*perfects the fps genre*

*perfects the fps genre*

Other urls found in this thread:


is there a second one coming?

Day of Infamy is great too.


I think you posted the wrong image.

Literally shit games

don't you have some bing bing wahoo'ing to do?

game is too buggy to "perfect the fps genre" but it is good

I don't play brainlet games, you're speaking to a patrician who only enjoys Strategy Games and RPGs.

So an autistic weebshitter who plays total war from time to time?

I prefer red orchestra

Brainlet proving my point, i never said i liked "J"RPGs.

>tfw i installed all the anime porn mods

the COOP mode is comfy AF
also their community manager/voice guy is really handsome

Mind if you share?


t. only plays ck2 and warband

I'm not sure what mod is but i use some of these steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=405669482

That title belongs to R6 Siege my friend

>adds garbage anti-cheat unto another garbage anti-cheat
>runs like garbage
>invaded by chinese
>only dumb aussies are shilling the game, even euromaggots have abandoned it by now

Wew, glad to see it dead. Fuck the guys who made this. Waste of money.


It literally plays like CS with instagib. You either camp like you got no legs or you put a laser on a smg and rush around like it's Quake

>glory hole peeking simulator

how many bullets can you absorb user?

This imho. Although insurgency will always have a place in my heart and I'm looking forward to the next game

They stared seinding keys for beta a week ago, I hope I'm part of the second wave. All the waiting to get into RS2 was painful enough.

>servers with kill feeds

Why the fuck do people do this?

What's the difference between this, Rainbow 6, and Counter strike?

>buying anything published by Ubisoft

This is for military roleplay spergs. Insurgency is just a chill twitch shooter.


>hitscan 100% accurate point-of-aim weapons, every single one
>pseudo-realistic shootergame with big maps
Absolutely stupid. If the sequel / remake doesn't have projectile physics then I won't bother.

Isn't that just Counter-Strike for poor people?

>Not buying a good game simply because its published by jewbisoft

if you buy their good games thats how you let them know which games to keep making and which shit ones to not

whatever miss out on a great game

>for military roleplay spergs
I think you mean ArmA user

>adds garbage anti-cheat unto another garbage anti-cheat
Battleeye? It's litteraly the only anti cheat outthere that is giving headaches to cheat makers.
>runs like garbage
You can't run a Source game? Wtf...
>invaded by chinese
You're thinking of PUBG.
>only dumb aussies are shilling the game
I don't even... You're living in Oceania or something? Because in Europe plenty people playing it and they aren't Chinese.

here's a (you); kys

Depends what you want, insurgency is like the narrow slice of squad where you storm the cap, just that part over and over

>implying Siege is a good game
When they release a Rainbow Six remotely comparable to RavenShield, we'll talk again. Meanwhile I still remember them puporsely releasing patches to screw mods on RS, even threatening modders with lawsuits.



Actually they're pretty similar community wise. Like the other user said, arma is the military sperg game. People like that get made fun of in squad

The maps are not big. While I would prefer if the weapons weren't hitscan, the vast majority of the fighting is cramped enough that it wouldn't make much of a difference.

>thinking hitscan matters in CBC maps...
Dude do you even muzzle velocity?

Anyway Sandstorm will both have ballistic simulation as well as larger maps.

Insurgency is great fun, many good hours spent in it.
It helps that the co-op mode in Insurgency is a tonne of fun too, so you can enjoy both the competitive side and the fun co-op side.

This is what happens when left brain says CQB while right brain says CQC... :/

*bunnyhops into obscurity*

fucking contrarians on this board i played siege pubg insurgency bf1 and like them all

nothing has really stood out for over a decade though csgo is dead


When did the Gestapo get into the game?

Insurgency is this generation's AA2, yes or no?

ArmA 3 is infinitely better than Squad, lmfao.

Pleased with the Outbreak announcement user?
I am so fucking mad. If it wasn't obvious during Op Health than it is now: Ubisoft really has no fucking idea why R6S is popular or good.

at launch

Literally unimportant

Game was a ton of fun, but the whole thermal optic camo system is like a huge "fuck you" to any new player. Still, shit's underrated.

Nah it's shit

It does have projectile physics with everything you want, drag, frangible rounds, etc, and accurate vest/helmet detection to the point where if you shoot a guy you’re facing in the arm it won’t kill him but if his side is facing you and it’s bigger than a pistol round it’ll penetrate through the arm and into the torso via armpit.

CS wishes it was insurgency. It was originally a CS mod with ADS, now it’s like a less Arcady, more immersive/comfy version with better bots for co-op.

>Most people play KOTH or Altis Life. Everyone else is in an autistic unit that pretend to be operators and shoot braindead AI
yeah sure whatever.

