So which one should I get?
So which one should I get?
Zodiac age is a no-brainer. One of the best JRPGs ever made. Skip XV.
FFXII, its a finished game
FFXV still won't be complete when it comes out on PC
If you have to choose, buy 15 and emulate 12, $40 is a massive ripoff for 12.
Is this even a fucking serious question or are you just baiting an FF15 sucks thread? It's not even a competition, ZA is a solid refinement on an already solid game, and it's AN ACTUAL FINISHED GAME WITH NO "SEASON PASS" OR SHIT too. Remember when big devs did those? Now you can relive the experience once again!
>Zodiac age is a no-brainer.
this. also with XV you might as well wait for another year for Ardyn's DLC to arrive. now, stop spamming Sup Forums with retarded threads and go buy MHW like every other normal person. FINALLY A MONSTER HUNTER WITH ABOVE PS2 GRAPHICS. I'VE WAITED SO FUCKING LONG.
12 since 15 is pretty lame. And I say this as someone who has played 12/IZJS 3 times to completion and 15 once through
>Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-tamper
I don't know about XV, but XII is trash.