Sometimes i really wish i didn’t start my fromsoft experince by playing Bloodborne first...

Sometimes i really wish i didn’t start my fromsoft experince by playing Bloodborne first... Im starting Demon’s Souls and then when Dark Souls Remasterd comes out im gonna play that trilogy on my PS4. MY POINT IS... Demon’s Souls just feels worse. Everything is dark, and knights and skellingtons just isn’t as cool as gothic and malformed beasts. Will Dark Souls be like this too?


Playing on a SSD makes dying a lot more bearable.

Play Dark Souls 3 before you play the other ones or you'll hate it. If you can't then when you get to it don't play anything like you did in Dark Souls or you won't have any fun. I recommend magic or full strength build. The game is complete cancer when using a shield instead of rolling exclusively.

Dark Souls is a lot better than Demon's Souls. Demon's was the first one I played, but Bb was the first I beat. My order was Bb, DS3, DS1, Demon's, SotFS.
Demon's has the problems of being the first to do a lot of things, and in the end, all it really did better than other souls games was atmosphere and story. Outside of the best use of the Stormruler, if another souls game retread a concept Demon's had, it generally did it better. Except for Tower of Latria. That place is an evil demonic prison straight out of Berserk, and of course fucking Mindflayers would be the prison guards. Too bad the low frequency audio is so oppressive that it actually makes me physically ill (which adds to the atmosphere, but ruins the gameplay for me).


It also felt like in bloodborne i could just use the axe if i so felt it, but in Demon’s Souls it feels like that won’t be the case and i will forver be upgrading wepons till i find one thats actually good. Magic is a bit OP though, Isn’t it?

Don't play dark souls 3 then.
Trust me.

I heard it was the one most like bloodborne...

>stagger boss
>go up to visceral
>regular attack
Is there a worse feeling


I went Bloodborne -> DaS1 -> DeS -> DaS2 -> DaS3 and DeS turned out to be my favorite of the whole series.

well I started with DS1 (DS1>DS2>DS3>Bloodborne>Des) but DeS still feels kinda shitty
gameplay is just clunkier DS1 and pretty much all starting locations are fucking dark dungeons

Always start as early in a series as possible

I started with DES myself, but honestly couldn't get into it and dropped it after the mineshaft

Got bloodborne last year and absolutely lovd it, then went on to DaS1-3

If you like Bloodborne OP, you'll like DaS and DaS3. Play Das2 if you really want more, but its really too much like DeS and suffers the same garbage level design and repetitiveness.

BB = DaS > DaS3 > DaS2 > DeS

This is horrible, horrible advice. ignore it.

DeS only feels awful because the combat and bosses are garbage, DS1 and DS2 are much better experiences.

Latria is one of the best levels in the series, nothing wrong with DeS exploration.

Don't listen to Sup Forums OP. Sup Forums praises DeS because it is the most niche and underated of all the soul games, and not the popular one that "Normies" flock to. DaS and BB are all you need.

If you actually intend on playing all the games, then you always should, there is no argument you can make against it

You're assuming. Most people don't want nor have time to go through an entire game series. Especially with RPGs.

Thats like telling someone who is interested in the latest final fantasy to start with 1 on the NES. You'll outright lose them because they'll burn themselves out on 14 RPGs until the reach it and probably be sick of the series byt then. You start with what you're most comfortable with, and you then go back if you have the interest in doing so.

That's why I said if you intend on playing them all, which most people won't want to because for some reason the idea of playing more games repulses them

Not everyone is interested in past games dude. A guy who wants to play mario odyssey isn't necesarily going to want to play SMB3. They're two different types of games, and one may not interest or appeal to the other, despite it being the same series.

Another Londo is better than any area in bloodborne imo although if you don't like knights and shit you're gonna have a hard time playing 2

You would be hard pressed to find somebody who's first Mario game would be Odyssey in the first place

"Most people don't have time to go through an entire game series"

Nigger what? This is like someone being recommended a TV show and saying "most people don't have time to watch six seasons in order to know what's going on", that's dumb and you know it.

Especially on fucking Sup Forums I don't believe for a goddamn second that people don't have time to play through a moderate length rpg series where most of the replay value is through online

Games and videos are not the same. A game doesn't necessarily require you to go in order to enjoy it, if it isnt written as a saga.

Do you have to play Super to enjoy prime? No. Does it help to have done so? Not really since they are two different genres. Many people on Sup Forums played prime first anyways, and went back to super because they had interest. But they miss on absolutely nothing by choosing a newer game, which is an advertisement for the series in general.

Do you really think everyone who bought BOTW has played Links awakening, or Zelda 2?

>5 year old kids don't exist in 2018

>implying a 5 year old would ask for a switch and not a PS4 with GTAV

Something that tends to happen these days that was not as common in say 1990-2004 is younger Children are eatablished into gaming with past gen consoles. I got addedd into a group message where one a couple of the guys are just 18. Their first consoles were not 360’s and PS3’s. Their first consoles were in fact N64’s and PS2’s.

You see this happen a lot.

You clearly don't know the difference between a child and a teenager.

Most of the people here who are adults with jobs don't have the time for 13 50+ hours JRPGs, especially when only about half of them are above average quality games.
If you're actually gong to compare 13 games times 50 hours to catching up on several seasons of tv, you may in fact be retarded. Or just underage, which I know you are.

>All kids are the stereotypical youtube watching gun maniacs
Sheltered kids with good parents exist anons, hard to believe I know.

I work at a target in electronics, and the most common customers I sell switches too are always moms with elementary grade to middle school kids. Just the other day I literally had this one kid who went skipping around the register area going "BADA BA BADA BA, LETS-AGO, over and over while his mom was shopping for a camera.

Not to mention marathoning the same series one right after the other would burn anyone out if they didnt take a break between. RPGs were designed to be a yearly.-bi yearly thing, not one whole go.

After playing the other four Souls games, I tried to go back and played DeS and it was one of the most boring games I've ever played. There was zero challenge and most things from enemy and level design was incredibly predictable, just felt like I was going through the motions opposed to actually playing a game.

Solid state drive.

Couldnt say it better myself. It wasnt a bad game, just incredibly underwhelming boring and prototype-y

It is.

the only decent game From ever made was armored core