
So how are you liking Game of January?


Stop shilling your stupid game OP

Her hair is stupid

Damn, I wish I could make a game as great as this.

>A five hour linear challengeless Metroidvania is a game of the month
Well, I guess something has to have the title by default, but what a shitty month it is then.

>all these lies

>make a bad product relative to product standards
>"b-but i'm the king of the shit pile!"
oh, but i guess there's a unique waifu in it.

Who are you quoting?

Currently at One Concern HQ, played the demo years ago.
The gameplay is really fun but its pretty linear for a supposed metroidvania. Puzzles were okay, nothing too hard other than the chore to backtrack after getting the necessary upgrades to solve them. Bosses so far were mostly great, the tag team system in some of them was an idea I wish they implemented more in the exploration part of the game.
Story was kind of charming at first but it started to get way over its head with the writing. I feel like they could keep all of the main plot points but with less pretentiously verbose dialogue and maybe have more subtle environmental/level design storytelling instead (Dark Cave level actually did this well to some extent). The characters who were charming at first but most of the important ones just serve as exposition and drama later on. Tweaks are really underwhelming for but I've heard its better in Challenge mode.
Gameplay is solid and fun but progression is linear, story tries too hard and possibly influenced by whatever agenda creator has, Agent Black is cute angsty bitch eternally on period and I want to comfort her after rough hatesex

Devs such as yourself that respond to criticism by telling people they can do no better. Which doesn't make your game any less shit btw.

You seem to lack reading comprehension, since that post is claiming that the game is great instead of shit. Not sure where you got devs saying they can't do any better.

If the post was not meant to imply what I believed it to, how would it make any sense in the first place as a reply to what I said initially? Nobody walks into a thread on this site just to say they wish they could make something so good.

Why would you imply I made the game then?

It's easy to understand that the only person making these threads is you, retard.

Have fun with your wasted efforts and dead threads

I really like it. It's good. It's not great, but in pretty much every aspect it's "good".

I compare it most to Shantae. When you strip away Shantae's fanservice, some will like it, some are looking for something newer and something that excels in some regard where you can say "You have to play this game, it has such a great X".

Honestly this game's biggest flaw is that the developer wrote it, and he clearly has no clue on how to write shit, he had this good world and all of these cool characters and threw them all into the air halfway through the game.

Characters are so inconsistent and unpredictable, they often act irrational, in ways that make no sense. Why introduce 3 new characters almost by the end just to have them be part of a very minor plot and act as boss fights? What the fuck was that in the ending? Why kill characters that get such a build up without actually doing anything with them?

I swear, I wish I got an actual writer to commentate on the game and how it fucked everything up.

So you're delusional, gotcha.


Why does she looks so much like Samus?

Is that Motherfucking Mother Brain?


Konjak likes Metroid a lot.

So, did Black love Grey or something? Why is she so determined to kill Elro? Also, how in the world does Elro even get to live after killing an One Concern agent like that?

>undodgeable move that brings you down to 1hp
>then black just walks around doing nothing while you pop three mooks and grab their life packs
a lot of fights seem really action packed and cool until you realize the boss just waits for you to do a thing before "narrowly missing" you. other examples include the worm boss charging up, where he always attacks as soon as you grab the rail, and the fight with mother's cat. when it charges, it'll always start moving right as you hop off a grapple, so that you barely clear it as it goes by

basically, the timing of your moves often doesnt matter, and the boss pattern was just made to look cool while you do what is essentially a QTE

its not that thats a bad thing, necessarily

If you fail to grapple on these boss fights the boss just proceeds to wreck you.

yeeeah, sure, but the times are usually pretty long... my point is that the game doesn't care WHEN you execute the maneuvre, just THAT you do within a window. so there's no timing involved like there is with other moves. It doesn't feel as cool to leap over a huge charging enemy once you realize that his AI is essentially TRYING to slip underneath you, and will do it the exact same way every time.

I think the game usually makes up for this by the attacks actually being pretty visually spectacular, so I really don't mind it, most of the time. For instance, the worm boss' charge is basically just a way to flip the arena upside-down, so that's fine. In the Black fight, though, it made me feel like she was toying with and sparing Robin rather than going all-out like you might think she would.

For some good amount of time do I see such things like "need more environmental storytelling". What's exactly the urgent necessity in that? Why? Not every game has to be Dark Souls to have a good narrative. Too lazy to read dialogues? Pfff, git gud, they're not even half bad in this game. And holy fuck I'm glad they're not voiced with stupid mumbles like such games like Hollow Knight and other similar ones do.

