>The first hunter vs the last
Poetry. Is this the most kino fight in video games?
>The first hunter vs the last
Poetry. Is this the most kino fight in video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
>The first dragonborn vs the last
Poetry. Is this the most kino fight in video games?
I forgot about this one. Skyrim DLC was goat.
literally anime tier
>Off my chair, jester. The king sits there.
Anyone else surprised when the player character said this?
Well the player almost certainly won’t be the last. In the ending most people get, you take Ghermen’s place in the dream and guide your replacements like he did you. There is also the ending where you surrender and wake up in the real world as the hunt begins again.
But I agree with you, the finale against Ghermen is so good I feel like it’s actually brought down by the MP right after it
>It's always the white man's burden to put down a feral nigger. Tonight, Gehrman joins the hunt
Great Kosm, Gehrman was a hardcore motherfucker
That was badass to be hondesu
too bad the game wasn't on par, and the final battle was boring
for me, yes
No Ace Combat zero still has the most kino fight in vidya
Yeah right
From hiring Raimi to write Bloodborne was really a weird move.
miyazaki is a hack
Hype as fuck
>using stag helmet symbolizing animality and primal beasthood with a fucking moonlight greatsword, which is literally the opposite
Literally disgusting, no sense of fashion or direction at all, kill thyself hunter
God I loved that fight.
The moonlight and the guidance took all fear from Ludwig causing him to ravage in the nights of the hunts. I remember Eileen saying something like fear is what makes us human compared to the beasts.
That's atleast my interpretation of it.
Shame it was a shit game and Noctis was a little faggot for 9/10 of the game.
le kino *lenny*
Nothing is wrong with inspiration. if you can play it right.
what the hell gave you that idea? are you retarded or something?
Because, as we know, nobody is allowed to reference anything at all or else its plagiarism.
Besides, its not secret that Dark Souls is heavily inspired by Berserk. Miyazaki is a huge fan of Berserk.
And has done more with the concepts of Berserk than Muira has in years.
That's because Miyazaki hasn't been poisoned by Idolmaster. Yet.
It souds stupid now, but I was just pretending to hate on him, in the kind of exeggerated manner after the user, that I replied to, posted the mgs3 screenshot. maybe I should have added some wtfs or ""I hate him now" to make my point clear.
Nah it's ok, I feel you. Also I'm the mgs3 user.
Let's hug and fug.
Seriously, I appreciate when masters use each others ideas in a subtle manner.
I'm glad you understand, I was honestly getting a bit worried.