Post proof you have patrician taste Sup Forums
Post proof you have patrician taste Sup Forums
I love Reisen!
The first Witcher game is the best of the series.
I've booted up Miitomo every day since launch.
can't wait for some faggot contrarian to complain about rng!
Dark souls II is better than I.
I play dwarf fortress with the vanilla ascii art
i presse de buton
The Wonderful 101 is in my top 3 favourite games of the console generation.
came here to post this
Not an higher res ASCII one
I think video games are better now than they were ten years ago.
I am okay with this statement.
Cia is the best Nintendo girl
I like you guys
I've played DooM'93 every day for at least 8 ((4 if word day)) hours for 20 years straight
That's a funny why to spell MinMin
and you too
I don’t play games that are considered patrician on Sup Forums, I play what I feel like playing.
My favorite game is a shitty JRPG from the the 90s. I call it shitty because its unfinished even according to the developers, suffers from heavy grind and its translation was obviously botched in places among other numerous faults. Despite this, I will always love it because for the longest time it was the only game I had, first game I ever fully completed, and in every stage of my life I go back to play it in some form or another.
Because of this, I am inherently more tolerant of bullshit presented in vidya, and can usually find good in even the most steaming piles of garbage, all the while being able tell from an objective point what's good and what's bad game design.
DDR is still the best music game ever made.
what's the name of the game user?
Is it wrong to pick York to be my husbando?
My favorite vidya gaem is Mountain Blade.
Rin is the best Love Live
All things considered if you aren't turned off by old RPGs/Liked Live a Live I'd recommend giving it a play. Just don't go into it expecting a big resolution.
If I ever become a Gamedev, I'd like to give it the ending it deserves, but that'll never happen.