Females Ruining Video Games

>play WoW
>join guild
>make friends
>hang out
>get along great
>some beta starts giving her way too much attention
>she's a female of course she wants it
>things get really awkward in the ventrilo
>next thing you know she's the guild leader
>next thing you know she disbands the guild in a fit of rage
>next thing you know, she's asking the 'core' members to sign a new charter

maybe it's not so much females ruining it as it is beta males, but still this cycle literally just repeated itself 10 years later and in Discord, and it's happened the entire time I've been playing these games.

Worst part of it all, I don't give a fuck, and I'm just trying to have fun with my friends, but these e-dating weird ass couples ruin the flow of this shit.

>mfw my guild on the other side of the fence is small and comfy and cozy and we sing Van Halen and get shit faced in discord almost every night

Secret Sup Forums "hate" women as way to avoid women nuked Sup Forums

Are you so starved for attention that some sloot joining your guild makes you upset? Play the game and stop worrying about how many people are paying attention to you.

>maybe it's not so much females ruining it as it is beta males
No shit.
It's not women. It's their fucking orbiters that make everything insufferable.

>played wow for over a decade
>every single woman I met was ugly/fat and/or had mental issues

>be female
>join guild
>say I'm a gay guy
>everything works out fine

English, Pajeet.

Modern "people" for some unknown reason deemed themselves smarter than countless generations before them who kept women at the kitchen and discarded time-proven wisdom because it's current year. You will suffer female influence endlessly untill you acknowledge your mistakes.

>Works out because you're a girl (male) with a man voice

That literally has nothing to do with what hes saying.

>woman joins guild
>she's insufferably bad
>nobody will speak up and tell her what she's doing wrong
This is why women will never be good at games.

>turns out she's a he that is actually a ftm she that works for the CIA

I dated this girl i met in WoW for like 2 years and lost my guild to the whole drama and demands and jealousy that came with the whole thing.
She's a very damaged and difficult person but i really liked her for whatever reason so i tried to make it work at the cost of making the guild + arena teams shit for everyone else in terms of social experience.
Can confirm women ruin vidya it's not a meme.

>girl's boyfriend (also in the guild) gets jealous that me and her play so much
>they break up and she wants my D
>lmao no
>she gets a kid with another guildie and they proceed to break up

I'm so glad I'm a fag. I never have to worry about women playing tricks on me.

>meet girl
>think she's cool
>make small talk in passing
>beta orbiters meet girl
>lol tag her in all this stuff all the time
>lol let's check up on her and make sure she's fine every second of the day
>lol let's crowd her with all the possible attention I can spare

i mean, or just chill.

Can we stop saying its females when its clearly normies? The girls who wanna get in or "change the industry" that have zero interest in it and the nu males paving the way for them.

>play arena
>female healer gets globaled
>mate gets mad and tells her shes shit she had all cds and that its impossible to die like that
>she starts crying and leaves

Imagine getting mad at playing video games

>Join top guild during TBC
>Warlock officier's girlfriend and guy friend are locks too
>Never get loot
>Sunwell releases
>"Sorry user you don't have enough DPS"
>I'm in T5 gear
>Other locks are full T6
>I still out dps the girl

wow arena is prime autism

It`s not normies, it is mainly females who have mental health problems and lonely desperate males.

nigga needs to chill, if you cant handle shitters being shit dont play with them

>tfw slowly trained a grill from a 1400 priest to a 2300 priest during wotlk

Your mate sounds like a cunt

>reddit spacing

>guild i was in had 2 female regulars
>one holy and one discipline priest
>holy priest is dating one of our tanks
>disc priest is a total bro and just wants to play the game
Neither of them acted like attention whores and both of them were pretty good. Proved me wrong for expecting drama, I guess.

my ex used to get all wet when i raged at her for being a shit disco priest in 2s and 3s secretly women love being abused and/or put in their place

>newfriends think basic text formatting is a reddit thing

it sounds worse than it is hes a loveable guy him getting mad is alot of fun
maybe im an ass too but i love it when he yells at random people for fucking up
its part of the fun to take it really serious when someone else fucks up and when we fuck up we just make retard noises
>fuck up cc completely
>heal is assblasted
>start making seal noises until he leaves

I remember I had a guild with a nice power couple, but they were like IRL or something.

