Subnautica Thread

Where to get drinkable water?

make bleach or find the purifier

>leave scanner on while I explore
>return home to this
Is there any way I can turn it off?

X on the UI where you scanned it in the first place will disable it.

Those pink fish that look like balloons. Bladderfish I think. They can be used to make water.

ive been lurking for 1 hour in jellyshroom cvave to find this degasi abse
where the fuck is it?

Lightweight high capacity tank or ultra high capacity tank?

You can turn bladderfish, the small puffy pink fish, into water.

Drink bleach

Free or survival?

fucking hell right near the start of the game, grab some shit and you'll learn that bladderfish makes water

it's not hard to use your brain user.

it should be relatively easy to find.

I noticed I had a thermometer equipment in my blueprints, but its not appearing in the fabricator. Any ideas?

Enter from the hole again. As you get deeper check the floor at the beginning its right there.

Why can you breath in the atmosphere of the alien planet?

Forgot image

thermometer was cut

You mean this one?

is it possible that my game bugged? i load a save from previos version

>Need magnetite
>Can't get my shit ass fucking prawn suit in the jellyroom caves because lmaonograpple
>Already scoured the bits off the jellyroom floor

>Need to go into the Moutains

I hate this fucking biome

I hate this FUCKING biome

It's so fucking unsettling

Same here

you get a temp sensor in the seamoth, so just use that when you get one, since the only times temp matters is mostly for super deep exploring or building power.

What makes you think that? Your suit extracts oxygen from the surrounding environment and converts it into a breathable substance, and it's not like you ever take off your scuba mask

What the hell do you need your PRAWN in there for? Just park your Moth above crushing depth and do trips, or better yet just upgrade it's depth capacity


Because i've picked up the bits that weren't part of the large deposits. There's nothing down there that I can grab, I'd need the glorified boxing suit to mine it.


de-equip your scanner chip

how do you get your scans to show up on the HUD


there are chunks of magnetite to mine with the PRAWN in the jelly cave

go to scanner room > use scanner fabricator > make a HUD chip

reeeeeeee where do i find the multipurpose room, Im tired of living in corridors

If you still cant find it with this for referance, and the entrance for referance, then you just bad at exploring

On one of the islands

The island over water.

I think I killed off all of the bladderfish in my starting area, gonna have to start drinking bleach.

How deep do solar panels go?

floater island, southwest

150 metres?

thermal power is the way to go once you get that going.

Is this game worth getting vr for? It looks like it would be comfy as fuck to play in vr.

I want to build tiny outposts with just a single scanner room.

finally i found it

This game gets really boring after a while. You realize there isn't enough fauna to keep you interested, nor flora. The underwater world is pretty big, but there's really no reason to expand your base from your initial hut. There's nothing to do, just like in every other survival game out there.

Once you've explored everything and "survived", you'll get that empty feeling of "I guess there's nothing else to do". Especially if you've explored the entire map already and seen all the biomes.

Games like this need more things to do. More shit to research and a reason for you to be there other than "I fell from a literal spaceship and now I'm stuck and that's it."


tfw my cyclops is parked outside the lava castle/thermal plant entrance and i sure as hell dont want to go back there and get it out of the lava lake

tfw i went to the primary containment facility before the thermal plant and had to console spawn in the blue tablet

>Can't get my PRAWN suit in the jellyshroom caves

Shit dude I got it in and out with no grapple and no jump bonus. Granted, it takes longer because I have to travel through the caves to get to another exit but the first time I ever got magnetite was when I went drilling for it in the caves.


the breeding and finding egg part, and base building thing, kind of is completely optional.

Yeah, that's the problem with handcrafted content. Really great while it lasts but always in short supply.

>Once you've explored everything and "survived", you'll get that empty feeling of "I guess there's nothing else to do"

you mean, after 30/35 hours?
good playtime for a 20$ game.

>Console spawn in
I went back for it. What kind of pussy are you?

Have you scanned all the leviathans?

you'll still be living in corridors

i mean, after you done either place the cyclops kind of becomes pointless.

Terraria's the only one that got it right with all the tiered content. You have to get comfortable with all the things from one thing to move on to the next thing. And with every increased tier the number of NPCs to house and workstations to build(and thus rooms to house them) increases, so it takes much longer to run out of steam.

I'm almost at the end, Sup Forums. What should I put in my time capsule? What would you guys find legitimately helpful from one?

By that point you had your money's worth though, survival doesn't have to mean endless replayability and progression.
I think it would benefit from an endless mode though in which everything respawns after some time so you can build your bases and stuff everywhere.

I just started what the fuck do I do

How do the stacked multipurpose rooms work?
Where are the ladders?

It is your primary directive to swim closer to beautiful creatures.

go under water and open your mouth

you just put them ontop of eachtoher when building, then craft ladders per floor

A stack of magnetite with some hints on where they're found, took me almost a day to figure it out, they're almost invisible.

remember to breathe

This is gonna end up being the world's fattest Boneshark.

is the VR gameplay fixed?
The head/camera movement was hell a few updates ago, but it was really awesome driving the small sub in VR.

