Monster Hunter World

Factual list of things wrong with Monster Hunter World:

>extremely poor hub system forcing you online all the time even if you just want to play by yourself, have to disconnect just to play normally
>mantles are a gigantic crutch and give bonuses no one needed to have in this game, rocksteady mantle being the biggest offender here
>change to healing system would have worked if you couldn't also dodge roll out of it, completely negating any incoming damage while keeping whatever you healed up to that point; you can even run out of the area to heal up in peace since most of the time the monster won't follow you
>scout flies cannot be turned off completely and are annoying as shit
>no blood, really bad "on hit" effects in general that are in line with Capcom going for a much more realistic, but less fun approach (all animations are watered down in general)
>can straight up craft rare materials such as plates or gems, goodbye desire sensor, hello getting everything easily
>grappling hook makes verticality even more of an easy-to-use crutch and even allows you to re-mount if you just failed a mount
>you can now reposition and rotate during many attacks - while making the gameplay "smoother" this also removes a lot of risk vs reward
>high rank monsters (as high as it goes in MHW) deal next to no damage at all to the player
>negative skills completely removed, only positive ones now
>use the stealth mantle to be invisible while carrying eggs around, can even roll with them
>heartbeat meter is a free capture guru for everyone at no cost
>giant focus on environmental traps for even more free damage periods
>vigor wasps all over the maps heal you up as well
>cutscenes everywhere especially in the beginning, way overloaded with annoying tutorials and cinematics
>pay to gesture and cosmetics

I welcome you to debate these, but keep in mind that all of these are objectively known facts right now.

Other urls found in this thread:

You forgot
>sub 25fps on PS4 slim
>PS4 Pro turns into jet turbine and flies away

Well, that's a hardware thing, but good point, the PS4 performance is rather abysmal.
Honestly all devs should be forced to aim for 30fps locked first and THEN think about how far to crank up the graphics.

God what has happened to this franchise?

>of course there's no blood it's BETA, MH never had blood in demos but it's confirmed to be in game via blow trailer!
>food plates are the same because it's BETA each plate will be different in final game!
>game runs like shit because it's BETA a very old build! they spent like half year optimizing the game!

all my hype is gone, i was worried to begin with but the microtransactions sealed the deal, if only they'd publish XX in the west

>rolling with eggs
I don't have a vomiting anime girl appropriately disgusting for this.

Don't forget
>monsters are always easy in the beta, they will be harder in the final game!

and the problem is?

Literally nothing about this sounds bad except the scoutflies and
>pay to gesture and cosmetics
Either you're full of shit or Capcom's been hiding something

that this fucks over series' vets harder than Nintendo fucked the Core audience when they released the Wii

Don't worry blood will be DLC.

Itt: nintenbro try hards and autists

The game is fun, looks great, and I don't get hand and eye cramps playing it.

>list of problems
>"hurrr whuts the problem? buy MHW pls"

switch axe is fun

GS seems too slow, axe mode gives you mobility and the sword mode seems better than a GS moveset

I agree, fellow marketer


Does anyone know how to play myltiplayer consistently? I keep having to do singleplayer shit in between quests and my friend that is trying to get into the game and is really hyped for it is losing interest fast as fuck.

>lists nothing but insubstantial and incredibly tiny nitpicks
>hurr durr series is ruined muh monster hutner
Yeah, sure there are problems but these aren't.

you can't, enjoy our game


How are massive changes to the entire healing system or the way you aim and rotate your character during attacks "insubstantial incredibly tiny nitpicks"?

Good argument, well debated my dude ;) *nods respectfully*


Only thing that bothers me is the flies besides that I'm having more fun than MH2/ 3U and MH4U.

Also, turn off HUD for a better hunter experience.

Because they make no sense. Why shouldn't I be able to aim and drink while also moving my feet? It was always retarded , now it's gone.