Prot Pally and Holy Priest back in BC and WotLK, mad respect for them wherever they ended up.

when r/incel fags go FEMALES i can't help but hear ferengi

Yeah, but loose asshole.

then why did our healer not come back? she even deleted us in battlenet

It's not just women, It's homosexuals (or anyone who claims to be a 'gender' other than male or female, and is not biologically that gender) and beta soyboy leftyfag males.

>create a guild called MAGA (make azeroth great again)
>force everyone to talk on vent to prove they're male
>refuse any females that try to join
>refuse any effeminate guys that try to join
>refuse any attention whoring guys that try to join, or kick them when they are found out later
>guild starts really small, and is slow to get members, but the members are totally solid when we get them.
>have 13 members before work becomes too much for me to keep playing and I have to hand over reigns to my second in command

we would have started raid content within a month at the rate we were growing. I found out later that my second in command allowed his wife to join the guild and she started attention whoring.

The guild broke up 2 weeks later.

Fucking women ruin everything.

Not really. Unless you're into fisting or extreme anal with a dragon dildo or some shit.

>me and online bros make party
>start discord call
>"hey guys I gotta go but I'll let my gf play in my place"
>no no no no NO NO NO NO
>"lol sure" "k" "whatever"
>party leader immediately queues us
>girl sounds incredibly cute
>by the time the match starts, she immediately has two beta orbiters
>she feeds HARD
>beta orbiters feed as well, they're too fixated on her vagina
>only reason we're not losing is the bro who stayed out of it is fucking wrecking in his lane
>get into huge fucking argument
>band of bros is literally torn apart from the inside
>her boyfriend gets back
>just sigh and leave the party and the discord server

She's probably anxious autistic or whatever.
There's a ton of weird poorly adjusted people in vidya.
That or she's just american and obsessed with being offended by everything.


>not into fisting and 8 inch diameter dragon dildos
pick one

pretty epic bro, upvoted and put on r/Sup Forums :)

This is the most 100% real story I've ever read, I completely believe it

Haha MAGA!

Why would I want to ruin my asshole so that I can never enjoy anal with my boyfriend ever again?

+1, i played on a mafia website for quit sometimes and the amount of retarded girls you can met, it's easy pussy if they live near you but for fuck sake they get triggered for any reason

>this desperation to fit in

I dont know, you're the one with the brain disorder ))


sup boris

>implying beta males aren't to blame

If sex starved tweens didn't feed the attention whores, they'd go away to Twitch and camgirl sites. It is all your fault and your friends' fault. Your desire for pleasing a woman in a vain attempt to get e-pussy ruins the game for everyone else.

I don't know. You guys are the ones trusting something that bleeds for days without dying.

Make sure they never find out your real identity, or you will be forever fucked. The instant they have your Power Word, they will bind you with chains only a Level 7 Law Wizard can break.

This. I've played with girls for years in MMOs and TF2 now and never had any problems. If anyone creates a scene it tends to be incels, angry MRA kids, beta orbiters, or all three at once.

Reminds me of something that happened not too long ago
>"Guys, I'm not going to make it to raid next week, but I found a replacement"
>Next week comes around and the replacement is some attention-seeking thot
>Immediately starts fishing for obiters
>"haaaaaaay, what's up guys?!" "Wow you guys are a real serious group" "I'm going to randomly start talking about sex"
>All my raid members are too fucking awkward and spergy to even speak a single fucking word to her at any point
>"Wow you guys are soooo quiet! Don't be shy, I'm just a raider like you guys"
>Raid continues as usual but she's constantly making suggestive comments and trying to be funny
>No one responds at all
>Next week
>Original member "hey guys, my friend said you guys were really quiet last week, was it that awkward?"
>No one speaks of her every again
Thanks for resisting lads

Or get a vasectomy.

1) I support trump
2) I figured it would trigger most leftist soyboy faggots into not joining
3) The only leftists who joined were trolls and made it completely obvious by spamming memes and being obnoxious.

I know, you're mad because it was (((her turn)))
cry more.


are you that mad that I made a guild that WORKED without your kind, roastie/faggot?
>pic related.

Oh I KNOW (((Beta Males))) are to blame, thats why I screened for that shit as well. That doesn't absolve women of any blame though, they are just as much at fault for buying into the shit and turning away from traditionalism.

you lucky fucking bastard.

>Raids keep failing because the raid leader's GF is in the group and she's a healer and she fucking sucks at it and you can't call her out on it lest drama ensues

>my friend is currently orbiting hard on my female gamer friend I've known for 10 years, and met when I went on a road trip.

