Any other 20+ gamers here?

Any other 20+ gamers here?

>Try to play videogames
>Always feel guilty for wasting my time
>Just want to work or socialize instead

How the fuck are you supposed to keep doing this time-consuming hobby once you turn 20 and have adult responsibilities?

I'm thirty years old and I can tell you right now, it doesn't get better.

Unless you have a group of friends, a girlfriend and a career of your own, there's no way around this. It's the nature of the beast. When you get to be my age the guilt sort of gives way to this deadened ambivalence. You start rationalizing it away. But it's always there. Always haunting you.

Isolation is a slow-acting but very very lethal poison. If you're still in your early 20s you still have time. Don't become like me though.

>How the fuck are you supposed to keep doing this time-consuming hobby once you turn 20 and have adult responsibilities?

just bee yourself

28 yo here
When i had girl it worked somehow. I could enjoy games but now i dont i feel guilty.
The trick is to not want to work. Gamble or do some part time shit. Or find rich girl or start sucking dick for money. But the worst part is that games got so bad that i do not even want to play them and i feel bad when i play games cause ultimately is a waste of life

This, just turned 30 this year.

I feel empty as fuck, not even video games fill the void. I am to the point where I dread any social contact outside of work. I would rather be home, get drunk off my ass and play vidya because life is shit as are all the people in it.

However, it seems like all the games I play are complete shit and I am never satisfied.


i only really play games with friends and gf now so i dont really feel that bad. I'll play a new release and then talk about it with coworkers at work the next day (engineers, so all gamers).

Sounds like u need to spend less time on the internet and games, take a break and try other things.

How do I get a girlfriend?

Why not just make nerdy friends?It's even better if they are all skinny losers because that way you get to be top dog

I tend to mostly play multiplayer games with real life friends after work and we chat on discord. I play one single player game at a time, been playing through Persona 5 for a month now and am only halfway through. I go out and socialise a lot too and exercise so I don’t feel guilty about it.

Don’t have a gf which helps.

If you're overweight, LOSE THE FUCKING WEIGHT BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE. Guys don't have the luxury of still getting some even if they're fat because women have the advantage in dating. Always and forever.

Once the body is worked on, then you can move onto to gaining confidence and talking to women . In this case, it isn't mind over matter, it's matter influencing the mind in a positive way.

Don't fucking use online dating or tinder because the former is grindier than any JRPG in existence, and the latter is comprised of mostly bots and girls actually looking for relationships.

Smile and be nice to everyone you fucking meet. 1 out of every 10 women will be interested in you but you have to make sure to land that one out of 10 by being glowing and positive around EVERY SINGLE PERSON. If you act depressed around people, never say anything, never smile to people who say hello, you won't get fucking far in the search for a girlfriend.

If it's consuming your time, that's on you. I'm able to play video games on top of a job, socialization, exercise, housework, work on my bike, and all the normie shit. Time mother fucking management. It's a generally useful life skill you should have learned when you procrastinated a project in school and had to frantically do it all the night before. If you're not an incompetent buffoon you can make time to do all of this shit.

By lowering your standards. They fart and shit to many disgust or delight. They are human just like you. They experience the same emotions just like you. Not to the same things but they are in there. Everyone is just a reflection of everyone else so please don't worry about it.

If you are old enough you will realize you're a fucking freak and hopefully you can find someone as freaky as you are. But I'm just projecting at that point.

Find a girl who mirrors your tendencies, who you spot emotions with, then make or break it my man. If she's fat and that disgusts you but she has a good head on her shoulders then surely you can convince her to work out with you. And know surely she will want to improve herself just as much as you'd want to improve yourself. Every emotion is just a little window you can get through and have a little wiggle room to work with.

But I digress. What does just another shitposter know.

this is way too acurate.

I don't have friends and i'm always trying to find out how to make a career for myself. anytime I play videogames I feel like I'm wasting my time. especially anything with a story.

at least I can enjoy some quick competetive games once in a while. overwatch and SFV have kept me from being bored out of my mind until I get back to figuring out how to monetize my artwork.

videogames are an escape. if all you do is videogames then the purpose is lost. find another hobby. get some actual responsibilities and when you come back to games it will feel relaxing again.

this is why i think games were much more fun when were kids and we had school to deal with. also helped that games were more creative then.