You don't understand the difference between changes that don't effect the core of the game like your list and something that would actually be a negative detriment to the game.


PSN is down :^)

>insubstantial and incredibly tiny

Reasons why MHW the best game in the series:

>graphics and art design are better
>soundtrack is better
>combat is better
>loading screens are gone
>arbitrary shit and grinding was removed

Monster Hunter is and always has been a shitty casual series and needs to be completely retooled to be good. This was a step in the right direction but there is along way to go. I am glad the autistic underage fanbase that was introduced to the series through handhelds is mad. They deserve to be miserable.

What's great about this list is that it's literally and undeniably true because it's all facts.

>art design is better

Stop shitposting with Thief.

In agree with you except for the "it was always shitty" nonsense. You are no better than the handheld babies, pretending you've always been too leet for the series. kys

That's not the point, the point is only autist care. It's changes they have a problem with, not the game itself as it is

>tfw triple orange digit damage with greatsword

to be fair, skyrim had that too!

>people only dislike the changes done to the game, not the game

>>can straight up craft rare materials such as plates or gems, goodbye desire sensor, hello getting everything easily
Is this real?

tfw female guts

Yes it's real. Everything in the OP is real.

I fucking knew it

I was considering getting the game, but I knew that no multiplayer game would be released 2017+ without a shitton of cash shop garbage

its fucking optional

DOA has lots of stuff too but it isnt needed

Fucking christ, fuck this casual dreck.

The game even has daily login bonus and daily quests like a wannabe MMO
I kid you not.

So the materials for crafting rare plates are hard to get...right?

>If you don't like, don't buy it!
Is there a worse fag?

This being my first MH game im glad I won't be upset about most of the changes from the old ones, I've only played 2 hours but I'm enjoying it so far

>really bad "on hit" effects in general that are in line with Capcom going for a much more realistic, but less fun approach (all animations are watered down in general)
>objectively known facts
Yeah no, fuck off shitposter

Scout flies are hardly even noticeable. They blend right in with the world.

Reskinned monsters in MHW:
Dodogama(great jagras)
Tobi kadachi(great girros)

Too many reskins.

God fucking damn it Capcom. I just know they have no current plans for a core MH game. These fucking jews.

It is an objectively known fact. Every animation, from the hunter running to drinking potions to everything, all of it has been "toned down" visually.


I've never played a Monster Hunter before, how does the gameplay compare to Dark Souls / Bloodbourne and / or Dragons Dogma?


A bit more Dragon's Dogma than Dark Souls but it IS a boss killing game, yes.

Only major problem I had is the multiplayer. If you plan on playing with friends, you (and/or possibly they) must have seen a story quest's cutscene before you (and/or they) can join via flare or the quest board (after quitting the quest).

I've played all MH games and enjoying this one, fuck off with your bullshit fag, stop shitposting with your """facts"""

It's a traditional Capcom grab for the Call of Duty audience. Hopefully they'll take the assets and retool it into a proper handheld Monster Hunter when it inevitably fails.

I just have two simple questions for those of you who own the game and have played it. The real game not the betas.

Can you disable that fucking terrible camera zoom in when you run into a monster? Does that camera zoom happen EVERY TIME a monster sees you/you see it?

I saw a stream for 5 minutes or so give or take, and I saw the camera zoom in on the monster when he went around a corner. It was incredibly jarring, out of place, and obnoxious.

No one cares about whether or not you are enjoying the game. "But I enjoy the game" doesn't change facts nor refute anything.
Learn to argue or stop posting, it's embarrassing.

Imagine a really really slow Dragons Dogma where the AI is retarded and you spend most of your time chasing shit around even though it adds nothing to gameplay. That is every MH game ever made.

It's only for the first time in story quests, overall you can even make camera more far from the character and also turn off dynamic shit, when camera isn't centered around character

but that doesnt sound fun

And Wold is still miles better than any previous garbage game on garbage handhelds. I'll be enjoying my proper Monster Hunter here, you can go cry and "enjoy" your phone tier trash, tendie.