And he's older than me, it's pretty fucking sad. But, she's older than both of us and eating up all the attention he can give.

They made their own discord server so they can have private channels to talk in, and it's super fucking cringy. Then when they join a public channel to join me, or anyone else hanging out, they instantly make the context sexual and about dildos, and spankings, and how he's going to drive out there this weekend and show her who is boss, and I'm just trying to queue up the next song to jam to while gaming..

>That doesn't absolve women of any blame though
Wrong. They are always going to be there. That's like saying you can't quit drugs because there is a drug dealer in your city. News Alert: There always will be. It is entirely, 100% the (((Beta Males'))) fault.

you're an unironical r/the_donald poster arent you


This is the most nu-Sup Forums post I've seen in a while, holy shit. Dumb phoneposter.

epic, simply epic
Can't blame the kids for being kids and following their genetic directive though.
You can't stop their dicks getting all confused trying to get wet through a screen and we're not equipped yet as a species to deal with the whole virtual shit we got put in our plate in the last decades.
What you can do is try to ignore that noise to a point and when that doesn't work just leave whatever group you're in and find more well developed people, no social circle is irreplaceable.

Gee user, I wonder why you're having so much trouble with women. Is it your sparkling personality?

do you often completely miss the point of what people are telling you?

this user is right. It's a mental health problem and a social intelligence problem. Mental illness will put your priorities out of whack and low socint will prevent you from understanding when you're being manipulated, used or when people aren't giving you gifts but attempting to trade digital items in exchange for your affection.

I assume it's rare for well adjusted people to both play an MMO and play enough that guild drama could ever be an issue for them. Everyone I've spoken to that put a lot of time into a MMO guild is mentally ill. Diagnosed, medicated when they can stay on their meds.

kids have an excuse, grown ass men do not

This happens in every online community, even non-gaming ones. And yes it is both the females and the beta males at fault. Lost four server first raiding guilds to this type of shit. I just avoid it now and only game with my old group of friends.

Just kick them out of the group for a period. Don't take the risk of destroying everything for a cunt and a beta

Depends on what you call a "kid." Because a 16 year old who is playing WoW should know better than to drool over a girl instead of fucking over an entire guild. Yet it happens time and time again. This is where I start to agree with the older people I heard as I was growing up. You can't get real experiences out of gaming, yet people try to replace real world interactions within games, especially online gaming. These betas should be out trying to pick up chicks at school, coffee shops, or anywhere in their city where people their age hangs out. Instead they try to acquire e-pussy from a ham-beast gamer girl in their MMO guild.

The betas are entirely to blame.

>a 16 year old who is playing WoW should know better than to drool over a girl


fucking > videogames
nothing will ever change that
the problem occurs when "fucking" is just "the illusion of fucking", so I would put the entire blame on the beta males, its always the fault of the one that feeds the pig, not the pig itself

>Playing dota 2, online-friend discord 5v5
>My team has the only woman in the world that plays dota
>Other team starts playful all-chat bantz while we go to lane
>my friend "u just jelly because we have the girl"
>he proceeds to support the shit out of girl, making lane extra safe for her and bending over backwards to make sure she has a good game
>She dies from overextending, "it's OK, i should have done x" or "guys, why didn't you TP support, we have to protect our carry"
>This is a dude that normally rages if people feed
>Now making all kinds of excuses for female carry
>This dude also doesn't have a difficulty getting laid IRL
I don't know why women have the ability to turn dudes into betas like that, or why men let themselves turn into floormats for them
btw we lost because women can't carry

Are you illiterate?

>instead of fucking over an entire guild
Read the entire sentence.

Honestly if you think at 16 it is normal to fuck over your friends over a female that you all mutually know, then you are the beta scum that is being discussed about in this thread.

Any guy who chooses a mutually known female over a friend group doesn't deserve to ever be your friend again.

You are making my own point for me. You're saying that because beta males are there, that the women are absolved of all responsibility because 'oh it's all the (((beta males))) fault.

So the drug dealers are there, and because they're there the females have no choice but to buy drugs?

bullshit. You're either a white knight or a female who's justifying her whorish tendencies and it shows blatently.

fuck plebbit. Anywhere where you can be silenced by 'le downboat' simply because a bunch of leftist whores don't like what you say is a dumpster fire of a site.

