Wow, I didn't want to buy Monster Hunter before but now that I am seeing these cool women (and allies) play it...

Wow, I didn't want to buy Monster Hunter before but now that I am seeing these cool women (and allies) play it, I want to get it too!

Other urls found in this thread:

Go back to your containment board faggot
This isn't Vidya

I hate humans so unbelievably much

Ah yeah, the vids, I wouldn't be a shill without links

Sup Forums is the containment board of the site though

monster hunter world is not casu....
monster hunter world is not aimed at normalfa.....

>PlayStation Europe
There are still white people in Europe?

If you care about this shit and not just about the gameplay then you're dumb.

>start video
>she starts speakinh mexican

Guess not

The dude in the bottom dresses like a white teenager from 80's/early 90's, yet he looks like he's in his 30's. What the fuck.

Wow, I didnt want to buy a Nintendo Switch before but...

>women (and allies)

The 2010s were a mistake and I'm glad it's almost over.

motherfucker do you really think he dressed himself for this commercial he got paid to star in

it's an actor they didn't just film some dude on the street

its only getting worse

>man from the 90s dresses like a man from the 90s

>receding hairline
>backwards baseball cap


inb4 someone posts the soy collage to deflect criticism

I love Monster Hunter World

>man from the 90's dresses like a child from the 90's

Why are women in all media now giant fucking cunts?

I haven't seen a timid cute white woman in 15 years

maybe you should go outside user

Timid is boring.


You seem to have mistaken Sup Forums for some other board. Don't worry, this is a common mistake.

We do not condemn racism, homophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, ...etc. here. Please refrain from posting toxic remarks.

However, if you want to continue to be an immature and toxic bigot, you may move on to our designated bigots quarantine board, .

Thanks and have a nice day,
Sup Forums

I am outside, every woman tries to act like a man. Coworkers, girls in college, every girl I dated, relatives etc

Oh , wait, it's due to little enablers like this

You fucked up your pasta. You wanted the word condone in the context of your shitpost.

truly, these people are just like: intelligent, quirky, and with a wicked sense of humor.



That's right.

Tell them, my fellow Redditor.

wow Patrick Klepek is actually kinda attractive in this photo

Well sounds like they'd rather appeal to me than to you. Sounds like you're SoL. Consider moving to a muslim country.

>I hate humans so unbelievably much

>a woman
>2 gays who hate all white people


>official video game advertisements put out by a major video game developer, publisher, and producer aren't related to video games
Dumb tofu-eating faggot.