What are some games with Journalist Mode?

What are some games with Journalist Mode?

Imagine being this buttblasted that you consider "easy" condescending or insulting to you.
I guess its because even on "easy" these people fail horribly and it makes them think real hard.

If a game is supposed to be challenging and a journalist has to turn on God Mode to beat it, how can they accurately critique the level design and challenge? It’s almost as if this is a dumb idea and not everything should be for everyone.

>Kids and disabled people are allowed to enjoy video games. This is insulting to me! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fuck maturity and personal growth!

I suck at vidya and even then I'm not that much of a fucking casual.
What's wrong with these faggots, how do they get these jobs. I had to grind writing news articles and original shit before I got my first review copy and even then I managed to finish the game in the time given.
Seriously what's wrong with these faggots.

i personally have no problem with assist modes but like cuphead it should lock the final challenge out if you use it. that way we know which journalists are too mentally retarded to take seriously when they complain about it.

We both know that you just typed some excellent bait (good job). But I feel to answer your critique anyway, every person who actually enjoyed games as a kid has played and finished a "difficult" game. Mario and Donkey Kong aren't that easy.

Disabled people don't need or want to be coddled this badly either. Look up the guy who plays Street Fighter with his mouth and actually wins versus an abled body person.

We already had this, it was called cheat codes until we decided to remove them all from existence, for some fucking reason.

If I ever started up a game and found it had an "I don't want to play the game" mode, I'd literally stop playing instantly and refund it. There's nothing more insulting to the medium than the idea that gameplay doesn't matter. It's like saying you can have a movie without filming anything, or you can have a song without noise.

If you absolutely have to "experience" the B-movie tier stories written by people who couldn't get into a real industry, then just watch a manchild play it for you on Youtube.

But this game still can't be beaten by blind people, just like 99% of titles out there. If you're too crippled to get past a glacial difficulty curve, maybe you should try another hobby?

I respect people who overcome their difficulties, or who ask for things like remappable controls so they can hook up their foot pedals and tongue switches. Those are reasonable asks. People who want a version of the game without the POINT of the game are too stupid to live, and should never be catered to in any fashion.

Don't give me that shit. There's a speedrunner who has world records using one hand because one side of his body is fairly impaired.

Cheat codes were never accessible from the menu screen, aside from the few granted as rewards. You had to go find them from somewhere else, or use third party software to modify the game.

That guy is a piece of shit who had a glitch banned because it was too hard for him to do, just so he could maintain his time in some worthless indie title 5 people care about.

I can understand the game speed option, since Celeste seems to be a game more about how you approach a problem rather than twitch reflexes. A slowdown button for easy mode would work pretty nicely, since it allows less skilled people to execute their solution rather than putting it behind a skill gate.

But the other three options are fucking cancer.

>I'm so completely inept in the game I have to resort to blatant cheating, but you're not allowed to call me out on it because it would take away my sense of pride and accomplishment

>a skill gate.
I really don't understand how there are people who think like this. As if hitting a few buttons consecutively is some major bridge to cross.

Everybody should be capable of basic movement.

>you had to go find them somewhere else
oh the humanity, such information gathering is literally impossible in the age of the internet
If you need to play on easy because you're bad at vidya than play on fucking easy, don't bitch about the game being condescending

Basic movement is naturally par for the course, but if that's all the game asks out of the player I would be very surprised. Later in the game, when the movements required of you get more complex? I could see less skilled people needing that slowdown.

Don't underestimate kids.
Those casual modes are for Takahashi tier game journalists who can't even jump and dash

Why can I skip parts of a show I buy on disk but I shouldn't be able to skip a level I don't like or whatever in a video game?
Video games are just there to entertain, it literally doesn't matter if there is a god mode
Oh wait, games had cheats since forever, I guess those trigger you too?

>>oh the humanity, such information gathering is literally impossible in the age of the internet
Back when cheat codes were still a thing, the internet was still pretty rare, you dumb cunt. There's still a huge difference between actively looking online for infinite health cheats, and having it be an option in the pause menu.

Even if it gets to the point where you have to do 3 frame perfect inputs in a row or something insane, you have infinite time. There's nothing stopping you from retrying the trick until you get it, so there's literally no excuse for slowdown.

>why can't I skip a level I don't like
Because thats no necessarily how the developers intend for you to progress through the game? I mean, its all well and good if the devs add in that ability on their own accord for people who can't git gud, but not EVERY game should have something like that, especially ones made to cater to the hardcore audience, games which are meant to be grueling from beginning to end, where managing to progress through everything the game throws at you is an achievement.

I'm of the opinion that if you want to cheat, go ahead. You're just ruining the experience for yourself, like you are when you skip over "filler" episodes of a show, but if that's what you want to waste your time on, do it, you bought the game.

What I find absolutely pathetic and disgusting is devs pandering to you, though. A dev who thinks that lowly of his game, clearly doesn't deserve any support.

The other day I read a book with complicated words on it and I couldn't understand it, that the fuck is this ableist shit?

You have to pander to retards these days, or else said retards won't give you good reviews in the magazines they write for.