>using (((social queues))) as admonishments "hey guys look at this guy, he's new, he's a virgin/bad with women, lets all shun him from the conversation

The way you reply makes it obvious that you're a roastie.
>pic related
Cry more, attention whore.

>grown ass men do not

Keep crying soyboy

>females (males) ruining video games

While getting mad isn't the best reaction I think some people overreact to being yelled at. If a friend calls me out for something stupid I can easily say I fucked up. If I call out this one friend for something (not even angry usually in a joking way) he will get all grumpy and leave.

Dude no, if anything a 16 yo dude is arguably at his most vulnerable in terms of thirst.. and yeah i'm a bit older and i tend to call everyone below the 20's line a kid, my bad but the message still stands, we're hard wired to want to fuck everything even if it's just some text on a screen, beta orbiting is not going anywhere we can't all be alphas or old enough to know better.

this applies irl, but chances are those guildies are just internet buddies and the female is offering real life vagina

>Your desire for pleasing a woman in a vain attempt to get e-pussy ruins the game for everyone else.

The Earth has been salted by fuckhead nerds that can't talk. Flirting with women is enjoyable so long as you're not trying to actually close. However, that shit cannot fly in a card shop/board game store/comic book shop because any pretty girl in the store has to deal with being the ONE pretty girl. If I were to try the mildest flirt with her I'd look like the thirstiest man alive



Anyway I'm going to work now. Watch them have a fit while I'm gone because they know I won't be here to slap down their pathetic arguments again.

>Be 17 when wow comes out.
>Buy it and bribe my dad with a bottle of Vodka to use his credit card to buy the sub.
>Dad agrees, even though he has no fucking clue what wow is.
>"whatever kid, as long as you pay me the money for your shit."
>Join guild, get to max level, start to raid.
>Guild clears mc and we're on trak to get geared for BWL.
>Take a break because high school finals and wow was already affecting my grades in a terrible way.
>When I return my guild is dead.
>Turns out the slut gf of our mage officer cheated on him with the warlock class offcier.
>The break up and following shitfight tore the guild apart with everyone taking sides.
>Guild leader just wanted to kill Nefarian.
>We finally kill that whoresone 1 day before the BC patch drops.
>We had to rebuild our guild from scratch.

Man, women can ruin things pretty badly. Holy shit.

How is that sword holding on his back?

Reading this you guys sound like fucking punk bitches

I've often called out a dumb cunt when she fucking blows at the game
Just stop giving a fuck
The white knight will always try to be a defense there too but call him a fag at the top of your voice

Just don't do it too often because you get chat banned

>tfw playing MMO with real life hasubando, no drama, no worry about finding a decent healer for my tanking, always easy clears unless something is somehow DPS dependant, in which case we can just kick and get instant replacements if they're not pulling their weight

Best feel.

Imagine being this smug while simultaneously being THIS dumb.

You have severe autism and no reading comprehension. I can't explain it to you any clearer, so good luck surviving day to day. I hope your parents help you out or something, otherwise you will have a rough life.


that was epic!! Epic for the win

> E-date a grill I met on WoW when I was young and dumb
> She confides in me a year later that she is a furry
> 8 years later and now shes transitioning to a man

It's really sad what internet culture can do to people

trannies are another level of fucked up stay away at all costs

>at the mental gymnastics
>she's planning a double-twisting interrupted by forward-flying 2 1/2 with a combo tuck and pikeā€¦ high degree of difficulty.

Instead of tolerating all this bullshit just change guild when this nonsense starts happening from an early point you dickhead.

I feel equally sad for the guy than for her
both deserve each other, both are broken and in desperate need for attention and validation

These are people I've had friendships with for years, but they just met like two months ago.

Proving my point that betas ruin the game. If you cannot control your hormones enough that you can't even enjoy a video game with your buds, you are seriously fucked in the head.

10 years ago I would meet up with my friends on the weekends and set up our computers in one room and run quests and dungeons in WoW. Never once had a female come between us, because we couldn't give two flying fucks if there were females in the game/in our guild.

But I've had online groups fall apart over females finding their way in and turning on of the weaker beta males into their personal attention giving machine.

Your argument might hold up in an physical environment such as high school or some teenage hangout location. But in a video game? You have to be pretty fucking pathetic to let an e-girl get in your way of having fun with friends.

We are overpopulated

At least it'll fuck enough people up to slow down the overwhelming reproduction