User! Come with me at once! We are dismantling the Horde!

>user! Come with me at once! We are dismantling the Horde!
What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

>You wouldn't want to disappoint me now would you, user?

wtf I love the alliance now


I'd fuck her and drop 3 coopers.

>thinking the alliance would be successful against invading legion forces if not for the aid of horde
at some point all these chucklefuck leaders will wake up and realize all this warring against each other is a waste of time and resources.

>dismantling the Horde

How will hordefags ever recover?


>forums whining about "fat humans"
>thought they were just crying over some rumor they heard
oh my, can't wait to see that in a armorkini

Can't wait to see the SFM


they wouldn't



No thanks. I don't want to play this game right now. Maybe some other time.

I've seen Earthmother Therazane SFM so I wouldn't put it past them.

Literally undead female, further cementing the alliance soyboy theory.

Thank you mr skeletal

Play with us user
and ever
and ever


if my female human character turns into that in the next expansion i'm killing myself

Good to know how sensitive you are user

Can't handle a real woman ay?

just a bit too big for my taste, but that is dangerously close to being sexy


Wrong kind of chubb, the pandaren females nailed it, they have that latina diabeTHICC

but user think about the Chinese!

don't give me a boner, user
I'm on my way to a date

Well that is what Jaina had been trying to say for years. Then the Horde blew up Theramore.

They serioulsy need to pull the hair down a bit, you can practically see her naked skull

>Then the Horde blew up Theramore.
Garrosh did nothing wrong, Theramore had taken an active part in the conflict and was a legitimate military target.

There's a difference between a justified military attack on a military base and using a magical nuke that was specifically made to destroy souls and turn the target area into a corrupted wasteland.

The Alliance couldn't dismantle a sandwich in a room full of hungry dwarves.

This, Sieg Heil! Hail Garrosh!

It worked in ww2, the collective nip soulsphere still hasn't recovered, hence the fucking larva in vagina porn.

*destroys Undershitole*
heh... nothing personel... savage...

Give her a double plague with a side of more plague.

She'll be wishing we dropped mana bombs instead after we're done.

No dude, I think you just want to fuck an oriental panda.

>took them this long to take back a piece of land they have surrounded for decades and a city that's main feature is the fact that all of their defenses are busted and broken.

>Tfw no Forsaken paladins
Since the undead actually can use holy light magic instead of just being dark, how long until we get some undead pallys?

Because Varian was secretely a cuck, glad he's gone tbqh

Calling it, Sylvanas will be final boss in a Scourge themed raid.
Her literal only goal in life is what she says when you end conversations with her on live.
>I WILL bolster the ranks of the Forsaken. One way...or another.
She wants control, she wants power, she wants Azeroth to be hers, and then she wants to murder every living thing that follows her and raise them as Forsaken.
The Lich King has been working on his plan all the way through Legion, slowly subverting the Ebon Blade until they do everything he says.
Sylvanas gets the power she's been chasing since Arthas died, to raise the dead, if she accepts a bargain with the new LK. Then it's just a power struggle between the two after they don't need each other anymore.

It fits too well. All the foreshadowing is in place.


The Light literally hurts them. They can barely use the Light or be healed by it, because they can feel their body falling apart, the maggots squirming in the flesh, all the while feeling the burn of the Light.

Being an embodiment of the light as a Paladin will roast them to death.

Would make perfect sense except for the fact that they are now stuck with Fors*ken as a playable race

>user! Cum in me at once!

If only.

>They can barely use the Light or be healed by it

The book is already setting up new leadership for the Forsaken. A council that defies her, doesn't want eternal life, they just want to make Azeroth a better place and then fade.

>the virgin alliance


I want this to happen.

Funny how Horde would then get absolutely cucked again

I can bet Alonsus and Lilian Voss are on that council. Would follow them back to the grave.

Do you really want to get Arthas, Thrall. Kael and Kalecgos' leftovers?

She's legitimately insane and chose to let people die rather than fight against space Satan trying to destroy the fucking planet because her feefees were hurt.

How utterly boring. Forsaken are only ever interesting as selfserving moustache twirling villains.

Oh hey, an undead female.

>orderd to helped her kill her father a decade ago, so the orcs wouldnt be crushed
>she now wants to crush them
fuck of bitch, Manduin is my liege

It's true, man.

Plus the dude's a founder of paladins and Archbishop. It'd be a surprise if he couldn't weild the Light in undeath.

Made for birthing orc babies

I find different things interesting.
The fact that Sylvanas becoming Warchief, being in Orgrimmar all the time and having no one left to fill the vacuum of power in Lordaeron meant that the Forsaken exercise the free will she gave them and form a new type of government is very interesting to me. They are tired of just following her from one mad scheme for immortality to the next. They want to shape their own lives. And that makes Sylvanas fucking mad. It's a peaceful revolution of the dead, who are at odds with their leader.
That doesn't happen a lot in this game. I like how it's entirely different from Garrosh so far, despite being the same "rebel against leader" principle.

