Does FighterZ have major Super spoilers?

Does FighterZ have major Super spoilers?

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Universe 7 wins tournament because goku goes kaioken times 10 against hit the time skipper

Goku black is zamasu in other timeline goku body because super dragon balls and all other time timeline God's of destruction destroyed

Trunks pulls spirit bomb sword out of ass and splits merged zasu who goes universal gigyas mode afterwards only to be erased by a xeno summoned by goku who later is given as friend to current time line xeno

Niggers tongue my anus

Yeah, two of the playable characters are from Super, and one of them appears in a certain way that the English dub hasn't gotten to yet. It'll still be spoilery for another two-and-a-half months.

Jesus, you deserve to be burned alive nigger

He made you a favor super is absolute trash

trash or not don't spoil it

He’s making shit up retard

The end of Z is a spoiler for Super.

>super spoilers

I sincerly hope you don't legitimately care about dragon ball shitter. DBS is fucking garbage. No, GT was garbage. Super is beyond garbage.

Universe 6 gets erased.
Majin Buu and Monaka is not in the tournament
Female Saiyans in U6
Vegeta gets Super Saiyan Blue 2 and Goku gets a Base Form Power up
An alien is the antagonist that is Superman if he was an alien.

Just 8 DLC characters data mined from the PC version:

Kid Goku
Fuu (Xenoverse 2)

Oh, and $8 a pop.

Imagine being this mad about a cartoon franchise made to sell toys and games.

I'm guessing you're watching the dub which just got to the goku black arc so you know all the characters. Black does spoil some stuff with his supers and I guess with his appearance but thats about it.

>if you think something is bad it means you are mad

But it was supposed to be Zamasu.
Muh missing lobby avatar was supposed to confirm it.

You deserve it for being a dubfag

Nothing too serious

>Universe 7 wins because Goku's Kaioken is better
Nigger please. Goku exited the ring himself because Hit couldn't fight at full power and then Hit lost on purpose in the next round to pay Goku back and to fuck with Champa..

However, you are correct for everything else.

>can do tons of sick combos in the practice lobby
>As soon as an actual match starts everything moves too fast for me to keep track of and I get bodied
holy fuck this game makes me feel like old man


how fake Zamasufag?

why does global always get fucked in the ass?

>No Vegito
Some bullshit

because we don't farm rice to pay for stones I guess

Goku still lost that fight fag.

It has spoilers for the series that comes after Super:

Honestly the only unexpected ones there are Fuu and maybe Toppo.

RIP Roshi and Arale, but overall not the worst possible season.

>Last DLC character is a Xenoverse OC
>It's not even one of the famous ones

The rest is fine, though.

Super is fucking garbage.

Oops, spoiled the whole show for you.

Guessing that's Broly? Waste unless it's blue hair Broly
Bardock, hopefully with both the bandanna and scouter.
I don't get the Janemba meme. He has a shit tier design and I can barely remember any of his moves. Even Tapion would've been better.
Makes sense. At least it's not Caulifla
Toppo? People want to play as him?
Shit design, shit moves. No style at all
Kid Goku I'm guessing. Good choice
Who the fuck is Fuu.

Who the fuck watches Super for the plot anyway? We know everyone important is alive and well at the end of Z, so there's literally no tension.

toppo's fucking great shut your whore mouth

Super is fucking trash dude.

Fuu is a character from Dragon Ball Online that (like many aspects) got recycled for Xenoverse.

He's going to be in some upcoming story DLC for XV2.

I always liked Janemba's design. Also he has some interesting moves, such as all the spacial manipulation (teleports, portals, etc) and the sword that can spam beams.

Not really interested in Bardock at all though. Broly could be alright. Really like Caulifla & Kale thinking that they could work as an assist team (play as Caulifla, summon LSS Kale for brute force assists, lvl 3 fuses them together). Toppo's design > Jiren's design.

Yeah I remember seeing that for DLC. If Fuu gets in, then Towa should get in at some point. She seems more important to the non-canon games than him.

Towa is more important, and she has more seniority and has 3 Dragonball games worth of movesets to borrow from (Xenoverse, Online, and Heroes). Fuu is just soo out there, even if this is a tie-in promotion for the DLC.

But Towa isn't much of a fighter in all 3 games anyways. then again nither is Jiren, stoic motherfucker doesn't even have enough material to make a Xenoverse moveset out of what he's shown in the show and their still gonna make him a fighter.

Just you wait for when Dragon Ball Super comes back and they run out of ideas they stole from fanfictions.


>GT better than Super
always discard the opinions of these posters.
