Does FighterZ have major Super spoilers?

Does FighterZ have major Super spoilers?

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Universe 7 wins tournament because goku goes kaioken times 10 against hit the time skipper

Goku black is zamasu in other timeline goku body because super dragon balls and all other time timeline God's of destruction destroyed

Trunks pulls spirit bomb sword out of ass and splits merged zasu who goes universal gigyas mode afterwards only to be erased by a xeno summoned by goku who later is given as friend to current time line xeno

Niggers tongue my anus

Yeah, two of the playable characters are from Super, and one of them appears in a certain way that the English dub hasn't gotten to yet. It'll still be spoilery for another two-and-a-half months.

Jesus, you deserve to be burned alive nigger

He made you a favor super is absolute trash

trash or not don't spoil it

He’s making shit up retard

The end of Z is a spoiler for Super.

>super spoilers

I sincerly hope you don't legitimately care about dragon ball shitter. DBS is fucking garbage. No, GT was garbage. Super is beyond garbage.

Universe 6 gets erased.
Majin Buu and Monaka is not in the tournament
Female Saiyans in U6
Vegeta gets Super Saiyan Blue 2 and Goku gets a Base Form Power up
An alien is the antagonist that is Superman if he was an alien.