what phone games does Sup Forums play?
What phone games does Sup Forums play?
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get out
>Sup Forums doesn't play games
That was a slightly okay game.
To answer ;
Conquest of Elysium 3
NEO Scavanger
And some other tangential stuff
that game is pure kino
the "subplot" was kinda shit though desu. is there any explanation after the ending?
matthewmatosis shilled me
DOKDO and Pixel Car Racer are gems
i play BHM, and this is one of the reasons why
I play pokemon go everyday
MMX Hill Dash, Rebuild 3, Futurama: Worlds of Tomorrow, CookServeDelicious.
FFRK and Tales of the Rays
This is unironically my 2nd most hyped upcoming game of 2018.
Does anyone know if FF VII supports controller so I can use my micro usb to micro usb cable + dualshock 4
Don't know about the port, but Retroarch does.
>Solar Siege
Really good RTS with wave of enemies set in space. Missions generally last 15 to 30 mins. Free and easily completable without spending a penny. Long and with good replay value.
It's basically the 3D remake of a very good and old flash game called "The Space Game".
>Traffic Lanes 2
Puzzle game where you have to manage traffic lights in increasingly big and messy intersections. Has some smart controls to make your life easier (like grouping lights together to go off at the same time). Free with occasional ads after you finish a game. No microtransactions.
>Alto's Adventure
Endless scroller where you have to ski your way down a mountain as far as you can. Very cool aesthetics and music, a bit grindy. Games are relatively short so it's a good time waster. Free with pay-2-not-grind microtransactions that can be avoided without much trouble.
>Plague Inc.
Strategic game where you play as a virus/bacteria/parasite and you have to infect the world before humanity finds a cure against you. Nice upgrade mechanics, gets a bit repetitive after a while, but it's a good game overall. Not free and has optional DLCs. IIRC there is a free version on PC.
None because I'm not a normalfag casual whose entertaining by flash games with less depth than amateur newgrounds games.
It's just something to play on the shitter, chill.
Turn-based Strategy game where you have to manage a fixed artillery outpost against another artillery outpost. Has room, personnel and resource management. Very good quality game. Free, but with limited campaign. You have to pay to get the full story (it deserves the money IMO)
>Star Jumper
A dumbed-down version of FTL.
The games are short (both the single matches and the whole story) but can be replayed a lot. Good time waster. Free.
Puzzle game where you have to connect a bunch of nodes to balance resource production and usage. It plays under the premise of managing energy stations for cities around a map. Nice minimalistic graphics, simple mechanics, gets very hard very fast. Free
>MMX Hill climb
Side scrolling racing game. Works like an infinite scroller (but with finite levels) in which you have to get as far as you can, collect money, upgrade your car and try to go further, all while competing with the AI for the best time. Has lots of content: many levels, many cars, many upgrades. Quite grindy but enjoyable, good time waster. Free with grind-avoiding microtransactions.
>Does not Commute
Complete mindfuck of a game. Seriously, just watch a trailer or something because it's too hard to explain in a couple of lines. It involves time rewinding and dealing with the consequences of what you did before rewinding. It's absolutely brilliant and free.
>First strike: final hour
Extremely good quality strategy game with spherical map. Plays a bit like Risk, but with superweapons, nukes, espionage and tech trees. Games are long. It's not free but it's worth every penny.
>One More Dash
>One More Line
Good time wasters. Endless and free.
>Extreme Landing
Flying game where you have to pilot a plane while landing under various kinds of emergencies. Good quality, good variety. Has optional time-based challenges for those who like that sort of stuff. Can't remember if it's free or not. It definitely has paid expansions with additional missions.
Mobius Final Fantasy. I've got enough tickets and magicite horded for 60+ summons for when the FFVII Weapons come out next month. I'm also getting into Duel Links, trying to pull for all of the general staple cards before building a real deck.
I love Atomic Fusion too much.
I also play Sailor Moon Drops to kill time
I read on the shitter.
Nice reddit spacing
Super cat bros. Surpringly tough platformer without a jump button,
Are there any good H-Games for mobile yet? I'm getting bored of Sakura Dungeon and CoC
Solar 2 is pretty fun i guess. I emulate GBA games on it too
My phone has 5 gigs of music, its not a gaming device
Frogger is all you need
I only play this, I need other games to play
Kings Raid. Shitposting in chat in 90% of the fun. Hell I can even stream in the game now shitting on everyone in the arena.
God i hate life
It's not even really gacha. It's more moba.
Unironically this.
Good story, gameplay is fun and I don't have to pay much attention to it to progress.
I was actually interested in this as an "auto" game to play during work but I'm sure that neither my five year old phone nor my $30 Amazon tablet will play it.
Even on Sup Forums i cant escape the ads
I regret subscribing to Swifty
Race for the galaxy
Through the ages
Terra Mystica
>using precious hard drive space for games when i can use it for image macros with which to post on neplese yakmilking boards
you are always shilling mobius
At least change your pic
So this is the state of soy/v/