>Flawless 1080p 60fps on my 5 year old CPU and Videocard >Native resolution scaler up to 4K, still maintains 60fps when I turn it up all the way makes the game look stunning >Everything just works flawlessly >Most beautiful fighting game ever made with lots of content, features, and settings >4GB file size >Biggest fighting game launch in history, most active users in a fighting game ever on Steam >So much online traffic they had to recalibrate the servers to make more spots available for players
You are literally witnessing history in the making with this game right now, and the most optimized fighting game ever made
Buy MHW instead. It's the best game I've played since GTA San Andreas. Seriously, I know Capcom has screwed up in the past but this is their return to the NES Megaman glory days. Perfect combat, amazingly stunning graphics, smooth 60fps framerate and animation on every platform, amazing story and quests. It's also extremely difficult for those that think it has been casualized (don't listen to salty naysayers). You'll literally get stuck at parts because monsters react so fast and so realistically. The game is about humans fighting out of this world powerful beasts and the game makes sure you feel that sense of urgency and intensity. Being able to heal while run is just a tiny little bone the devs throw for you while you're in a cage of rabid, fire breathing dragons constantly on assault mode. Seriously, Dark Souls looks like Mario compared to the difficulty of this game.
The online is amazing. Matchmaking is easy, no disconnections whatsoever, the communication with teammates is amazing. It's damn near flawless. This is the longest I've ever played a Monster Hunter game ever. If you're on the fence about this game then you're doing yourself a great disfavor. Because you should've jumped over that fence and left behind all thoughts of doubt and hesitation a long time ago.
Noah Clark
no need to defend capcom here bro, pc bros ar getting mhw when it comes out and everyone thinks the game is good. cant wait. but this is a DBFZ thread. both are god tier games.
Joshua Sanders
>less than 30 characters at launch >pre release announcement of 8 dlc characters
Austin Myers
How the fuck do I do Goku's 10th combo challenge, the one that ends a combo with the meteor thing? When I try to end the combo he only does half the meteor move. Am I too late or too early?
Jack Barnes
Yeah no one cares lmao.
Ian Torres
>Everything just works flawlessly >no d-input suppot >lobbies so fucked up you can't stay connected more than 10 minutes
Blake Perez
>>no d-input suppot >>lobbies so fucked up you can't stay connected more than 10 minutes
False Flagging.
Isaac Evans
You have to use either a 3rd party program or use big picture controller setup to play with a d-input stick Europe servers are still fucked up how it is false flagging