ONLY post in this thread if you’re a member of the Greatsword master race

ONLY post in this thread if you’re a member of the Greatsword master race

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You misspelled Gunlance


What if I'm in the Sword mode only Switch Axe club? We're basically the same except I'm cooler.

SA is where it's at, fags

i bet your team hates you for tripping them all the time

I use switch axe, that's basically one half greatsword. Right? :^)

charge blade here haha

>triple charge on a monster that's charging you
>it stumbles
Is there any better feeling?

That's a weapon for real men.

I was waiting for my mate to get it, should I fuck him off and get it anyway?

>is it good?

>most boring weapon in the game
>master race
being this retarded takes talent

Can you change your face later in the game?

i play all weapons suck me

don't forget about hammerbros
greatsword and hammer are the only two weapons that require precise timing and prediction ability after all

>Choosing stupid flashy bullshit over a slab of metal that does fuck you damage
Have fun with your bugs though lmao

>remove strong charge after slap in world
>keep on slapping to go into strong charge

Can't have fun in these games unless im using multiple weapons. If i same fag a grestsword or a longsword too much it will give me fatigue and enjoyment levels will go down. I'd rather just use whatever weapon does best against a hunt even if i dont like the weapon that much at that time


Former GS fag here to tell you to convert to bowism

Guardpointing with Charge Blade takes more timing and prediction skill than all of Hammer and Greatsword.

Hammer GS and GS are all great.

Master uses a longsword

>fuck you damage
>but only when the monster twists it's ankle and falls down
you don't even realize that your teammates are carrying your slow ass lol

Hunting horn is the best though?

>press special button to win
>takes more skill than gotcha bitch
Haha, no.

aww baby's first monster hunter :)

you were so close to getting it right.


Except I’m the one actually breaking any parts. Keep pretending that flipping over the monster is actually contributing though!!

the only ones who trip me are gun faggots

>my weak slow baby hits are breaking parts!
>i-it's not because everyone else has been dealing consistent damage and i just got last hit! i s-swear!


not everyone who uses greatsword constantly sheathes

where my lance friends at

you're right, some of them, like you, play it in a shit ass retard way.

>hitting the monster and doing damage is playing in a retarded way
>constantly sheathing and doing no damage isn't retarded

How do you do decent damage with that thing?

>monster moves
>slowly walk over and charge
>monster moves again
>slowly walk over and charge
you only play solo i take it

counter and poke head

New to Greatsword I take it?

of course i sheathe if the monster runs away retard
i just don't sheathe after every single hit if the monster hasn't moved

Hello, friend.

you make it sound as if you never put your sword away ever. you also completely misinterpreted what i was talking about

i dont know whats a good hammer at HR5. i was told barroths mace was pretty shitty


If only the greatswords looked great, instead of like shit.


Avoid anything with negative affinity.

Otherwise you're good to go.

constantly sheathing means every single time you do an attack, even if it isn't charged, you sheathe immediately after. even if the monster hasn't moved much. \
attack, sheathe, run around, attack, sheathe, run around, etc.
it's impossible to play greatsword without sheathing ever lmao, but sometimes if the monster hasn't moved much just roll out of an attack and go right into another charge instead of sheathing again and wasting time for no reason.

>he fell for the console version
PC rules supreme as always.Unless they fuck up the port.

It really is, but the port won't be better.

shit well my only other mace was one of the water maces and not sure if having an element on a hammer is a good idea either and i cant refund the parts on it :^^( guess back to farming again

everybody with a brain knows this. i never said that isn't the correct way to play. i was being factitious before, but now i genuinely think you're a retard

quantity > quality

>the port won't be better
Why?I thought that capcom did good ports.Was i wrong in my thinkng?

they dont

on topic

>using GS

>just realized timing when you glow matters

>suddenly doing way more dmg per hit

any greatsword tips? tackle can cancel into charge hits too now apparently

is it worth it to do 3x charge on first hit? or no?

I'm being pessimistic.

I'm not far enough to see if there are affinity boosting armors/gems to negate it, but if you're unable to get that to at least 0 then it's gonna be shitty.

Gender too?

You can only change hair, eyebrows, beards, and facepaint/scars etc.

