Someone tell me how the 2 minute meet the tf2 characters managed to show more character in the classes than overwatch...

Someone tell me how the 2 minute meet the tf2 characters managed to show more character in the classes than overwatch could with full cinematics?

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Can someone tell me how the meet videos are pretty well written in such a short timespan

Valve made it.

Just think if Valve actually did longer "meet the team" like they did for spy/medic/pyro.

>short timespan

Valve used to care about making good games. Everyone that made Valve what they were left long ago.

it's called expiration date

TF2 characters have quite simple and straightforward personalities.

Heavy is a hulking giant constantly hiding how truly smart and intelligent he really is.
Soldier is a compulsive liar and pseudo-patriotic loon.
Pyro is a goddamn split-personality pyromaniac... thing that allows the bad side of it to take care of reality while its good side lives in a fantasy world based on real one.
Scout is a smug bastard who runs fast. Is all you need to know.
Sniper is a smooth and patient assassin.
Medic is a mad scientist who is not afraid of experimenting in order to aid his comrades.
Spy is a goddamn gentlemen spy with tendency to backstab.
Engineer is a tinkerer with practical approach in problem solving.
Demoman is a Scottish black cyclops alcoholic with amazing talent to construct, handle, and defuse bombs despite being so intoxicated he can't often remember what happened 10 seconds ago.

Did I miss anyone?

post the webm

Simplistic art style.
Each class brought something that none of the others did, so they could freely focus on that thing in the shorts without having to be concerned about future retcons much.
They roughly matched the characters personalites to their average playstyles.
Scout's are cocky bastards that steal shit.
Heavies had to think somewhat smart before reving up their gun.
Soldiers shot rockets while charging and shooting themselves with rockets to hit people with a shovel.
Engineer's set up shit in one location and killed you if you ran at him like retards.
Demomen blew shit up indescriminately, could lay traps.
Sniper camped for ages until he got spotted, could maybe get a streak if he's quick / lucky, vulnerable to countersnipes.
Spies dominated teams that didnt communicate.

Medic and pyro videos came later and were mostly meme videos about their personalities.

Why are tf2 players obsessed with Overwatch?

As opposed to Overwatch characters that have literally 0 personality beyond their ethnicity.

Because valve focused on showing the personalities of the classes and what they do and just refined it

Overwatch videos are just a Pixar movie cut into segments, like the fuck was the bastion one about, you're supposed to show and present the character, all o got was a robot walking through the woods

Overwatch's shorts are too spread out, thematically. Team Fortress 2's shorts were just about another day in the life of one of these mercenaries as they plot to kill each other, while Overwatch jumps around from some guys stealing a powerglove in a museum, to assassinating a robot, to attacking a Mexican gang, to a robot's PTSD after fighting some Germans in power armor outside a castle, to a lone scientist waking up in Antarctica and trying to escape. What do any of these have in common other than the fact that there are robots and people fighting?

Someone tell me why TF2 fans have hard-ons for obsessing over how their better than Overwatch>

I miss good multiplayer games.

Because Blizztards keep shitting up discussions of actual shooters.

When? And don't bring up the comic.

I hate talking about tf2 and having people bringing up overwatch

One is good and the other isnt


the only reason he speaks odd is because he's russian and he doesn't know or care to learn english as a whole. This is established in the very first trailer for him, where he knows all the intricate workings of his gun, and can name every single bit of its statistics down to the tiniest number. He also speaks like a high intellectual in the russian version of Meet The heavy.

Also, according to poker night, he has a PHD in russian literature.

If someone was playing a bad game and younknew of a much better one, wouldn't you want them to play it instead? It's the same reason you see so much shitting on western """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" when discussing weeb products.

He's a Savant, not an intellectual. Poker Night isn't canon.

In the Russian dub of the game his voice lines are a lot more coherent because it doesn't have the indefinite articles that Russian speakers tend to drop in English. Also why not bring up the comics?

The russian trailer still establishes him as a man who's more than just a brute.

Mostly because all 9 classes have the same artstyle and theme. A crackpot band of mercenaries joined together to accomplish impossible feats, all while fighting each other figuratively and literally. Overwatch struggles by overfilling the roster with characters that don't fit a certain theme. We have two mad-max Australian thief's, a gamer grill, a gorilla scientist, cyborg ninja and cowboy, and many more. Lots of interesting ideas and concepts but it just becomes bloated and almost none of them look like they're from the same game. Ironically with tf2 cosmetics nowadays they face the same problem, looking at you potassium bonnet.

