Yfw 2018 will be a great year for pcbros

>yfw 2018 will be a great year for pcbros

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PoE 2 in two months
Can't wait

i hope that they dont make shit ports again tho

literally what game?

What do you mean with that?
Path of Exile?
Power over Ethernet?


pillars of eternity

>MHW soon
I already have MHW on my PS4 but I'm still looking forward for the PC release. Can't wait to hunt with you PCbros.

>Sony gets A Way Out in March
sorry PC bros ;)

>obsidian sjw shit

>Killable children, rapeable women and slaughterable villages
>SJW shit
Ok faggot

Breasts too big

>pillars of eternity
do you have a link to that?
askin for friend
he also asks if you can combine the first with the second

Breasts too small

Nipples not erect enough

A way out from what? Are you high?

>tfw no good games lately and in the future have anime art
The shitty normalfag narrative is getting proven right and I fucking hate it.
Also fuck you for lying OP.

>>Killable children, rapeable women and slaughterable villages
wait what?
Did I drop the game before it start being good?

Can you do all that in first game?
Im asking for a friend.

From virginity

from anal rape


2018 looks like a pretty good year for everyone other than Xbox owners. I've been enjoying more games than usual even in 2017.

What anime is this?

saotome is best kakegurui!

Yes. I'm referring to stuff from the first game. How would I know what happens in the second game if it isn't even out yet?
Whorehouse for rape and you can attack and kill any child you see on sight, there's also a quest where you're asked to murder a baby in Twin Elms.

Every year is a good year for PCbros.

MHW in ten months
Can't wait

>tfw pcbro

What are some games with gambling?


tfw also pcbro

I remember making bank on KOTOR 1 and 2 with Pazaak as well as a fucking fortune on Red Dead Redemption with Poker and Dice

Other than that Poker Stars is still pretty good to play

>I literally get all my information from Sup Forums and never check if any of it is true
Holy fucking newfag

It is true, though.

If it isn't true, where is the tranny poem and why did Obsidian contact the backer to change it?

Is Compulsive Gambler any good?

Enchanted Arms is completely broken by gambling. You get godlike units and upgrades to the humans that put you way ahead of the game, then once they fall off the gambling place will have new stuff to get that's similarly too good

Shenmue 2

Only game I'm looking forward to is Cyberpunk 2077, and if it doesn't get a proper physical release like the Witcher games got then I'm going to pirate it.

See you in 4 years user
why are you even here if that's the only game you're looking forward to
Like seriously, even this year will have at least one cyberpunk game or 2

That anime was so bad I dropped at the first episode.
They did well in having the characters doing those overly retarded faces, only reason people give a shit about it.

The “le wacky anime face xdd” is a huge turnoff.


Should I get red joy cons or blue joy cons?

*turn on

They aren't even anime faces. They really go in depth on the level of detail unlike 99% of anime


Where do I find a gf that'll make faces like that at me?

Wish graphics cars didnt cost you a testicle and a half because now I'm stuck with my 770gt

What anime?

Not very good as a gambling anime because the stakes aren't much for the main character, but it is still pretty entertaining.

A treasure trove of reaction faces, too.


>a shit version of kaiji


is that girlycard?


How so? Please tell.

Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking fantasy rpgs. As sci- fi lover I need me some turn based sci-fi rpgs.

That all depends. Are the children getting killed straight white males? In which case, that is a good thing. We need to cull them off for diversity reasons.

Fuck you OP, at least try to explain what you meant by this.

Three Shadowrun games not enough for you? Nor Battletech? What about Copper Dreams? Obsidian might be working on a sci-fi game, but it won't be turn based.

When it comes to a tossup between the red anti hero and the blue rival that talks about order, the answer is always obvious. Red always wins.

Damm it, I'd fap to that pic but now I'm filled with rage

Even worse, user.
>face tattoos
You just know that pussy has some mileage on it.

God those faces.
I would have nightmares watching that shit.
Did that guy Juji Ito animate this?

Not him directly of course. It's kinda official adaptations. Havent seen series, tho.

One of the shittiest male self insert ever.

Source on this picture, I think I know this artist.

lol! Are you joking OP?

It's pretty great, but don't go expecting it to be actually about gambling or mind games. For the most part it's about enjoying the act of gambling and antagonists both over and underestimating the mc, while she un/intentionally ruins their lives

How will it be a great year for pcbros?

What type of combat does PoE have?

Two Point Hospital


Best girl.

I watch it for the girls , the gambling is alright

I've got you senpai

Too bad there won't be any PCbros soon since your average gayman PC now costs more than a lamborghini


>not already owning two 1080Tis from before the price surge
sorry you still need to ask your mom to buy you Switch games, user

stop posting my wife

Here we go. Thanks, user

*slow clap*$
eh, not bad Compulsive Gambler
Made in Abyss is the AOTY

Pillars of the Earth is great game. If you can't afford it, just pirate it.

okay sauce

>*slow clap*$

>jullian gollop heading a game on the nuxcom engine

i hope it has the depth of the original xcom games but i doubt it will

>playing online poker game
>no idea what the fuck I'm doing, just keep folding every turn
>get bored, decide to just go all in on my hand
>get straight flush, still have no idea what I'm doing
Is this true gambling?

He told it's more like a spiritual successor of X-com Apocalyse. I think it will be much more focused in Geospace than in Battlespace


i hope so


read the thread

I can't believe this shit anime is getting a second season.

>kakegurui is a flop ahahaha S2 never ever
>gets S2

>still tattoos on her neck

>ywn dump a load deep inside Yumeko because she gets off on the risk of getting pregnant.

Kakegurui masho~

>dat art style
Same studio that did Hellsing Ultimate?

>PC gaming