Well, we can hope that the PVE co-op mode is interesting at least. And that they somehow hobble their way through the seasons without fucking the game too much and maybe even improving it

>it's gotta be like this game or it sucks
shut the fuck up and try new things you sperglord

But I did you faggot... It's been on quite a few free weekends already.
>apparent low iq
opinion discarded.

So you blame the game because you are unable to search for a decent server? lol

There's tons of shit servers in Insurgency and Squad, too. Insurgency has servers with killfeed which completely destroys the interesting aspect of Insurgency. And Squad has plentiful servers full of autists.

I like each of those games, btw. So it's not like I'm hating on either one of these games.

But ArmA 3 is objectively better than each of those games.

>CS wishes it was insurgency

They're not even trying to be the same game.

if you can't realize a good game when it's right in front of you then get fucked idiot

>csgo is dead
except it isnt

CS and insurgency are nothing alike besides being fps games

>it's a some chucklefuck thinks he's a mega-iq genius for tossing incends on a defense.

hurr-durr i play a shooting game to throw a can

the only shitty part about coop, honestly what do these clowns even play the game for.

I remember my first 10 hours.

I miss the early 2000s military games
Operation Flashpoint and America's Army especially
What do you miss, anons?

The only thing that is a fuck you is that NEOTOKYO was actually massively unbalanced, and the vision modes had little to do with it.

I know you libtards love to hand out consolation prizes and participation trophies but I only play games that win. If it doesn't have the #1 spot, then the game is dead to me.

>a game mimicking actual Operational and Tactical levels of modern warfare with shit so detailed that some of the devs got jailed for potential espionage

>a wanna-be tacticool shooter with dead servers

I remember looking into buying squad a year ago, thank fucking god that I have dumbass friends who can make poor purchase mistakes for me.


The middle weight guy getting an AWP and motion vision seemed pretty damn nuts to me. Beyond that I didn't notice much else wrong balance wise, but I didn't play it a ton.

LeL they got jailed because they were taking pictures of a military base in Greece like baka gaijin tourists... Anyway Arma 3's setting and "authenticity" are a joke.

Really? Because most playerbase is on 32 player servers without communication. I treat this game like a team deathmatch wich some checkpoints.

Ofp, RavenShield, Diablo2, Morrowind, Hidden&Dangerous 2 and Jedi Knight were my dope.

H&D2 had some amazing missions, especially the arctic ones.

If you actually want a sim that does simulate operational and tactical levels of warfare play CMANO
ArmA is for company level engagements, because you certainly aren’t really simulating anything that requires a lot of vehicles

Oh, well that's quite unreasonable of you.

>>Most people play KOTH or Altis Life. Everyone else is in an autistic unit that pretend to be operators and shoot braindead AI
This shit right here is why I only ever play coop with friends now, everyone is either a child hopping over from CSGO or cod or some shit and only using sniper rifles and ghillies, or they're complete spergs who want you to follow every rule they come up with and act like you're talking over a radio every time you speak. I can't remember the last time I've seen someone with a normal rifleman loadout who also wasn't one of the spergs.
Not to mention it's practically impossible to find a server that isn't running some custom gamemode that attracts one of those 2 groups like flies to shit.

>I know you libtards
what did he mean by this

Man, I really want to like H&D2 but the mission scripting is beyond terrible and compromises the tactical aspect of the game. The game is full of moments where the game spawns enemies when you cross an invisible line. That is just unacceptable in a game where your characters can die from one bullet. What makes things worse is that you get only ONE save slot.

>assuming someone is lib with 0 context
wtf is wrong pol idiots?

>mission 2
>solo stealth mission
>mission 3
>heavily scripted action escape sequence
>mission 4
>piss easy mission where you can just snipe everything

The only decent one among the arctic missions was the first.

It didn't age too well, indeed. But many of the games back then had retard hard and unfair AI like that. Did a run on Shogo a while back max difficulty and holyshit that was BS, but I finished it. Love that game. I should play Urban Assault again if I can even get it to work on W10, that one was super hard.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

Urban Assault was the one that was so hard they patched it to be easier right?
I remember spamming the cheap helis, Wasps or whatever, fun game, super impressive tech too.

too many retard brazilians playing this game since it went down to $2. GET OFF MY AMBUSH SERVER YOU SCRUBS

the only thing that makes me fucking angry is that they didnt include it in season pass
like what the fuck
i didnt even buy one but its just dumb maybe next year well have to pay 20$ for 1 operator

Yes, god damn hardest game I ever played.
Looking forward the HD remaster of BattleZone 2 as well which should come this year. That was a fun game too.

*raises your price by $20*

My man, H&D is great. The first one had some pretty fun missions too
