Why is it underrated? It should be number one FF game on everyone's list.
Why is it underrated? It should be number one FF game on everyone's list
Well, why do you think it is underrated? I personally did not play it.
It ain't VI.
>any FF
Quite the opposite.
i loved it when i played it more than 10 years ago but it certainly isn't the best FF.
Hasnt ages exceptionally well model wise, so I feel as though a lot of depth and emotion the game has is gone because of that
As recently as 5 years ago, japan thought this was the best final fantasy game and one of the best games ever made.
The problem with this games reception, especially in the west, boils down to
>The game having lots of great themes and ideas that aren't handled very well
>Being the final fantasy that most strongly depends on the player being culturally japanese to "get" what its doing
>The english voice acting being objectively badly done, the actors are largely really great but the direction was godawful
>It should be number one FF game on everyone's list.
You know this scene was literally, LITERALLY bad on purpose right?
I don't think it's underrated at all. I know a ton of people who loved FFX.