Full 100%?

Very nice.

It's basically a glorified QTE with all the implications of that

What a cutie.

>ywn be chosen by the One Concern to undergo Ivory infusion to be Agent Black's private personal assistant
>ywn have to awkwardly introduce yourself to her as your new assistant and be given the cold shoulder
>ywn be yelled at by her for being late with her morning coffee and being clumsy and forgetting orders
>ywn be summoned to her private quarters to attend to her personal request
>She will never pin you down and destroy your dick just so she can temporarily stave off the pain of her permanent headaches with orgasms
>ywn regenerate constantly due to your ivory infusion and be subjected to this every day

You don't get chosen to transcend, you volunter, you shit-taste plebeian

Game had some of the worse attempt at writing I've seen in an indie game yet.

The ending was also a trainwreck. Not as bad as say, A NIGHT IN THE WOODS, but that's comparing which pile of shit is larger at that point.

Why does everyone looks like "that character from that other game"?

>Game of January?

that's celeste

It's bad and good at the same time, the premise is great but the delivery is... ugh

SJW games can't be game of the month

Are you talking about Celeste or this game.

Can't be Iconoclasts, so probably Celeste.

told the guy that his death sound effect was good?

>mediocre platformer
>better than iconoclasts

porn of the birdman when?

How to be praised and immediately forgotten as an indie game:
>Make a competent entry in an existing genre that do anything too new
>Add some female characters and quirky story elements for feel-good effect
Good job, your game will now be alternatively assessed as "Eh, it's good" and the second coming of genre you picked by people who play two hours.

>mediocre platformer
yeah that's the folder that "iconoclasts" in under :^)

Can I play it on MacOS?

and they say japan is sameface

It's on Windows, Mac and Linux. Both Steam and GOG.

>no-no you

sweet, I'll try it out then

This game failed in Sup Forums's eyes because of the lack of porn.

very frustrating. I hate how precocious it thinks it is, all the characters are fucking babies, yes even robin, and the game tricks you into thinking its not one giant corridor.

robins booty is amazing though, if it creates enough porn it will be redeemed

I still wonder if this is a crop or the full image.

Is Ivory Oil meant to be scarce as fuck? Also after you beat Agent White and there's that ivory tree thing growing out of his back do you actually get ivory oil from that because i didnt try to hit it or anything and now i backtracked and his body is gone.

>Is Ivory Oil meant to be scarce as fuck?
Well it was the most rare material out of the game, so yeah.

What I meant to say is, is there like a limited amount of Tweaks you can craft with the number of Ivory Oil in game or is it possible to craft all of them in one playthrough? Only gotten 2 so far which I spent on dodge roll.

Oh, there's just enough of it so you can craft every tweak, including optional secret ones. You even have some Improviums and Metaliums left over after you're done.

Thanks, was worried it was the former and wanted to save oil for better upgrades

goddamn this game is casual as fuck
reviewers and reddit must love it

Thought she was looking at a giant spiked dildo from the thumbnail.

I unironicaly agree. But I'll probably still get it because I liked the previous game.
But I wish to see more things like the above.


So is the main character *supposed* to be autistic or retarded or what? She's always got this creepy vapid expression for a portrait, made me wonder if she was supposed to be a robot at one point in development.

What was the point of carrying Royal? Is there a secret way to save him?

To open up the doors.

No. The main character being autistic misunderstood his self-pitying and passive aggressive nature as an actual call to dump his body and leave him, so she did just that.

For anyone curious, it's not really metroidvania, its linea. It's like Owlboy 2.0 with gamefeel, you slowly build a cast of characters, though your abilities grow based on key items collected.

Love it so far, 2 bosses were big stinkos and music is a little lackluster. Sfx are really satisfying, and environments are really good to look at.

Anyone solve this fucking bs yet?

"I know you were just nearly killed and escaped a variety of new evil guys by the skin of your teeth and just met our new culture for about 45 seconds and we represent the only resistance to the baddies, so let's acclimate you to us by having a shouting match with my mom about what an awful smelly daughter I am! That's surely more interesting than everything else that's happened. Glad my drama is the only thing that matters to you considering how many of your townsfolk were murdered 30 minutes ago!"

