What are some games where wizards can do battle against each other?
What are some games where wizards can do battle against each other?
4chans Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Literally any RPG ever
Book of Mages
Unsatisfactory magic system.
Are there no games with satisfying magic mechanics?
Baldur's Gate is full of strong caster opponents and the levels of bullshit you reach during some battles is quite impressive.
>playing BG2 for the first time
>there's a secret door inside the tavern
>there's a fucking lich inside who goes full jojo on your ass with time stops
Master of Magic
Baldur's Gate 2 is probably the best for that, but still far from optimal.
NWN mage duels on custom pvp servers were pretty good, but I have no idea if they are still around.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Master of Magic
Meme answer but baldurs gate 2. Have yet to see a more interesting magic system than that
Why there is so few games with Metal magic.
Cool I’ll have to check it out because I never played any of those games. Just need to get a pc again.
is Gelt our guy?
dota 2
I've yet to come across a game in which magic felt mystical and otherworldly. Skyrim's the perfect example of that. Magic is using a hand shaped gun that fires multicolored bullets.
Nigga please magic is much more than shooting shit out of your hands
good premise, bad execution
Well Kotor 2 is all about mysticism and trying to understand and learn nature of force. Although space fantasy I don't think I ever played game that treats magic in such way.
I like total Warhammer 2 1 has shit magic though for amount of magic schools alone and that they are different for each race. Shame about nerfing light magic in last patch.
Does that even have pvp? I can imagine that being interesting.
Reminder that is the content actually laughs at.
god you people have lost your edge
Cheeky cunt m8, but pretty accurate.
As far as i remember it had wizard and preist spells which you put into slots in order to cast, with different classes being able to learn varying amounts of spells at varying levels, with dedicated spellcasters having the most slots and access to spells from level 1.
Spell uses are regained on rest.
It's a great system, but not really 'interesting' since something similar is a pretty heavy staple in most rpgs of that type, not to mention tabletop games.
Tyranny did magic pretty well.
Each spell has a core sigil, 'expression' sigil and optional 'accents' which you have to physically draw in front of you (or rather, your character does, you the player just clicks a button.)
New 'cores' are only learned over years of study as 'archons' are the only ones who can introduce 'new' magic, and they only become a thing after enough people believe in their particular power and give it strength.
It's literally meme magic.
Regular mages simply channel that archons power, even if that particular one is long deceased.
Expressions are simply how the spell manifests, while accents are minor modifications such as "Longer duration" or "More projectiles."
So to cast two fireballs simultainiously, you'd need to draw the fire symbol, followed by the symbol for "bolt" and then finish it with the accent for "More dakka"
Your character also has to understand, be able to combine these metaphysical concepts and draw the symbol perfectly without fucking up (represented in-game by lore stat before you can equip the spell), drawing a circle anticlockwise instead of clockwise for instance would cause it to fizzle.
Haven't played it yet but I heard arx fatalis is cool. Legend of Grimm rock is a bit different too.
who wizard in here
Put me about, here, in the screencap.
Bump I like wizard threads
1 year left my dude
>Empire still doesn't have generic Death and Gold wizards, or even Lord-level wizards
>the former is literally one of the faction's stated selling-points
Fucking CA hacks!!!
yes, world pvp and your class changes when you kill people
when you die you drop tradable stuff
world pvp is in "the wilds"
Came here to post this.