>character design changes throughout the series
Character design changes throughout the series
Not even going to post New Link, but it reminds me of Bitcoin's value
Why did they do this?
>Looks ike tits are getting bigger.
>Head gets bigger too, meaning they aren't even all that much different.
Doesn't even change that all the in-game models are the same body type.
Wait I did realise it was going left to right.
Looks like her boobs grew so large that they ripped her boob window open.
Is this the oinker thread?
The first and last have the exact same head-to-tit proportions. It just looks different because the waist and arms haven't shifted (meaning she looks more exaggerated) and her bow is proportionally bigger than the head and breasts, which have grown.
What's in the tubes?
Shota semen.
I like how the Greek sisters in SC get sluttier in every game. Ivy too
post more thicc oinks
You're a really pathetic and thirsty boy, you know that right?
Embrace the christmas cake body type
>girl gets thiccer by going on a pure semem diet
does it mean a girl (male) or a boy (female)?
metroid thread?
I think reverse trap, so boy (female)
After what she did to hibari, i hope she dies in 7even.
Haruka is a fat cow.
Haruka is slim! SLIM!!
That serves the purpose of proving that your stupid waifu aint real and anyone can change her
just that it's the opposite lol
I fucking love anime tiddies, lads.
where are the salami nipps?
I liked her design better with the white bit on her top, helped tie everything together. I know it's a series about teenagers getting naked when you hit them but it helps when they aren't already showing their boobs off from the start. Gotta earn that bare skin.
>that ribbon size change
of course mistress
>Boob size changes
>stats don't.
Haruka is a T H I C C Goddess and I want her to dominate me!
>tiny nips on big tits
I hate that. Big breasts should have big nipples.