I cut out socialization & hopes of ever getting a GF to fit in my vidya and animu. I could say I feel guilty about it, but I end up feeling like I get more out of bloody video games and anime than I do socializing with real people (which is the real sad part). I DO have a number of friends I am really close with and that's more than enough for me. I don't drink or smoke either so I have money to spare.

good advise but don't lose it thinking this will get you girls. Ive seen plenty of fat fucks get nice looking girls.

>work and socialize
>just wanna play vidya
Dont know your pain sorry OP.

>feel guilty for spending life on fun
>would rather be a slave of norms made by ignorant biggots
>muh social life
>muh society
Fun time is always time well spent, the rest is questionable

I don't know why you faggots always do this, if you don't feel like playing games don't do it, as simple as that, there are other things you could enjoy instead.

Simple. Just hate socializing. Frees up a lot of time when you don't feel the need to be around people.

Get friends who play videogames problem solved

>games got so bad
Legitimately true. People will say that you just got older but both are true. You go back and play childhood favorites and it becomes crystal fucking clear how much better older games are (in general)

These days feels like installing the vidya is more fun than playing it.

Narrow your focus down to a couple games a year and accept that even among the few you pick, you probably never will finish them all. Its not hard to fit video games in, you just can't play them all.

last year after i watched some vids in jewtube about how great snes was i decided to try a link to the past with emulator. My god the game is masterpiece. I couldn't stop. I felt genuine interest and i loved it. After that i went back to current year garbage

37 year old fat guy with a wife, a job and a house here. I don't feel guilty for playing games, I just don't have a whole lotta time for it. Got FighterZ yesterday, is pretty cool!

I miss being a kid in school and having a legitimate M-F schedule. Getting home at 3 and playing vidya afterwards and on the weekends was satisfying and felt earned. Having an inconsistent work schedule fucks you up.

Yeah. I just installed FM17, downloaded all custom graphics for it (which is like 15 GB of stuff) and then uninstalled it right away. Same with the older games, like Arcanum and Disciples 2. My priorities shifted. Now I just sometimes recall the memories of younger me enjoying games, but I can't play them anymore.

>>Just want to work or socialize instead
Never had this feeling

I got a wife. She eventually told me to stop wasting my time playing games.

It helps but now I play behind her back. I realize it's an addiction and it gives me no joy.

I'm 28 now. I still waste time doing other shit to fill the void.

You can't play as much, so choose games carefully, don't buy any game that looks interesting.
Be better with your time. I do all my shit in one day, cooking/cleaning etc. Leaves my other weekend day free for games.
Socialising, just hang with actual friends. People who are fuckwits will drop back.

But yeah, with work, you can't play as much as you want, when I first started working I had so much money, bough shitloads of games, didn't play 90% of them. Nowdays I only buy a game every few months.

Everyone should just realize there is no inherent purpose to this world and that nothing they do will last. From there realize a snickers bar still has that tasty chocolate nuggety center. Everyone get's hit by this existential dread every once and a while but the only answer you are going to find is to justburself and you make your own meaning. There are no answers anyone can actually give you from there.

For the love of god just don't hurt anyone.

>just don't hurt anyone
Killing is the major thing that people were doing throughout the history though.

>>Isolation is a slow-acting but very very lethal poison.

32 here, can confirm.

Go watch cowboy bebop, code lain, devilman.

Go read Dostoyevsky and Camus.

Go watch the school of life on youtube.

It doesn't matter what medium you find the lesson in as long as you realize everything is going to go on no matter what you decide. So either build a future for yourself or shut the fuck up.

>Always feel guilty for wasting my time

26 here, dude i have this happen when I am doin literally anything but working.

Of course it's probably from how my lifestyle has been up till this point. But I really dont know how to cope with this.

i work full time and still have several hours to play vidya every day

>not feeling like you're wasting your time even while working

step it up senpai

>first it was 30+ threads
>then underage wanted to be included and made it 25+ threads
>then underage still wanted to be included and made it 20+ threads
Needy faggots.

And it is a vital part of the so much that goes on in the world right now but some pathetic neet with a warped sense of self-worth killing someone because he was lonely isn't going to do anyone good.

Not for the neet. Not for the victim. Eliot Rodger was the case and point to this.

I don't think you know what underage means

Maybe some people feel like that I guess, but I really beleive in my work and its something I feel compelled to do. So don't dread my job.

It refers to you kiddo.

Something key to remember user is that getting /fit/ will not get you girls, but give you the confidence in yourself needed to go get them.

I'm 29 and I think games are getting better. DLC was a natural evolution of expansion packs. I have a gf, we're buying a house soon. I'm shit fucked in the health department.

