New Battle for Azeroth shit

Apologize, right now

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why havent they still updated his face to look like the trailer, Anduin looks like shit in game

I am so sorry WoW is still awful and that the armor design continues to be a joke.

ehh i still think bringing arathas back is a mistake

Oh shit, I'm sorry

>ridiculous, oversized plate armour

Anduin rerolled paladin

He isn't a priest anymore, or ar least has a warrior/paladin phase after picking up daddy's sword.

>Horde getting foxes
>Alliance getting two body options for Humans
Getting more and more excited.

>Glad you could make it, Uther.

Devs said he is still priest, but he is also the king and has his father sword so i don't think he sould wear a regular robe

He looks fat.

Will the high King do something about the insane sorceress?

>Thinking that game mechanics carry over into the lore
>Chinese cartoon reaction picture

There are no class/race/armor/weapon/spec restrictions in the warcraft world canonically. A fucking druid could equip a suit of plate armor and a sword and shield. It's not as if the titans are gonna come down and say "no, you can't do that. Put that down."

Does anyone here even care? As far as I know, most people just want a Classic release date.

So, what are you gonna do when chad Anduin comes knocking, low T forsaken?

She's redpilled, not insane

Oh shit I apologize

apologize for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed out out shoulder's

>rightfully thinking that the horde consists of blood thirsty savages makes you insane

It's a splatoon image, dipshit


Orc niggers bombed her hometown. Is she supposed to be happy about this?

Can I play with this character model? Asking for a friend.

kul tirans humans seems plausible on the list of possible subraces, so it might happen

Don't know yet, likely considering the two different new Human Male models.


good point

>two different new Human Male models.
you mean one new model and a reskinned troll

The model is new, yes the skeleton is one we have, many many companies besides Blizzard recycle assets, this is something we've all known for years upon years.

This. She just realized that you can't trust niggers and is now trying to keep a distance and hopefully exterminate them if possible.

release the super aids


So edgy.

You seem to have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Reddit is this way:

>he says adorned in his black and red, spike and skull covered horde armor, AKA every 13 year olds wet dream

>implying Anduin could handle any woman
>implying Anduin isn't an in closet trans


No she just finally realized that her dad was right all along and that she helped niggers murder her father.

She's trying to do the right thing now.

>uses redpilled unironically
>points others to reddit
top irony

"orcish clan" armor was datamined, Horde will probably get brown mag'har orcs soon.

Why is Sup Forums so obsessed with futas and trans?

What new models?

>Brown orcs

Being green niggers wasn't enough, they had to take it one step further.


I just can't get hyped for BFA after Blizzard fucked up and admitted they won't be making any major class changes.

Brown was their original color before the fel blood infusion.


Fuck, I don't know what I'd want more between a lanky mage and a big guy warrior.

That's a Forsaken wearing a human suit.

>Brown was their original color before the fel blood infusion.

No shit

Then why are you saying "taking it one step further" when they've ALWAYS been that way? And why do you immediately see niggers in everything you look at?

You should be happy blizzard spends even a few hundred of their billions of dollars to pay some taiwanese third party animators to reskin their models.

>not wanting a lanky warrior and a big guy mage

>Fuck, I don't know what I'd want more between a lanky mage and a big guy warrior.

Depends on if you're a faggot or not.

To be fair, I don't see the point in making entirely new animation skeletons when the ones they have fit pretty much anything.

>Humans get skinny dudes, BIG GUYS 4 YOU, THICC WOMEN
>other races get nothing

WoW was a mistake.

>arakkoa are just mantid with the extra limbs removed

can finally play as Tychus

there's a ton of new trolls too

Because it's absolutely horrible and evila nd mean and lazy, they should make a thousand new skeletons every expansion that are absolutely nothing like the previous thousand skeletons.

>rpgbabbies first cleric

Only the dumb "adventurers" or whatever players are canonically called these days are bound to the class system.

You were a mistake

>ywn explore norrath for the first time again

About' damn tiiime

this but not ironic greentext

What does horde get

my negro

Dinosaur Zandalari Druid forms


the Chad Troll


Check your G-Diffusor system!

Wow heroes have never always followed strict class rules.

Once she was Krystal, now she is Kursed.


>"i write for buzzfeed"

So she's insane.

They're also updating a shitload of old models.

uh oh


When you think about it, forsaken are just humans in a partial human suit.


Playable neverever

>more furry shit

Don't be too sure, there's a ton of different colors of them and they're rigged for various armors and clothes.

They've got stupid faces though. IoT Zandalari were better.


I don't understand how anyone plays WoW anymore. The game is over 10 years old, find something else to fucking play you nerds.

>can't decide between rolling a Zandalari druid or doing all the pirate stuff on my human combat rogue

Hell, here's the place that has all the stuf so far.


>complains about furry shit
>posts instagram meme

allow me to redirect you to

I'm so sorry for doubting that Final Fantasy XIV is the best mainstream mmo around. Now I'm certain of it.

>ywn again run from the Feerrot all the way to Thurg to scavenge armor to twink out your character
>ywn then get your hands on a shrink potion and fall down the icewell
>and then once more in a vain attempt to drag your corpse to the dungeon side entrance

I feel pretty good about it to tell you the truth.

You must be new

Do you say this to everyone who plays any game more than 10 years old?