Orcs are birthed from the ass?

They sure are.
I'm gonna go birth a stinky brown orc baby right now.

I understand, I just wish their goal wouldn't just be "let's be good boys".
Heck, i'd rather have some tumblresque story where splinters of the worgen and forsaken explore and learn to accept inhumanity together or something, just not being good boys. Grey is interesting.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away to my wife's booty.

I doubt they'll be good boys. Maybe I worded it wrong, they just accept that their time and their numbers are limited. They'd rather live with what they have now than die in the service of some mad bitch who is terrified of dying.

I am still mad that my warrior didn't get his weapon as an artifact appearance for arms.

Especially since Broxigar literally makes a fucking appearance in that expansion. I so fucking wish that there were Warrior artifacts that weren't VRYKULVRYKULVRYKUL.
Out of all the class halls, stories and artifacts, warriors have it the worst, by far.

Doesn't his axe just hang on a wall in Orgrimmar not doing shit?

Tell that to all the undead scarlet crusader paladins in western plaguelands

Everybody come and laugh at the WoW lifers! What a bunch of gross creeps

>Wants diversity and "progress" at the cost of her people when she's young and can play the field
>Suddenly cares about the consequences of her actions and her homeland when she's old
Literally every woman ever.

>360 degrees

you'd be standing the same way retard

He jumped in a massive demonic portal into the Twisting Nether ten thousand years ago in order to fight a titan 1on1.

That weapon is fucking GONE.

>The Axe of Cenarius[1] (referred to as Brox's axe) is a two-handed, magical wooden axe crafted by Malfurion Stormrage, under the direction of the demigod Cenarius, during the War of the Ancients. It was made specifically for the orc Broxigar, and he described it as being like an extension of his own arm. Created using druidic magic, the axe was enchanted with a piece of Kalimdor's magic, making it light as a feather and stronger than any mortal-forged axe. It proved to be able to slice through any foe with ease.

Near the end of the war, Broxigar dived into the portal over the Well of Eternity and used the axe to wound Sargeras. Although not a very deep wound, it would later be the focus of Krasus and his allies' spellwork, that for a second, tore Sargeras' attention away from his struggle to keep the portal open... allowing Malfurion and Illidan to close it upon him. Miraculously, the axe survived both the Sundering and Broxigar's sacrifice, washing up on the shore of Kalimdor where it was found by Rhonin.

Rhonin and Krasus insisted that the axe be brought back to their time period, and Nozdormu allowed this. After returning to the present, Korialstrasz, in the shape of an old orc, brought the axe to Thrall and told him of its history. Thrall promised to honor it and Brox's sacrifice.[2]

In time, Broxigar's niece Thura grew up to warrior age and after proving her skills, Thrall gifted her with the axe, of which Thrall's most trusted shaman had seen in a dream that it should go to her. She felt honored to wield such a fabled weapon.

I can't babe, the God Emperor of the good posture called first.

Is this the new Kylo Ren race?

That's retarded.
Okay, I was wrong.

Post all of it.

>not knowing about moon walking


reminder you are playing single player game with no real content

you are simply on repeat, depressed, lone. consider that clean products that you are into arent really worth it

They added the part about the femorc getting quite recently, last time I heard about it Thrall had it on the wall in a place of honour.

Reminder this board isn't for incel old men who larp about World of Warcraft. Move on and go somewhere else you aren't wanted anywhere on this site. This is as bad as second life or everquestfags at this point




Li Ming has some real DSL


As per usual, the thing that excites me the most about the new expansion is the prospects of porn.

>Being this new

yes mommy

>Oh boy I can't wait to get home and discuss this boring uninspired WoW lore on a site for 18 year olds. I sure do love my life

Having the freedom and time to do so is a wonderful thing.

t. former turd worlder.

What happened to her right arm?
Also she looked like shit now. Why did they cover her belly?


The arms artifact isn't anything Vrukul. It's a human artifact that scares trolls and has void energy.

What could she have done? Her prejudices would have gotten in the way, so she fucked off back home. We lost one frost mage, big deal.

>Oh boy this hot new raid is going to be great! Right after I take my insulin shot for my type 2 diabetes from being a fat loser for 30 years. Aha these young newfags have no idea what they're talking about am I right fellow WoWfags? Haha

>Tsundre Jania
My dick cannot handle this

Yes, mommy Jaina! But l need my reward of milky pwease!

I would dismantle the Horde with her if you know what I mean


>Saurfang dies in BFA
>niece takes up mantle and leads Orcs to glory