What weapon should I use if this is my first Monhun? Is the Lance any good

go to the training room and try out everything and then choose what you like the most

i still dont grasp affinity, is it each hit having 10% chance of doing less damage?
kinda gripe i have about the armor is how shitty some of the armor set skills are that you are required to mix match butt ugly armor for a bit.
and a lot of the armor on females is butt ugly.

i notice with having damage numbers there will be a second number underneath in blue. whats up with that? maybe i was seeing shit since i was up till 4 am playing

hammer is good beginner weapon imo. its not as tricky as say a charge blade or insect glaive. kinda hard to use on the faster monsters though and the sharpness is incredibly crappy at first

>everybody with a brain knows this
your original post made it seem like the greatsword does no damage ever. typically greatsword users who do no damage are constantly sheathing, I see it all the time online. my assumption was that you were playing with greatsword users who aren't doing damage, hence my response.
i made the claim that not everyone who plays greatsword constantly sheathes, and your response was "yeah you're right some people play in a shit ass retarded way like you"
this statement implies that people who don't constantly sheathe play like retards
>doesn't understand basic reading comprehension
>calls others retarded

Yes, negative affinity can cause weaker strikes.

Positive affinity increases chance of a1.25x damage attack, negative affinity increases the chance of a 0.75x damage attack.

I really like daggers
>Naruto mode
>Part broken
>Part broken
>Ez dodge
>Slide down a hill and attack for flying wombo combo
gg no re

>just realized timing when you glow matters
What do you mean?

>doesn't realize when somebody is bantering
when you say "not everyone who plays greatsword constantly sheathe" the immediate assumption is "i never put my sword away and walk slowly to the monster" because that's exactly what a lot of new players do. you have misinterpreted what i was talking about and are now having an autistic shitfit about it. you also haven't realized that i was bantering. i never actually meant any of what i said, i was saying it because it's fun to have fake arguments with others and that's what i assumed was happening until a few posts ago.

there are three charge levels and you can miss the third level if you don't release the attack button on time. when your hunter flashes red and moves their shoulders is when you should release. if you don't then you get a weaker attack

>the only other option aside from constantly sheathing is never sheathing
>hurr durr i was only pretending to be retarded i dont actually mean anything i just said!!!

if you release at the right time you glow when you swing and do more damage

you can "overcharge".

are you being ironic? what is even happening anymore

Dicklet confirmed. I use dual wield straight swords with no shield like a true alpha.

Anyone know where the training area is? I remember in the beta it was in the menu

talk to housekeeper cat in your house

Overcharging is bad?

i specifically avoided this game because of the extremely unsatisfying on-hit effects. its the equivalent of how this image feels.

Me and my friends are new to the series, and looking to form a regular suite of weapons based on nothing other than what we think looks cool as shit

So far we have one person who wants to specialize in each of the following weapons


How fucked are we?

how so

yes, the charge goes from level 3 to 2 if you charge for too long, doing less damage

it just feels wrong. I know i am not the only one who feels this way

>Hammer goes to head
>Bow guy plinks away
>Longsword is at tail
>Lance gets what he can
Literally fine.

What was the monster that you love hunting so much that you ended up with a full set of its armor and several of its weapons. For me:
Tri: Barioth
3U: Brachy

Tobi, only because his set etc are cute.

negative affinity is hardly a reason to not use a weapon.

If the raw is high enough it more than offsets the occasional 25% drop in damage.

Is Khezu in this game...Hes always been my favorite...

Just be sure the hammer guy understands that once the monster is knocked out he needs to get the fuck away from the head. The head tends to be the weakest part of a monster and Longsword can vastly outpace Hammer in a damage race.

Be a good hammerbro, do your job and knock out the monster then go wail on the legs while it flails around letting the higher DPS weapons have access to the primo cut zones.

I... I'm the bow guy

Good. After a hunt you can use your sissy boi mouth to service my superior hard cock.

Dont hit your party then

I just liked Dragons Dogma is all


Now you will like my cock.

Bow is good, but monhun is vastly different to DD. You're going to need to study up on hit zones to learn where you should be aiming your arrows.

The good thing about this is, you can direct any of your newbie friends to the right areas on the monster since you'll know the cut/bash zones better than anyone else.

Just have fun and remember, My weapon > your weapon

On a side note, looking at the character creator makes it feel like it's a scrapped DD

Dragon's Dogma was a scrapped Monster Hunter. It even reused some animations too.

>Greatsword master race

this game is LITERALLY dark souls with dinosaurs isn't it?