>pick up Force Whirlwind
>game because easy as fuck
Well, that's broken.
Other urls found in this thread:
>do whatever
>game became easy as fuck
Wow wee
>b-but Malak
how are people getting kotor to work on their computers now a days?
last time I tried, I crashed within five minutes of loading the tutorial
My computer is from 2009
worked for me on windows 10 without any issues. i didn't do anything, just installed it from steam
I had a problem where the cutscenes would crash the game. But I easily googled a fix.
For me the game only crashed on the first sequence on the ship. It did so a couple of times, but I quicksaved through it. After arriving on the first planet there were no more problems.
I got past the cutscenes by putting it into windowed mode, but I was just crashing after fighting the third wave of troops before running into the sith
It was the xbox version that gave me troubles, crashed on the wookie planet every time i got off the ebon hawk.
Also is it worth running through again Dark side or should i just jump to Kotor 2? i had fun with my light side guardian but i heard that the real nigga shit is with the dark side consular.
that's what's happening to me
I might reinstall again and try to power through
go on the exe properties and set to run as administrator AND set on win xp compatibility mode
also disable "frame buffer effects" or something like that on the game options
dark side is the most fun.
>give companion force wave
>they can still cast force push/force whirlwind
to be fair, you have to have an IQ of 180+ to understand this build.
>open swkotor.ini
>go down to [Graphics Options]
>add "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1"
also enabling v-ysnc is a good idea but you might want to use a 3rd party program to lock the framerate at 60 as some people haven't had much luck with the in game v-sync. i use RivaTunerStatisticsServer and it works fine for me
if you get the game running fine its a good idea to drop a hard save every hour or so just incase
>All these KOTOR threads because Pat and Woolie
>he didnt pvp his way to max level
>mfw someone levels combat stats near me
My GOG copy works fine.
im so proud of you user you did it you listened
I have become Death, destroyer of worlds.
>dark side consular in kotor 1
ur just jelly dude
Is your brother Dongus?
>doesn't know that name
I see you are not a true RPG fan. Never reply to me again.
>beat KOTOR 1 two times and KOTOR 2 three times since they started
>they have only done Taris, Dantooine and part of Tatooine