Just stop being so negative about something as simple as games. Focus on hobbies that might take your somewhere. I'm learning JavaScript and Japanese, designing a game and earning additional cash drawing porn. People focus too much on asking how to get something instead of working on some skills, staying healthy and naturally meeting people in places where someone who's also into the same shit would go.

Maybe if kids posted less crying wojaks here and instead modeled them in 3d, they would at least have a go at working on some models, being a part of a dev team and meeting some cute girls there or at dev cons.

confidence user, more than anything.

fake it till you make it, if necessary

Trying a bit too hard, aren't you?

This is true. I got fit after being huge but I’ve had no experience talking to women when I was in high school so I’m fucked.

I try to, but then I always come off almost childlike to the woman I talk to from acting overly agreeable and I only get like that because I don't want to fuck things up. It's this vicious cycle where woman I don't find attractive (Mostly personality wise) are into me because I can joke and act like a normal human but then I'm around woman I want to build my life around and I act like a fucking weirdo. I hate how attached I get. It's so unhealthy for me but I can't help it. It's pretty hard to make friends in your 20's outside of gaming with coworkers when you've been a loner for a majority of your life.

Barely putting any effort into triggering your over sensitive ass.

>want to socialize
>all my friends have moved away in the last few months
>go out on my own
>loud music so you can't actually talk, everyone is in their own little group anyways
>go back home feeling like a loser

Holy fuck I'm going to go insane if I don't make new friends soon.

You've kinda already figured it out; you don't make friends in loud clubs.

Try sports or w/e.


good god i dont know what to play or watch and the boards are shit tonight
this sucks, its like im just desperately trying to pass the time even though i have nothing to look forward to

>not being Indian and having a marriage arranged for you

How do i get muscle fat and stop giving a fuck?
Speaking to girls gains nothing, they give me 3-4 hours straight attention and loose interest. Vidya keeps me sane and thats okay but i really just want to gain intense amounts of fat and stop caring. Im sick and tired of giving a fuck about some absurd future and girls and want to be huge and majestic. How?

same here but m friends all moved away years ago now
you combine that with the fact that vidya and stuff just isnt good enough anymore and i honestly dont know why im continuing to live, it just seems completely pointless and empty and i rarely enjoy anything

So how many hours a week do you guys actually work

There's fuck all else to do around here. Even regular town bars are blasting loud music all the time, even if it's just a few people inside.

I don't care much for sports, and how do you even start playing a sport in the first place if you don't have anyone to play it with? I already go to the gym and nobody socializes there either.

Sadly we are injected with this retarded notion that we need to be happy 24/7, we need a suit job where everyone will suck your penis off while you have stomach cancer worrying about everything you are forced to manage, socialize every fucking day, have a fun time with a friend and so much other sensations that we felt sometime. Look for new stuff if you are feeling that something is lacking, but don't feel forced that you need to be fucking happy every day, life is other feelings too, sadness, anger, wrath,anxiety and many more. Can't have an excess of those emotion.
>t.25 years playing games here

>tfw you have a pretty nice circle of close friends

I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

You stop giving a fuck about socializing and keep it to a minimum.

>adult responsibilities

Unless you have a family, “adult responsibilities” is a fucking meme normies try to play off to justify doing jack shit with their lives. The only responsibilities adults have is paying bills and having a job to pay those bills which isn’t shit. I’ve been working 60 hour weeks, lifting, and playing video games since I moved out of my parents six years ago. I still feel like a fucking child and all my coworkers are like “lol adulting is hard xD”. It’s fucking not and that’s what makes me fucking depressed as fuck because life feels fucking meaningless when all you literally have to do is hold a steady job for 60 years.

Unironically this. Do whatever floats your boat, vidya or not. If you really miss it later, dip a toe back in.

The funny thing is besides making the 1% money you're not really doing anything besides distracting yourself.

Contributing to society literally is a meme perpetuated by money driven society. Better than being a leech but just barely.

It sounds simple but the hardest thing in life is to stop giving a fuck about expectations and just do your own thing.

We will all be dead and gone soon anyway.

I can't quite figure it out either.
>meet random person
>try to be friends
>hey want to go get drunk?
>i don't drink want to do something else
>no i only get drunk
I don't know how to meet new people without becoming a boozehound.

Nah man.

I work 50. But with a 45 minute commute both ways it feels more like 60.

24 + college which is 5 classes 3 hours a week each =39 hours + whatever time I spend studying and shit.