>learn to argue
>there's watered down animations in next gen game of the series because I said so and it's a fact
Yeah, okay kid

What's the problem? Mh4 did that as well

>the discussion skills of hardcore sony fans
>dismiss every single point with "whatever it's still better!"
>insult your "enemy" console manufacturer for some reason
>add "I'm having fun haha!"

The fact is that there isn't anything inherently wrong with the current game and the only bitching going on is the type that doesn't contribute or add any weight to previous complaints which weren't that decent to begin with. Stop posting.
So this is the power of the PS4

Only points out previous games as handhelds.

>dismiss every single point with "whatever it's still better!"
Well, I mean it is better though. Are you seriously going to argue about that?

with a GS is it worth blocking? do blocks work on heavy attacks?

This actually doesnt bother me, I plan on playing daily for the foreseeable future, so if they wanna give me free shit every day, then whatever. if i feel like its something good or OP, ill just sell it. I don't need that kinda shit

Yes, if it's critical situation. Yep

a lot of attacks, it will block. havent come across one yet that will actually hurt. But im not too far yet, just downed that electric squirrel snake thing

>This game is going to be a massive success and only Sup Forums will be mad about it while simultaneously playing it while simultaneously pretending they aren't playing it

The best part is they almost all reuse skeletons of previous monstets too.

>being this autistic

Well, somewhere around 2009, Capcom realized that they wanted more money, so they decided to reduce monster damage, make monsters slower, make small monsters passive, and introduce a time-based mechanic (that can be influenced by players) that makes monsters even weaker and gives them massive openings. All this in order to repel less players. They also decided that small companions drawing monster attention wasn't making the game easy enough, so they gave the companion extra functions so players would be less annoyed at their useless companions.
And it's been a rather bumpy slope from there on.

Wow you totally refuted all the points and explained why the game deserves a 10/10

you guys who don't like it know you can still play 3/4 ultimate/x/portable 3rd/freedom unite/g/whatever right? the games don't go away because a new different one comes out....

But it's the best argument, unless you want to go on reddit and try to change something? Bitching on Sup Forums sure isn't going to help.

>paying for cosmetics
if no one saw this coming they're a fool

Im just happy we have a console MH. Console shitposting aside, thats honestly the most important thing. MH on multiple platforms= more MH games in the future most likely. I personally can live with the little things and still enjoy the game overall, even if it is slightly more casual then what im used to.

>he thinks that these buttmad shitposters are actual MonHun fans
Aren't you a gullible one.

I'm sure everyone knows that. That doesn't mean you're not allowed to discuss the newest entry or criticize it. Even people who dislike MHW would be interested in discussing it and hoping that the next one would be more to their liking.

ah ok, im still in the dark souls "roll for all attacks" mindset

No one has given it a 10/10
And Sup Forums is notorious for exaggerating just to shitpost about it. I'm not going down a bait list when outside of the shithole that is Sup Forums, people are having fun with the game.

They don't want to have fun, they want non Nintendo babies to not have fun (but we are anyway :^) )

>You can only be an ACTUAL Monster Hunter fan if you love Monster Hunter World
Man, who's ever gonna beat you with that argument?

It's better than eating shit. Greatsword block is actually stronger than sword and shield's. The only real concern is that blocking with it eats sharpness.

0.02 cents has been deposited into your shill account

honestly dodging is usually better. only block if you absolutely have to. in previous games, GS blocking would take your sharpness down, not sure if it does now though

Not an argument


It really does still

You can have fun with the game and still acknowledge that everything said in the OP is factually true.
Hell I had fun with FFXII despite people hating on it for ages, only recently has the general opinion on it turned around a bit.

>RE 0 through 4 were great
>RE 5 and onward is a dead series
>Dude you can still play the old games!

more like peggy bundy, good job though