>Because thats no necessarily how the developers intend for you to progress through the game?
So what? I know that, but why not have the choice? Most games have cheats, doesn't mean you have to use them or skip anything if you can
Most games also have "easy normal hard and impossible" and they almost always tell you that normal is the intended experience
Keep bitching a game has an easy mode I guess

>tfw Doestoevsky doesn't even annotate his own stories for you, you have to figure everything out yourself
That's bullshit, man, I shouldn't have to buy the cliff notes to figure out whats going on

I'd rather have principles than money.

Does it turn Achievements off as well? If so, how is it any different than just adding a cheat menu to the game?

Either way, who cares.

You're so cool wow!

>Keep bitching a game has an easy mode I guess
Not him, but there a difference between "easy mode" and "not even trying" mode

This is seen as a bad trait now. This fact is maddening.

>you have to beat a game to enjoy it
Endless games were ruined due your retarded mindset.
There are many, many, MANY people that don't play games to see the endings, just to have a bit of fun.

And all attempts of forcing those people to end the game just ruined games for everyone.

I don't see the problem with easy/assist modes, the more options the better

But user that would imply they were a cheater which is VERY problematic and people would laugh at them. Now they're able to do the exact same thing all while taking the high road against any criticism because its an """""INTENDED FEATURE™""""".

>so what? why not have the choice?
Because, sometimes a game developer lays out a game to be hard. They say "I'm making this game for a hardcore audience. Progressing will take skill, and you will survive by the skin of your teeth. I'm not going to put anything cheap in here like noob strats or a god mode, so that the player has to slog through everything and actually progress. This is the experience I want to create."
Should all games be like this? No, of course not. Should some games be allowed to be like this? Yes. Should every game have a god mode? No, of course not, if it goes against the designer's vision.

why make cheat codes available when people can pay for them?

It isn't
Sup Forums is just a shithole full of people who act like they play games but they just want to cry about SJW or whatever
Since "easy mode" can mean literally anything including "not even trying mode" I suggest you try posting something not utterly retarded next time

Hamburger Helpers dream is coming true.

>be literary critic
>find words or phrases you can't understand in a book
>skip the chapter everytime
>proceed to give a review on the book even though you only read 50% of it

This would never be allowed of film and book critics. Why is it ok in video games?

>assist mode
so just another word for "handicap mode"

How many games can you name that fit that description?
Let's see these games

There are literary critics that don't finish the books and there are film critics that don't finish the films. Sadly.

>Sup Forums is mad about a game having cheats
Mhhh just don't use them? It's a single player game. What is the problem here exactly?

Imagine if somebody threw a tantrum while your 7 y-old self was using cheat codes in San Andreas to have more fun.

Well, I don't know much about film critics, but literary critics are generally actually qualified to review literature, so they can read a book and actually figure out what its talking about without breaking out the cliff's notes. Same thing isn't true for game reviewers.
Darkest Dungeon, Getting Over It, the OG Xcom, Soulsborne, etc.
I don't really see how listing off these games is relevant, though.

This. You cannot give a fully accurate, objective review of any piece of media unless you have consumed the entire length of it.

there are armless people who play vidya with their chin or something, it's a good thing they can enjoy a game too

>Darkest Dungeon
You can literally turn off features from the menu, the corpses thing besides other things
>the OG Xcom
OG Xcom has difficulty options retard
If they are about a specific experience, why can I summon 1 or 2 people to make any boss or area a cakewalk?

All of these games give you options to adjust the experience and make it easier, so they don't fit what you said at all.
Don't talk about hardcore games if you can't name two games that fit what you're bitching about homo

>assist mode
why not just call it "cheat mode"?

What the hell is 'clever' about a simple options screen? Who sees "Infinite Stamina: Yes/No" and thinks 'ooh that's clever'? I fucking hate humans, what a complete waste of meat.

Don't forget women user, who says they can't play?

Because that would be condescending and it would make the journalists and casuals cry.

You can skip scenes from a movie or chapters from a book, that's fine.

Just don't expect to be able to discuss the piece at the same level as people who actually went through it all. It happens in other media and it happens in video games, yet developers have to deal with all the butthurt from people who don't like the kind of video games they're doing in the first place.

You know what, fine, I picked some bad examples. That doesn't affect my point that not all games should have backdoors installed in them.

this made my cry inside.

I finished getting over it recently and that fits your example but games like that are incredibly rare probably because they're not profitable for most devs


>are incredibly rare
That's fine, though. As I said, not every game needs to be like that. I was just disagreeing with the notion that every game *needs* a godmode or something of the sort.

Monster Hunter World now has a forced Journalist mode.

Why work as a video game journalist when you clearly hate videogames

l finished megaman 2 when l was fucking 7 so dont give me that shit, soylord.

the good news is they might make games harder now? i hate all the hand holding in games right now.

>fuck maturity and personal growth
Assist mode achieves the complete opposite of that

millenials reinvent cheats

>Cheat codes were never accessible from the menu screen, aside from the few granted as rewards. You had to go find them from somewhere else, or use third party software to modify the game.
>That guy is a piece of shit who had a glitch banned because it was too hard for him to do, just so he could maintain his time in some worthless indie title 5 people care about.

>implying that journalist even bother to play games

So this is ok but when I put a bot to farm my gear I get banned? Fucking double standards.

How is that not insulting or condescending? That's like selling a book with a film adaptation and a note saying 'it's ok if you can't be bothered to read, we included the film. It's short and you don't have to understand any writing.'
