what you're saying.
I thought 1 was a hell of a game those few years ago, thought it looked great, thought it was great.
Not dissatisfied with 2 so far but I can feel there is a difference.

Oh but those black fuckin bars man, shocked you couldn't turn them off.

>these fags on "open world" map
Roaming shits that take more damage than bosses are NOT okay.

Agree. Also story in 2 is absolute garbage.

Pretty sure they gave you the option to turn them off in 1.1

I left them on because I liked how they looked, the claustrophobia they had made up for the fact that aiming was a piece of piss with mouse

This but super unironically. I never cared that the black bars were there. In fact I kinda liked them. They made entering and exiting cutscenes less jarring and in general, whether you liked them or not, they sure as shit gave the game an identity of its own.
>aiming was a piece of piss with mouse
I platinum'd the game on PS4 and had the bars enabled the entire time. No ragrets.

>first time you stab the old knife ladys in the head