I have free time, it's just always during the day when everyone else is working. When they get out to have fun I have to go work.

Shaye, it’s ok homie.

should I feel old if I am turning 28 in 6 weeks?

Well, do it and then share a permanent cell room with Tyrone, Cletus and Diego, and become their cocksleeve, you monkey savage.

i only work like 3 hour days and rarely work
for some reason i haven't been fired yet
i really want an exercise bike so i can sit on it all day and build some endurance


33 here. I've never really had any problems with time management. Right now I work 3 12 hour shifts a week, so I have 4 days off to divide as I see fit. Without kids, my list of friends is actually lower than you'd expect since nobody can make time, even if you get along with their kids.

>try to do any other possible activity
>they bring beer into it anyways

So the real you is a child and buffoon and that's alright man. You can't change your emotions. You never have to be guilty of feeling something you just have to recognize how you act and how you feel are two completely separate paths. Coalesce here. Combine. Sublimate. Whatever.

I get you I really do, I am entirely isolated at this point besides my wife and I come here every day to see people writing the same woes over and over. The same woes I had till I met her.

If you are a child then you are filled with life. You have to accept the absurdity and hopefully, never lose your funny bone. Don't let your dreams be memes my man.

Just don't fall into madness. Should be easy right? But oh who am I kidding. You love games at heart. You should be exceptional at figuring out this one.

Its been scientifically proven that a commitment to something bigger then yourself is a important role for being happy. Its one of the 3 pillars.
It can be whatever you want, but feeling like your part of something bigger does make you happier. Its a part of the reason churches are so popular.

>every activity is just code for get drunk with thing in the room

My mans,

Im 24 and for the past 4 years ive been avoiding videogames. I didnt want to be seen as a loser who plays vidya all day so thats why I quit but guess what? Im still a loser. All I did was stop doing something that made me happy so my advice is just do whatever the fuck you want but make sure you handle your shit.

>People are insufferable without being drunk

>Do something with person you usually get drunk with but with no drinking this time
>Literally silence the entire time because you have nothing to talk about

>hey lets watch movie/sports/tv guys
>get drunk with movie/sport/tv on some tv somewhere in the room ignored
>hey lets play some video games
>get drunk with some game controllers on table
>hey guys lets go to a fun place
>fun place is just a brief stop on way to bar

Its all about helping you forget how boring things are and how much your life sucks. People have been getting drunk socially together for thousands of years basically entirely for this purpose.

>feeling bad for enjoying yourself
I'll never understand you "people".

yes, i wanted to go out with my friend as he changed his life, he just cockblocked me.

>liking to do anything that isn't drinking labels you an anti social loser

It's your hobby and you enjoy it so keep at it as long as you don't let it take over your responsibilities. You say you do other shit to fill the void which to me seems worse yes it may seem 'acceptable' to her and others but it's still a 'waste' of time. Anyone who says such and such is a waste of time doesn't have a clue what they're talking about. As they'll probably go and binge Netflix and think that's not a waste. Like I said do your hobbies just don't let them take over keep them as hobbies.

I'm overly conditioned from my environment. I can't help it.

Using videogames, music, movies, and other mediums as inspiration gives me peace of mind knowing my time wasted on these mediums allows me to channel them into my artwork, personally. I read it's a form of sublimination to take your perceived negatives and turn them into positives. Helps my art get better and I can indulge myself in these things with less guilt; so I don't need to worry about the 'conaume less, create more' mentality that plagues my subconscious and just relax.
I recommend bfinsing a creative outlet if you feel torn between pursuing the interest or abandoning it.

The real danger are my existential crises that fuck with my schizophrenia. But I try and incorporate that into my art too.

What activities of hers did you have her stop wasting her time on?

i detest all of you tired """""""""gamers"""""""""

Get a healthy hobby to go along with vidya. Do some kind of exercise, join a class for anything you find remotely interesting. You'll quickly make acquaintances, and those can turn into friendships eventually.

>be right wing
>unironically like Trump
>want all illegals deported
>live in NYC

I rather get drunk at home by myself and play video games than socialize with the people here.

Some people simply lack the intelligence and will power to look beyond. If you can't overcome this status, you might as well embrace it and fuck off.

Wokest nigga in the thread right now. Keep it real man.

You may rarely enjoy living now but you don't know what the future can hold or how you'll feel then.

I love your soul.

you could just take a break. I stopped playing video games for almost my entire time in college and now i'm back at it again.