Have you ever started a game but it was too cringy to finish?
Have you ever started a game but it was too cringy to finish?
Wait until the third chapter.
I hate Junko!
>play DR2
>boring setting with no story or mystery
>uninteresting over-the-top stereotype characters
>graphics actually worse than 1
>feels like going from Dragon Age 1 to 2 overall
>take months to even get to case 3
>give up
>try to pick it up again
>no idea what the right answer is in the very first debate
>give up again
Should I just skip it and continue with DR3?
I thought 2 was great. Better than 1 in most aspects. If you hate it that much whats the point in skipping to 3 when it's gonna be mostly more of the same stuff. guess danganronpas just not for you
Played through 1, 2 and V3 the last week. I thought 1 was mostly safe. 2 was a major improvement in characterization. V3 was just perfect.
Made me really angry that I've been disrespecting the series from afar the last few years.
Hmm is case 3 the strawberry house one? That's the most boring one in all of the games. Keep going, case 4 is really amazing and case 5 is your usual ending case.
Strawberry house is case 4
2's biggest problem was the story surrounding it and how it went from junko just influencing depsair to spread to her becoming sort of a worshiped god. That doesn't even begin to scratch how they ruined it even more in fall of hopes peak.
Pretty much every Final Fantasy after VI.
There's 6 chapters in all the games.
4 is strawberry house, 3 is hospital.
SDR2 is garbage.
>2 was a major improvement in characterization
yes, everybody being even MORE of one note cartoons is an improvement
>Buying weebshit with no gameplay purely for whyfoo faggotry
I'm trying to finish 2 because I did like 1 a lot and I don't wanna miss possibly important story elements
You might as well read a synopsis
One of the Neptunia games because I thought it sounded interesting. Half an hour in I realized it's just fap bait.
Well going from 50% of the cast is bland tropes to 1 character is complete dogshit is a pretty big improvement in my enjoyment of the game.
2 is literally the best game in the franchise, you might just have a severe case of shit taste.
V3 has the best gameplay tho.
I almost stopped playing because I felt bad for Monomi.
I actually went into DR expecting to hate it, but being persuaded by recommendation because I liked Ace Attorney. The first game is pretty mediocre, but the other two are good. The "cringiness" isn't remotely as bad as it seems.
Twilight sparkle!
I love my beautiful wife Maki So much! I can't wait for her birthday!
>gets shit on because she's been hiding info
>turns out it would have been better if they didn't know
Poor girl.
>fap bait.
Do you not feel a tingly sensation when girls just do cute things?
I do agree the fanservice is a bit much but it's not that bad.
Kill yourself
Ibuki would be a cool girl to hang around with
I just prefer to be trapped inside a building with cute girls and only artificial lighting because that's my life (minus cute girls)
A tropical island with real sunlight and n64 graphics isn't immersive for me
You're in for a surprise then. Now get out before you get spoiled.
All right, I'll continue playing 2
I love Junko!
Every single one of the DR.
I really really like the idea of the games and such, but BOY the execution is terrible. It's extremely cringy, anime-like (but the worst part of anime) and treats the player like a fucking retard.
I was liking V3 way more than I was expecting but all my interest went away after the first chapter. It had one of the most dumb twist I've ever seen and the writting for it was so extremely bad I can't believe an entire team of people saw it and nobody said "Maybe we should change this. It's too stupid". I did like most of the characters in V3 except a few, gonna give the game that.
The problem with this franchise is that it's all Style and no substance.
>the worst part of anime
Let me guess, you think Miyazaki is "acceptable anime".
the games really depend on the quality of characters, which series-wide isn't all that great
DR2 especially has the advantage that everyone who's boring gets killed off soon, and there's a crew of more interesting characters left near the end
DR1 just has everyone being either an asshole, retarded, or both
>Sonia, Akane and pepsiman
>interesting characters
Nah, there's a lot of good anime. Like any art or medium, it has it's ups and downs and it's heavily tied to the culture, so I wouldn't blame anime being bad because it's "too japanese".
DR plot overall is just dumb. I could give it a pass if it was self-aware or a parody, but it's clear that it's not trying to be that.
I agree. I was really enjoying Kaede, she actually felt like an actual character, with personality, desires and fears. Not the most reliable person but one that I could get behind.
Then it happens. Fuck Spike.
Honestly the worst part.
It was one of those instances where the omission of specifics was warrented. Trying to show it with "much mindhax animo" was fucking retarded. We thought that Junko was a master manipulator and convinced all of the Remnants to Despair by cleaver misdirection
Kaede had pretty much nowhere to go for character development but down.
Junko loves Naegi!
Yeah, Console War. Is on every platform, the protagonists are retarted manchild
Akane is probably the only bad one who stays around for long, the rest of them aren't so bad. They're at least a little intelligent and all help out.
To be fair Kaede was well-written but like fat Byakuya HAD to be killed because she was too much of a uniting factor. I wish they didn't show her room, the Hidden Monokumas not being there was a massive tip-off (plus that they wouldn't have dared to have a female protagonist because it means less le funni sex scene).
>hey giving someone a lobotomy just makes them do whatever you say right?
>Kaede and Korekiyo love hotel
>tumblr explodes in sheer anger
i don't understand why you think 2 has worse graphics than 1
Yeah. Darksiders and Two Worlds.
Man Hopeman really carried 2's cast.
>most boring characters die
>Kazuichi "Muh Sonia" survived
how is that worse than 1?
Kazuichi was generally pretty darn useful, like a decent version of someone like Hiro or someone
Every time I try a new jrpg
also i'm eternally mad abstraction stopped patching the game and they're never going to fix the transparency sorting issues
How is that any worse than this?
I don't remember seeing any blurry pre-2000 textures in DR1
Maybe, but all of his dialog after chapter 2 is him fawning over Sonia.
sorry to hear about your amnesia my dude
>DR1 480x272 no MSAA
>DR2 2560x1400 4x MSAA
Am I responding to a bait post?
Every single game that include dialogue.
>DR1 just has everyone being either an asshole, retarded, or both
This really fucking bothered me. There's a lot of talk about friendship and the like, yet I don't understand why anyone would consider ~80% of that cast to be their friend.
It's horrible in that game because you have people like Byakuya who are supposed to come off "smart" but randomly mess with crime scenes and are just patronizing to you 100% of the time for no good reason, and shit like Toko who after her reveal just do nothing but be a meme version of themselves.
Even the sympathetic characters like Aoi and Hiro aren't particularly sympathetic because they're so fucking retarded and do nothing. In DR2 and 3 you had people who were less helpful like Sonia, Kazuichi, Himiko, and Raito who at least DID stuff, and then there were characters like Yuzihiko and Maki who were just really fucking competent, which was nice.
In DR1 it really feels like you're on your own, and even then mostly going on just luck. I hated everyone most of the time.