I'm 25 hours in and haven't even built the cyclops yet, I'd say I've already got my monies worth and I've still got tons to do. Even after I beat the game I'll probably stick around for a while to get autismal with the base building.

autistic gay faggot retard

It's a water planet, as in regular h2o, regular oxygen cycle, all that.

Just because the planet is different doesn't mean the laws of physics change.

im straight
the rest is debatable.

>Tfw the time capsule you got was lame af
Do you only find one a game?

It's not really. You can make that happen in an hour of gameplay and you realize there isn't any real reason to keep doing it.

Pretty much. I think the developers prioritized graphics over content in this one. Now they're stuck updating it with small tiny bits of content and it isn't enough to keep you coming back.

Not really. The game pretends to be bigger than it is.

Is there a benefit for doing that? Oh, no? Then why should I? For a string of text? Not enough reason. I'm not interested in them to begin with.

Terraria and Starbound, both. The problem though with those is that you can skip certain tiers entirely by just bum rushing resources. More so in Starbound. But even still you have a reason to build a base and a reason to explore more. Although after a while you've done everything and even mods can't help you out.

I would disagree. I bought the game many years ago while it was a broken beta client. I tested it and found everything. Years later the content is still lacking and I feel cheated by the developers who work at a snails pace. I was promised more and was just disappointed. Early Access games do not offer content enough to warrant their prices. The lower price is because the game is unfinished. Then they just release it unfinished and say "well you've tested it for hundreds of hours, aren't you satisfied?".

No. Not really.

Once you've built it, went around the areas you'll realize just how empty the game is. You'll note down areas where you can easily get resource 1, 2 and 3 and then you'll never visit them again because you don't really need to. Making new bases just serves no purpose other than building them for the sake of just building them.

alright sry for the misunderstanding

>"I want more shit to do"
>"No I haven't done that but why should I"

I've found 2 in ten hours. I think there's a cap of three per game.

One was pretty funny, a hooker ad parody. The other was some literally who advertising his twitch and had a bunch of starter gear in it, as if I need starter gear by the time I'm finding capsules.

wow gotem wow
excellt post

Same question.

What is the black area? The "do not go here" area?

boy howdy you sure refuted my point

Best way to scan a Reaper?

>i don't like the content of this game, that means there is no content
Maybe it's just not your kind of game, user

I think there's shitton of sharks there, and leviathans

stasis rifle

>As you get deeper check the floor at the beginning its right there.
Yeah you know, that spot where my prawn suit FELL THROUGH THE GROUND STRAIGHT INTO HELL when I tried to take it down there after getting a drill arm yesterday.

Also pic related I now see why I haven't found more than a couple of time capsules. Kinda thought they would spawn around the center of the map.

It's a mid to late game area. There's an entrance to the end area that's suitable for your submarine.

Not sure I understand, if you paid for the EA, played for hundreds of hours and did everything, then what's the problem exactly?
You played all the content as it was being developed and released and got a lot of playtime out of that.

"It's empty and there's no content because I already did everything before release" isn't good criticism.

Beat it to death with the PRAWN then scan its corpse.

Too deep for a biome.

No, VR is a meme. Buying it for the VR is a stupid idea.


stasis rifle it, then scan it while it's stuck.

it's gonna start movin shortly after tho, so prepare for that too.

Problem is it was an unfinished mess back then.

Problem is it's an unfinished mess today.

Stasis rifle?
Is there even a reason to scan anything besides machine parts for blueprints?

I've found three.

Found 5 in 2 hours. All of them in the Dunes where all the Leviathans are

This was my best find.

>Entering from the rear

Give examples then. Keep in mind all vidyas have content cut during their production so just pointing at gameplay elements that were scrapped for X or Y reason is not a valid argument, explain why you think the balance of the final product lacks something essential.

>Is there a benefit for doing that? Oh, no? Then why should I? For a string of text? Not enough reason. I'm not interested in them to begin with.

This is a retarded line of reasoning. What the fuck do you mean "benefit"? What benefit is there to doing anything besides eating melons and beating the game? There is no score. There are no numbers to improve. The game isn't an RPG where your numbers go up by getting a higher tier of gear. You don't even need anything other than some depth modules and a sea-moth. The reward for scanning the leviathans is flavor, which is 99% of the point of the game.

You're doing nothing but pouting and waiting for someone to come in and confirm the verdict you had when you asked the first question. If you wanted validation you should have tried facebook or /soc/ instead of Sup Forums. Do me a favor and kill yourself.

I already did. Read: Scanning something isn't gameplay. It's fluff.

>that good end where you hook up with bone-chan and live happily on water world

>get out of my seamoth for one fucking second in lost river
Well fuck you too.
I got that one too. I was annoyed to get a stasis rifle really early for free in a hardcore run. then I read the PDA and laughed

I'm scared

can you build base upward high above the sea level?