Akko heard that you're buying her game
Akko heard that you're buying her game
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what's the release date on pc ?
Feb 20
Clearly she was misinformed.
She heard wrong then.
she heard right. though i'm THIS close to quitting video games. maybe she can magic me back into them
hope so. miss playing them
I'll need more convincing than that, Akko
I did it for Anime, I'll do it for gaming too!
Doki Doki No Waku Waku!
I want to raise a family with this retard and raise half retarded magic babies!
Lee is usually better at catching this shit.
i want to fuck that horse
She heard wrong but she probably doesn't have the brain cells to process that
Why is she so perfect bros
She just is!
>game has a better opening than the anime
Sup Forums btfo
Is it really that good? The anime's OPs are really good
The first one is. The second feels straight-up unfinished
I dropped this cartoon at the shroom trip episode. Does it get better?
Yes, and then it gets worse again
In terms of actual shit going down? Absolutely.
>liking a cartoon meant for preteen girls
Literally no better than bronies
t. brony fresh from reddit.
And then it gets better again
>Digital only
I'm gonna have to choke a bitch
>not liking fun anime with cute girls
Are you gay?
I don't understand the whole Akko is dumb thing. You find out that Chariot made her inert.
i dont think so
>drops it at one of the -good- episodes
Retard alert.
She's not dumb, she's autistic.
I wish Akko was in better game.
Or in my room.
i might be convinced to buy it
if i hear somebody say "yay" a bunch
I didn't realize how much I needed this.
i want to facefuck her till she is only 1 int!
Have some more
For me it is Constanze
Will the only physical releases be the Japanese versions?
she's a dumb girl
I love my wife Diana
Would you drink it ?
the best little witch
>Having to even ask
those are some very thick eyebrows
What is it?
Where did it come from?
You trust her don't you ?
No, but that's the fun part
This is dangerously close to being lewd
Lewd you say?
>digital only
its like they are welcoming me to pirate it
Very lewd
Is that her asshole? Subtle.
God shes such an anal slut i love it
post more lotte please
she's ebin
Delete this
>its a weeb thread
go back
Where does this come from?
You need Jesus in your life
>Little Witch Academia blu-rays have English subtitles
>But are absurdly priced
>And have the stupid multi-volume setup
A western complete series release is unlikely, isn't it?
Torrent it
I'd ask for an enema
I hope it shrinks my dick, leading to Sucy pointing and laughing at it.
Lotte on her own looks like she could a character on a 80s european cartoon
>not already having a small cock
absolutely pleb
I want to own a physical copy, my man. I've seen the series. I have this mad idea of owning shows I like, despite torrents being readily available.
Lotte spinoff WHEN.
Then pony up that money FUCCBOI
It's not my fault mine's average sized. Some of us weren't lucky enough to be born with puny peckers that women will insult and mock you for.
>cock shrinking
muh brother
Not only that but the volume collections come with the Chariot cards
did akko ever stop being a selfish bitch?
She never was.
Like how you haven't stopped being an insufferable cunt.
Nah, but I am buying Jas' game.
can someone explain this 2 int meme?
Akko is generally an idiot.
Akko's stats in the game state that her Intelligence is 2.
She has the autism
Looks good but wtf is Akko doing at 0:29?
that's mean!!
good to know she's never learned to stop being an insufferable cunt herself
the playstation germany blogpost stating that was edited, there is no official release date now.
>no western limited edition
I'm buying it but don't think I'm happy about it
>low intelligence
how does that work
Can someone make an edit of Akko's mind melting from thinking too hard.
Her casting modifier is CHA, obviously.