Game has been out for over 2 years

>game has been out for over 2 years
>increase the standard price from 40$ back to 60 bux
>dont even get any extra ops but just some coins and cosmetic shit
>still have to buy 3 season passes 30$ each to get the full content
Why do people like this game again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>still have to buy 3 season passes 30$ each to get the full content
you’re retarded, like brain dead nothing but static going on in the empty husk that is your skull retarded
also they are lgetting rid of the standard edition because everyone complained it was a huge scam, even though it was cheaper
you see how time to unlock operators is standard in the advanced edition? it actually gives you the option to unlock ops normally without having to grind for 500 hours

>Why do people like this game again?
Because it's good. Because it filters subhuman poorcuck trash like you.

>standard = starter

Standard and advanced are the same unlocking wise dumbshit. You're probably thinking of starter edition

>There are people on Sup Forums that actually defend Ubisoft

>there are people on Sup Forums that are THIS retarded
Siege is a good game.

>there are "people" on Sup Forums that would ignore a genuinely good game simply because it was made by someone who hurt their special snowflake feefees

>Why do people like this game again?
Because only shooters they played in their life is battlefield, cod, cs and pubg

>ubisoft make good core gameplay for a tactical team FPS
>murder it slowly but surely with absolutely garbage attempts at microtransactions, poor management of pricing and logical value, multiple season passes, and severe price gouging on top of operator drama

I actually have to wonder how voluntarily complicit the devs are with all this, because if this was anything else this would probably be rotting in "oh right that happened" like Ghost Recon Wildlands randomly getting loot boxes.