Demo will always be my favorite. Theyre all comically absurd, but Demo takes the fucking cake.

>he outright admits he has a PHD in Poker Night at the Inventory
>in his trailer he admits there may be people smarter than him, but also says "I'm yet to meet one who can outsmart bullet". In Russian there is a saying "stupid as a bullet".
>he knows everything about every gun he uses, indicating he knows how to use them in the very best way possible
>in "meet the medic" trailer he actually asks valid question "should I be awake for this?" which isn't a question an idiot would ask when dealing with an actual doctor.

Except the comic confirms Poker Night's Heavy, you know.

>don't bring up a canon piece of media
ok retard

I think he might wanna play "comic is not canon" card.

Every second of a Meet the Team has a purpose. There are no 'unnecessary' parts, everything has a payoff. So instead of 5 minutes of pointless filler you get 2 minutes of entertaining short.

It's funny how the game still has a cohesive style no matter how maany retarded cosmetics they throw into it. The philosophy of silhouettes and simple red v blue aesthetics has outlasted every single neon green pony scout that tried to ruin the game.

Meet the Pyro was shit
I fucking hate it, shit makes me mad as hell

How would you make the Meet the Pyro video?

op, tf2 is dead, please stop holding on to it so dearly, its embarrassing

Not make him some meme unicorns and candyland delusional for a start, he was a better character when all you knew was that he liked burning shit and that's it

TF2 doesn't bother with tragic backstories or personal motivations. By the time those backstories actually are brought into the spotlight, they're quickly shoved aside or whoever brought them to the forefront is despised because it gets in the way.
At its core, TF2 is a game about 2 idiots sending 9 bigger idiots to go kill each other over basically nothing (although the mercs at least can be handwaved as motivated by pay).

>got interested in tf2 a couple years back
>didn't know any of the lore
>like demo's introduction video the most and decide to look up his wiki
>oh hey, I wonder if it says how he lost his eye-
>turns out he got possessed by a magic bomb book and his eye manifested into a giant monster
The lore and world building going from 0 to 100 is what keeps me coming back

It’s sad that these folks are living in your head, rent free and all

>When? And don't bring up the comic.

Forget about this retard, I fucking love heavy, show me some comics.

Thats because most of the designs in Overwatch were stolen from other works, while the TF2 characters were all mare by Valve themselves.

>dissing potassium bonnet when you can be moonman

I loved how they transitioned this bit into the intro to MtH


Blizzard straight up admitted pre Doomfist release that he borrowed heavily from fighting game characters. Kaplan even said that their goal, gameplay wise, was to take a fighting game character, and translate it to first person gameplay.

The only original design in TF2 is Demoman, though.

So heavy has had a pretty fucking rough childhood it seems, never knew that.

>And don't bring up the comic.

Yep, all those awful AAA companies like EActivisiBlizzUbiThes2KSquareEniSoft are living "rent free" in "Sup Forums's head". Same with all the feminists and politicians trying to actively sabotage the artistic medium of vidya.
What is your fucking point?
Where are the numbers, Jeff?

He is very protective of his family and fears some idiots may actually find out where they are, this is why he doesn't want to talk about them and focuses on what he is doing.

what is this from?

Might wanna read the linked thread, duder. It goes way, way deeper than that.

Heavy is really one of the best characters.

>intellectual who still enjoys the thrill of battle
>treats his guns like family, but loves his family just as much
>hates vodka, isn't a fan of tetris, doesn't blindly believe in communism

He's one of the most subversive russians in all of media, without coming across as a special contrarian snowflake.

Official TF2 comic from Valve.

Meet the Director


Watch out guys, this person is automatically correct. Surprised you didn't throw problematic in there.


More effort put into just being funny and giving the characters good interactions, rather than futilely trying to tug at your heartstrings

>a compulsive liar and pseudo-patriotic loon
Sounds like Trump.

Truly, an original comment

>It's a TF2vOW thread
Why can't we be friends?

/k/ knows their guns pretty well, but I wouldn't call any of them geniuses. Also, if he were so smart he'd be able to pick up the language easier. The spy doesn't seem to have any problem with it.

>telling others to go to reddit while redditspacing

He probably could pick up the language if he wanted to, but why would he want to? He knows enough to shoot people and get paid. As the comic shows, he doesn't like talking much because he doesn't want information divulged.

