>post screenshot
>recommend a game based on the screenshot above
Let's go Sup Forums
>post screenshot
>recommend a game based on the screenshot above
Let's go Sup Forums
AssCreed Syndicate.
Closest you'll get to that atmosphere.
AC Revelations
Definitely syndicate. Maybe try some of the Sherlock Holmes games aswell.
Did you play the newest one? The devils daughter or however it's called.
If so, how is it? From the screens it looks like some dudebro bait game.
The latest metal gear. Or some arma mod with big fucking guns.
Ohhh mman, making me wish he had gotten comfy snow London instead of ugly brown London.
kek I get it.
What game is the screenshot?
ArmA 3
>What game is the screenshot?
It's just a picture, no game sorry user
you should play it aint me
Armored Core comes to mind
Cyberpunk 2077
fallout new vegas
Don't they keep pushing back the release date for that?
No, they said it will be ready when it is ready. It is coming late this year or early next.
there was none
There never was a release date. Its confirmed to be at e3 this year.
None of these are screenshots, what's wrong with you people.
>not front mission or ring of red
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Deus Ex
World in Conflict
Yakuza 0
yakuza ?
>I visited a place like that last Christmas
>Met a qt freckled blonde who helped me navigate around the town and told me all sorts of stuff
>Realized she liked me
>Had to tell her I'm not straight
Really felt bad for breaking her heart. She was so nice to me. Pic very related, we walked down this street together. Comfy as fuck.
It's Kowloon Walled City: 2
Valkyria Chronicles
any generic JRPG
Try this.
Whoa, didn't know Nestle had Milf products back then
Nier Automata
Watch Dogs
Almost reminds me of Poseidon's whore in God of War 3
Divinity: Original Sin?
2 is probably better but I haven't played it yet.
imagine a world without niggers and (muslim) shitskins...
Somebody get this hothead outta here!
Gave 2 a look. That... Seems amazing. Is it the Baldur's Gate 2 successor I've been needing for 17 years after Dragon Age burned me so horribly?
fuck you, youre a monster. I would do anything to be in your shoes..
League of Legends
Fable 3
Silent Hill or Layers of Fear
Titan Quest
MGS2 ending.
Not a game, but watch Blade Runner 2049.
describe the game to me
NieR Automata
If sex dolls could actually have a personality of your choosing I'd consider it
But you don't kill americans in Crysis, so what's the fucking point?
recommend me a game based on how i look.
Rock Band
Is this true or fake?
Sleeping Dogs
Watch Dogs with some SweetFXs
taiko no taijutsun
Metal Slug
True Crime
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
Custom Maid 3D 2
who dis artist. thicc raven gets my noodle a doodleing.
Sleeping Dogs
Tokyo Jungle
Outlast 2
> we will die in this century
> pic related will be reality in the next century
I exist to suffer.
Guess the game.
please don't feel bad
remember that faggots in the 60's died thinking they were gonna miss the Jetsons irl in the year 2000
unreal world
Quake 4
posting another so you know it isn't all blue
>cheesy piece by cheesy crusty piece
Guitar Hero