For your first ivory buy both of those breath powerups for underwater time. Once you fight a BIG FACE TIKI looking shit, the spot seen in screenshot has access to an ivory oil. Movement speed is horrendous in this game

>being this slow
I did full 100% in 12hours blind
the game is worth $15 not $20

Anyone else absolutely awful at the key chests? I could only figure two out, locking me out of all the decent tweaks.

lips are stupid. Nose is stupid. Eyes. Dude needs to stick to pixel art

Yeah I've gotten that one already, and the one in the Dark Cave as well. Was thinking of getting movement speed upgrade but meditation seems tempting since i'm such a shitter.

Well good for you, I never rush my first playthroughs. I'm currently doing a 100% challenge mode run and am a lot faster.

The character writing is sloppy.
Most of their arcs almost make sense, but not quite.
I'm not really sure what the point of cowboy man was.

Aim for the red parts of those blocks. Look carefully and see what everything in that room does.

The dude needed an editor to smack him whenever he gets pretentious. The cowboy dialogue is fucking bad.

How do you change between party members?

It can be solved easily if your grenades would stick to walls, or work 'off the ground'.

This area looks like it needs another powerup.
>double jump tech doesn't let you grab the ladder, and grenades don't work unless they're on/by the red part of the block.

you can't, they're only used in some boss battles. It's just there for story which is a damn shame.

There's a detonation tweak you can get later but I managed to do it twice without it.

What is the point of this character? Other than wasted furry bait potential.

>it's a birb, hilarious
Gunning for those gaming awards

Any difference between normal and hard mode? And I mean like hard only unlockables

No, its' more that robin chose to leave royal behind because there was no way either of them could get out. She was crying about it after the pod landing.
Cowboy man was the only reason the team made it through one oncern because of his narcissist coup because he thinks hes the messiah.
You dont. Theres times where you play as elro and mina.
Yeah it annoyed me too.
Cowboys a fundamentalist, hes meant to be taking their book literally. Im fairly certain konjac was self aware of the pretensious dialogue since Lawrence fight parodies that by having elro not caring at all.
A lot of the dialogue felt rushed and changed which he admitted to several times because he had no scope for the plot.

Metroid reference, slap in the face to all the religious undertones by having their god be an alien mechanic.

It's supposed to be an analogue for the main theme of the story, which is that people will use religion, no matter who or what practices it, against those under them. Basically organized religion is bad.
He supposed to represent how those at the head of religions are also not all they appear to be, and the veneration of the starworm are in conjunction with his nature as a pilot.

As for what he's doing, I'm not sure. I think he's sucking all the ivory out of the planet once it's run dry, or is possibly repairing the planet? He definitely seems malicious, especially since he intends to kill you.

Pretty sure the bird thinks that you're malicious, possibly extending to your entire species


>"Here, let me make you a man"

Finally, a webm to demonstrate this shit.

One thing I want to mention is that the bomb shot has THREE functions:

1) Just tap the button, regular bomb.
2) Hold until the first flash, regular bomb but with extra force.
3) Hold until the second flash, rocket shot.

You have to shoot with #2 to get the bomb to roll all the way up the hill.

I did not know that, good to know.

Mina is a smelly lesbian.

I think the bird is well intentioned... He's seriously just yelling at you and telling you how stupid you are for using up all the ivory. I think religion is just the birds way of controlling the dumb apes who don't understand resource limitations.

ive never heard of this game. what does it play like?

Holy shit. Just got past this part before I stopped playing. I tried for so long to get it but couldn't. Didn't even think to face the other direction.

Hollow Knight is 10-15 hours longer and it's 5 dollars cheaper.
I'm not saying this is a bad game, but if anyone here is thinking of buying this, do yourself a favor and play Hollow Knight first if you haven't yet.

Might as well ask here, does anyone know the spots where Leticia shows up? Found her in the wastelands but no idea where to look next.

Typical puzzle platformer.
The only collectables are materials you can use to develop upgrades, which you have three slots for.
They are pretty simple stuff like letting you survive toxic gas and water for longer, letting you tank a hit, remote detonation etc etc.
As the name implies the story is about people going up against a theocratic tyranny. One thing to warn you is that a lot of the main characters are flawed, the only one thats guaranteed to not be an asshole at some point is the character you play as, Robin.
Besides the gorgeous sprite art, that fact and some of the bossfights are its main strength.

Electric woods in Mina's path. Secret shaft on the bottom right part of underwater lab. Top of snow mountain on far left. In the secret cave in the deep sea.

Thanks a bunch m8