>treats his guns like family, but loves his family just as much
This is tough one, because everything indicates that he obfuscates his true intelligence to fool enemies into thinking he is just big and stupid and underestimate him.
At the same time he really has no real friends (he even treats Medic with some distance), so he probably talks to inanimate things to cope with it. Remember he is very distrustful of people.
> doesn't blindly believe in communism
Communists sent his family to gulag, obviously he isn't buying the commie bullshit.

My noggin is joggin at this freedom fighters witty remarks

>soldier with helmet and gun is an original design


I'm sure they were going for complete originality with the soldier's design, and not just refining a classic design.


the meet videos were personality profiles, not backstories. ez.

They took longer to make. I think the Pyro one was the last short.

I remember that thread, or another one exactly like it, started with the exact same picture, that went more or less exactly the same, that I posted in. Anarchy reigns did not invent power armor, and cybernetic legs, and Kojima did not invent robotic/cybernetic ninjas. Even if a lot of the Overwatch characters are similar, in appearance only, to Anarchy Reigns characters, it's likely not Blizzard ripping off the designs and trying to pass them off as their own, but that the lead character designer at Blizzard was a fan of the game, thought the designs were cool, and wanted to include them in Overwatch, but with his own twists on them.

Was Marvel stealing from Heinlein when they made Iron Man? Or did they just think, wow, power armor is cool, we should make a power armor guy too, but instead of giant bugs, he punches commies.

here, now that I think about it the video should have actually just been scenes of Pyro setting shit on fire for a few minutes with 0 context, explanation or dialogue, nothing

Because the characters in tf2 were designed to fit the setting, their playstyle and give them more depth than is necessary for the characters to be more than just hero vessels.

Overwatch is designed to appeal to as many people as possible by every possible measure. No character can be offensive, but it needs to convey its playstyle. So since the only completely acceptable storyline in this era is to fight against prejudice, all the characters are geared around telling their playstyle in a completely digestible way. That is why they are entirely forgettable.

It's his lines that get me cracking
>I'm drunk you don't have an excuse
>Welcome to the dominatening

Why are Trumpettes so easily triggered?

This is 100% true
All of the classes are simple with personality instead of being incredibly complex and focus-tested like every overwatch design
It also helps that Valve actually has competent writers. The "meet the" videos are all hilarious whereas the Overwatch videos are all applauded for having decent animation because the writing is incredibly bland.
Seriously people act like that Mei short deserves an Oscar because Blizzard animated an already popular character in extremely predictable circumstances.

>The director is literally the OW writing team

>can't go one thread without talking about Trump

>Seriously people act like that Mei short deserves an Oscar

Preposterous, the last bastion deserves that oscar for it's incredibly compelling depiction of robot PTSD.

all of them except pyro (2:32), medic (4:10) and spy (3:20) are under 2 minutes
all of the overwatch shorts are over 6 mintues

>the only decent overwatch short is the only one with zero dialogue
What did Blizzard mean by this

Because valve fanboys have drank so much soy that it has corrupted their minds into thinking anything valve releases is amazing.

Reminder that a large majority of the voice actors are losing their voice and we'll never get more heavy, soldier, demoman, and engineer voice lines.

Because faggots from both games kept comparing the games before Overwatch was out. Even now that it's clear that both games are drastically different fangays from both sides won't shut the hell up about it.
t. player of both games who sees the same shit in threads of either game

Trying too hard, lad.

Reinhard's is cool

If anything then Blizzshills are the ones who drank too much soy

Valve is anything but soy you autistic meme loving fuck.
They are a bunch of wankers who made TF2 a Team Hats 2: Friendship is Magic, true. But you can't deny the lore, effort, and ideas they put into it are actually pretty awesome.

Reinhardt's is only cool because Reinhardt is cool. The actual story is really generic.


So you've moved the goalpost from
>reminder that the voice actors are fucking dead
>reminder that they can't voice
When will you just concede, jeff?

Gordon Freeman is like the quintessential soyboy male power fantasy
>le epic STEM career
>meme Reddit beard
>skinny fat
>doesn’t speak because of literal autism

Hold 5 seconds nigger

Is that the fucking doctor dick dance?

I don't think his post was in any way taking jabs at TF2. Sounded more like "I'm sad about this" type of post.

>Come into unrelated thread
>"Fuck off"
>"Why are you triggered :)"

No, he definitely is. He's done it before and will do it again.

>skinny fat

mad because ugly

Holy shit, OP was actually right for once. Still a fag though.

>retrofitting soyboy to a decade old game

>there's a steamed hams map now