It’s been an hour and I can’t decide if I choose man or girl, what to do Sup Forums?

It’s been an hour and I can’t decide if I choose man or girl, what to do Sup Forums?

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Girl, duh.

The girls in this game feels so ugly, holy shit.

What the fuck kind of mouthbreathing retard doesn't play video games in English?

>an hour
>you made a character worse than the presets

I’m gonna change to English soon user.

>the intellect of the mexican at work

>playing japanese games in anything but 日本語
consider sudoku

I don't play shit meme games.

>better customization options that don't make them look like complete shit
>better armor designs in general


First of all, I’m from Brazil. Second, patrician here so I don’t need to work a lot on the morning.

>uses a language that is french's (which itself was supplanted by english) retarded cousin

Split the difference.

I really find Portuguese more patrician than Spanish. At least, when you talk in Portuguese (Portugal), doesn’t feel like you are some kind of gang member from Los Angeles.

Male have better armor sets

But they are not sexy.


Neither are the females outside the character creator

the men are sexier than the women

This picture makes me feel better about my character.
I keep seeing her in cutscenes and its awful, but I thought I liked her well enough in the creator.

Character looks exactly as you made it, shit.

Holy shit. This broke the game for me. Seriously. What where they thinking?

Going full Jesus right now. Fuck off capcom.

That isn't proof, that thing is ugly inside the character creator

That Jesus is a sex machine.

Since I'm double dipping, I'm going female on PS4 and if I'm really unhappy with how the armor looks, I'll just make a man on PC.


That looks like a disgusting tranny with clown make up even in the editor. Are you people blind?

>Long curly hair
>Compassionate face
>Abs that looked like hs crunched 12 hours a day
Jesus pretty much was a sex machine.

No regrets.

> old man
> grey hair
> hammer or lance

>Long curly hair
Except that's wrong. The Jesus you see in paintings and other media isn't the Jesus of the Bible.
1 Corinthians 11:14 — "Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him?"
Why would God say this and yet wear long hair as Jesus?

Is my huntress ugly?

Maybe you shouldn't have gone full korean hackjob on her jawline.


What a beautiful trap. Would fuck.

Extremely, yes

I love when men give girls a fuckton of makeup in a character creator and then wonder why they look like shit

She looks ok

Did that hair come with the patch?
Wasn't in my early copy of the game yesterday

Fuck .They definitely westinized this bullshit. even the psp ones look better

Honestly? At least is better than he girl from Horizon.

If you looked at the cgi trailer you should have noticed that chicks always had an kinda ucanny look to them

Did they really remove shot types and levels from bow?

If you wanna look at a nice butt, go grill.

If you want the best armor designs, go man.

Jesus christ, Sup Forums really suck at making good looking characters.

>stuck at character creator

nigga please, I don't even have the game yet and I'm already stuck at deciding on a weapon type I'll mainly use and bring to my first quest

Dunno, I downloaded some free shit from the store. That hair was on like page 2/3 so I doubt it's new.

Does the game have a breast slider?

bruh girl, the way asses sway when they walk, you'll thank me later.

censored in western release

>so many people on Sup Forums can't into facegen
I grew up on oblivion, you kids have it easy.

Choose woman. Not girl. What, are you emotionally immature or something?

Use the Insect Glaive first to get it out of your system. Then use the DS

play male on PS4, wait for the PC version for mods that will fix the females

>playing Japanese games

lmao casual

funlance for life.
You're not a pleb, are you?

Redheads are in.

Just make a girl

this is actually hilarious. the old MH games had better looking in-game characters.

I repeat. Redheads are in.

What is this game about? I never bothered to play asian games.

kill yourself

i PMed you the fix ;)

Must be new, because my buddy wanted to make a Kangz slut yesterday anf he was complaining that there weren't any cornrows or rasta hair.

>that girl with the books in the intro cutscene

Someone posted pic of available DLC and there was hair pack for free.

>the female version of Odogaron alpha and beta

> No buzz cuts
> No dreadlocks
Made a girl for this exact reason.

>No dreadlocks
Good, they're fucking ugly. Now if only they'd patch out the shitty meme pompadour that I'm sure all the redditors will be using.

looks like a trap

there is no pompadour in the game

the reason I'm playing female this time

Rule of thumb: first-person - man
third-person w/customization - girl

There is though, and you can put it on the women.

Ok guys, choose bow. Why it has only two ammo types?

>females look fucking alcohol syndrome / potato / Andromeda face
>males look like fucking sex bombs

No unfortunately being a titsfag is suffering these days.
No version has one.

Self insert and play as a monkey

sanic lance is superior

faggots are not allowed on this board

Male has better armor, girl has better thigh game.