>dude just press the X button!
Dude just press the X button!
>dude just press the top button
It’s called a fork on the PlayStation
Huh, I definitely thought it was gonna be "cross"
I've never had any issues with this except for the Wii.
>play on PS4 after using DS4 on PC
>press [circular button with OPTIONS written above it]
>accidentally hit share because I thought OPTIONS was what they named select now
>die because it minimizes the game to load a facebook registration page
>dude just press the chinese button
Wii doesn't even have an X button except on the classic controller
The X symbolizes two chopsticks on top of each other and chopsticks are the Japanese fork.
Idiots. It's clearly him looking at the strange western symbol and out of exasperation screaming
I hate the Wiimote, I can never remember the button layout and I've beaten multiple games with it. For something that was meant to appeal to women and casuals, it's pretty fucking user-unfriendly.
>bro just press delta, no DELTA up top.
>okay now press cross, no cross on the bottom
>Triangle? X? What are we children bro?
>not being familiar with all the varied types of controller
>implying the playstation has an "x" button
>All 4 X's are blue
Is there some hidden meaning here?
yeah, the Dreamcast was destined to fail
>*presses R"
Is there a reason fork and ^ are vertical while [ ] and O are horizontal?
So they're all towards the center?
Why would they make A red and B blue?
if you can't memorize the button placement of each controller, i suspect you're mentally challenged.
i understand most posts about this are jokes or invented bait scenarios, but i'm concerned for the people saying they have trouble knowing where wii remote buttons are.
To make the trace routes easier.
Anyone who's saying they figured out what L and R3 are on their own is a stinking liar.
In Japan red=good and blue=bad
Anyone who couldn't is a fucking retard lmfao.
No joke, every single person I've met who got a Switch keeps missing the buttons because they're not "xbox style"
At least they actually have a name on PlayStation instead of just "left/right stick click"
>examples are oriented such that the position of the x button in the example is also the position of the example in the whole image
Layout doesn't matter as much as the west using X on PS controllers as confirm and O as deny. I still don't know the reasoning why, but it is confusing as fuck because many PS1 games still used O while some used X, so you never know which one to use unless you play the game a lot.
I personally prefer O to be confirm and X be deny, because it makes sense and I am used to it from playing MGS and a few older PS games.
its called a fork because you go "OH FORK" and your instincts gravitate to the bottom button to mash
>Press Ching to Chong
it threw me off when i first used a playstation controller at a friend's house. i was playing ultimate spider-man and it said R3 toggled lock-on, so i looked on the controller and didn't see anything with that label. i assumed it was just missing a button because it was a crummy third-party controller.
i don't know whether i looked it up or figured it out by guessing, but i've known what it is for as long as i've actually owned any playstation.
Memorizing a layout for muscle memory and task completion is quite different from 'this has this written on it, so let me press this'. Especially when shitcunts want to use the same symbology and shuffle it around, ie ABXY
I figured it out by messing with the controller. When the stick made a clicking sound I thought I had broken it. Then I found out it was intentional and a button.
I find that the color is more important than the shapes/letters, at least in my experience. That's probably why they have both systems though, because some people remember shapes more easily, some remember colors more easily.
>red is good
>O is used for correct
>Jap games have been hiding propaganda for the Rising Sun in our faces for decades
Do you people not read the fucking manuals?
I play on xbox, PS, and nintendo pretty frequently and have never mixed up the button prompts between them.
Holy shit imagine being this retarded
I always have to manually remind myself that the X and Y buttons are reversed on a nintendo controller.
I almost bought this shit when I was a kid. Thank God I decided to waste my money with something else.