Are you going to buy my game Sup Forums?
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No. I don't like video games.
I don't like DLC so no thanks.
No, I'm buying HIS game.
No, I dont like fighting games and never watched Dragonball.
Is it any good?
Redpill me on it.
Actually, I'm legitimately interested. So just sell me on it.
Is it beginner friendly? I've never invested in a fighting game before.
Is it a good Dragon Ball game? Like is the story good, not too fanfiction-y?
Once you have learned it, is it any good competitively?
Man, playing this now, all of the autocombo stuff makes it feel like the game is playing itself more than I’m actually playing it. Anyone else think it feels off?
I will if they dub it in spanish
t. pedro
No. Dragon Ball is fucking garbage and Toriyama has the worst style of all mangakas.
Who's a good third teammate for Trunks and Freeza?