Dragon Ball FighterZ

3 hours

Other urls found in this thread:


five minutes

4 hours

anime sux lmaooo

>i wont be out of classes for another 4 hours
>my older brother will get an extra hour of lab with the game and cream my ass
tell me Sup Forums, how bad will it be

Have they said anything at all about the DLC? What, when, how much, etc?

Do I have to be black to play this game?

Won't get to play the game until the afternoon, but I am really starting to doubt my team. Is there any sort of quick guide on who seems best suited for what team position?

They literally announced some shit yesterday you piece of shit

Haha huh? the definitive console versions are already out, playing right now.

no but it helps

3 hours

steam doesn't update their servers till a specific time.

Do I have to be gay to play this game?


just like
dont play against him

how do i gay?

3 hours 40 minutes

suck the penis

but i always play games with him, hes my older brother and my best friend

does your brother often cream in your ass?


well, hang in there pcbros
Hopefully the servers have no issues, it was working smooth on ps4 after about 30 mins past launch

seven minutes is all i can spare to play with you

kill your brother and become the dominant male

Except for big games. Guess the game out selling PUBG isn't big enough.

Also checked.

chek'd and chek'd

give me penis

No wonder no ones watching on Twitch, no ones fucking playing online matches, I checked the 7 most viewed to watch some chill matches until the game comes out and they're all in fucking training, boring as shit to watch

i dont have one


Does Arcade mode at least have individual endings, unlike MvCI?

MVCI did not have individual endings

>spend hours making elaborate combos using assists and vanishes
>get 400 damage more at max than I would get from just mashing the medium autocombo

well shit


it's gonna be less than 10GB, it's fine

No but it has multiple paths and you can earn blues through it

Who 18/Frieza/Nappa?



I am going to say fuck learning le combos and just use the auto combos and try to learn neutral and get a grasp of everything. Combos can come later. Auto combos are pretty sufficient.

It's like 5GB

I think it's 6GB

what is ?

Auto combos do less damage, have no oki, and are heavily meter inefficient. They'll be obsolete after even a week of playing unless you're a casual.

don't ask for dick on Sup Forums
ask for it on discord


What are these 'Challenges' people mention?

It's $35 for the season pass
8 characters, less than $5 a character, which is damn good for an arcsys fighter

They're pretty sufficient for day 1.

too bad i suck at the game and the AI starts spamming level 3 supers after A-Ranking the first two fights on hard

No one on discord ever wants to discuss pervy things

It'd probably help if you said what your team was senpai


maybe you should stop adding heteros then

Either the combo challenges (just 10 and they are a bit too easy really) or quests you have like play practice mode.


where can i ask for pobos?

who do you guys think will be good anchors?

I have Piccolo on point and Tien mid, but I can't decide a third.

my account

Adult Kid Buu is cute! Cute!

Tien is probably a better anchor due to kikoho

pls gib

>forced garbage Denuvo on PC

Yeah I'm just going to skip this one.

Fuck off, fag. Some people need to actually work till they can get home and play games.


i wish Piccolo's orb was easier to set up for combos

How good is Hit in the game?

I dunno man, the Anchor needs to make big comebacks and that's gonna be hard to do if you keep spending your own lifebar. Thought he makes a better mid so I'm not scared to drain all his HP.

Only if you're a gambler

Not sure how good he is but he is by far the most different character and probably the most difficult to use. He is very unorthodox.

So far he seems very good. Good damage and normals but lacks a fast low

Ultimate Gohan and Freeza are amazing anchors
Tenshinhan is good if you're a high risk/reward kind of guy
I've heard tell of SSB Vegeta being a good one
and if you can get good with him, Cell can somewhat function as an anchor
Other than that I honestly have no clue


>he is by far the most different character
21 is the most different and requires the most foresight to be good with.

hit is about as execution-based as the game gets though.

whats that

Why even get ultimate gohan to level 7? Wtf does he gain compared to level 1.

I don't know what this means

Better install.

So he does slightly more damage?

All characters have to chain upwards. So light -> Medium -> Heavy.
Gohan lvl 7 doesn't give a fuck about that. Also some of his moves get upgraded like that jumping backhand.

Because using the super does damage

Thinking abouut going with kid buu, gotenks and krillin, just patiently waiting for it to be unlocked on steam

Enough to make it worth it.

and some people need to study so they can boss little faggots like you around when they grow up

what are you gonna do while you wait?

its not outselling pubg, it was 2 days ago but not now

apparently the pc version is good at least
what an ugly link

Whack it


he literally breaks free from combo restrictions at level 7, even if you whiff you can still cancel any move into any other. its pretty sick.

Pretty nice to hear but:
>Sure, some may say that this game is meant for controllers but let me tell you that it plays perfectly fine with a keyboard (once you’ve set it up).
What the fuck? How do people play fighting games with the motherfucking keyboard?

i am gonna finger my ass soon
i wish i had a penis in there
my feet hurt

who should i put with vegeta and nappa for the over 9000 meme squad

Underrated post.

yes YES!!! tons of graphics options, love it.

Sparking completely negating the damage of long supers is fucking retarded. It makes single hit supers way better

Android 18 can use her level 3 and do 0 damage since it's so long

if you have a good keyboard with no ghosting problems it's not that bad. pretty similar to a cheatbox.

what's the issue?
keyboard is very similar to hitbox, which is objectively the best controller
so if you use that layout and it doesn't ghost it's good
only issue is not being able to play at locals/tournaments but switching to hitbox should be easy

raditz/goku obviously

It's basically like an improvised hitbox.