Tell me 1(one) thing he did wrong

Tell me 1(one) thing he did wrong.

got tricked

shot himself

>not ‘he got smoked’
I can name one thing you did wrong

Became a soyboy right after the 6th palace

Destroyed people's mental constructs thus causing them to die.
Essentially murder. Which is a big No-no.

>durr my dad is a piece of shit and I hate him
>I'm gonna conspire with him to murder everyone in his way, and any loose ends he no longer needs
>then when he gains control of the nation I'll tell everyone I'm his illegitimate son, and he'll be ruined
>oh shit he killed me when he didn't need me anymore

Too tsundere to join the PT and to kill Joker.
Didn't murder Shido when he had the chance (assuming he had a Palace when he met him, but c'mon, nigga was hiring a kid as a hitman, of course he had one). He still could have made a name for himself as a "detective."
Didn't tap that delicious prosecutor ass.

He was a complete and utterly failure, in every sense of the word.

he stole my cheetos