What went very fucking wrong?

What went very fucking wrong?

Everything started falling apart after the adc rework, so preaseason 6 is what went wrong

git gud

The game looked like it was approaching a golden age, then boom juggernaut patch, and it hasn't recovered since.

Tanks and assasins broke the game.

killed it for me when they turn fiora into a tranny

making intense battle arena game that relies on 4 other people to have a brain and play correctly.

They were full retard forcing a meta and terrible at game balance, at the same time.

Leblanc isn't choking the fuck out of me while spitting in my mouth, that's what went so horribly wrong.

When Riot hired Anthony Burch

nothing, to be honest
they cater to their audience well

I can never tell what's going on in this game

Monkey man look like he die but actually he used his ninja jutsu doppleganger move.

nothing. the game's balance has improved drastically since season 4.
it's always been casual as fuck

When they reworked Graved.

It was the start of the end.

>most popular game in the world
>most viewed esport

I mean its simplistic and casual but you can't deny that it's a successful game

>post clip of someone getting outplayed
>durr game is broken

This. This right here killed the entire game for me, I shit you not. I was fine with all the stupid shit they did but then they went over the line and offended my penis.

Pretend you are Riot. Think of a champion not ruined by re-works. Now re-work them the retarded riot way with abilities and describe the model change.

I disconnect when my team is retarded. Why should I keep playing a lost game?

Recent numbers show that csgo is a bigger esport.

but they'd want fewer pedophiles not more, so that's a good change

please turn yourself in to the police

Early season 1 and beta were the only good points in League's history. Back when you could run meme comps like 1 - 3 - 1 and still be successful, when TFate was a great splitpusher, when mana drain was still a mechanic and wasn't "toxic".

HoN was always the better game, and when that died, DotA2 was already out.

So Graves or Yorick?

>tanks and assassins broke the game
>not take assassin hybrids like AP ekko

Then why did they put a tremendously fuckable loli in their game?

Wanting to fuck a cartoon isn't a crime here in AMERICA.

No longer gets health from mana items, poison trail scales with HP instead of AP, Fling becomes an on third hit ability and his ult is him just spewing poison everywhere in an AOE instead of the trail. He loses the shield he carries with the model update and now he's in love with Warwick.

Losing Morello and Xypherous to "other projects", hiring Ghostcrawler, too flat of a corporate structure for too long has made adapting to working as a cohesive unit impossible

>Play DOTA for years
>Friend who plays LoL says we should play with each other on each game
>He says he enjoys DOTA after going 15/5/2 on Huskar, and so we play LoL afterwards
>See this motherfucker on the free rotation, he looks fucking awesome, so do his abilities
>Get into game
>His model and voice is a fucking joke
That voice as well. God fucking damn it.

Xypherous is shit. Every champion he made besides Nautilus is cancer. Morello was solid though, and was completely right about healers.

Wukong (the character spinning around) used a skill that leaves behind a clone and makes him invisible, the other guy killed the clone and got executed by wukong

said every yasuo main ever

90% of the current meta doesnt affect 90% of the playerbase. The game evolved though, dont be salty about it. Thats what happens when a game goes competetive. Also dont say this game is not advanced. Skill ceiling is very high, and even many challengers dont know how to properly manage waves and lane pressure. There is not as many basic mechanics like in dota, but holy hell if koreans didnt took all of these basics to unimaginable level. You can still play your babies first moba if you want, but know that you if you had the basics covered like any of the top players, you could spam the simplest character like Garen up to Diamond and smash most of your opponents.

The community is just incredibly shit for no reason at all

Like its out of the devs control I dont even know how it happened

He may have been CertainlyT tier with his champs, but he was pretty good with overall game balance

Competitive game + mass appeal + forced teamwork = cancer playerbase. The main factor is forced teamwork - you HAVE to work wuth your team to win, so when one person fucks up and acts like a retard it's a major detriment to your chances at winning, and you're stuck with this person for 20+ minutes. Imagine being stuck in traffic for twenty minutes and at the front of the jam is just some guy who's not paying attention at the stop light and could go whenever he wanted, but is too stupid to look up.

Tell me this is a copypasta.

If you dont realize this then you dont know shit about league of legends, sorry. Why even bother posting a reply if all you can muster is;
>le ebin ironic reply xD!

You would have to have a very long list.

>Introducing weird new complicated mechanics like constantly changing rune/mastery systems and jungle buffs
>Changing Dragons to give specific buffs instead of gold
>CONSTANTLY reworking old champions for no reason. See how many people just want old Graves back
>Professional games are won by the team with a 10 minute gold lead 90% of the time
>New champions are released with increasingly more and more overloaded kits
>Ruining art to be more grimdark and realistic and shit
>While at the same time removing all skeletons and shit to pander to chinks
>Refusing for years to add basic features to the game like the sandbox mode, in-game replays, a new client that doesn't suck dick
>Constantly increasing prices of skins
>Fucking with IP and turning it into Blue essence
>Literally reworking entire fucking classes of champions for no reason just because they were bored (Juggernauts, etc.)
>Having no fucking clue how to balance their game
>Hiring fucking GHOSTCRAWLER

League is like the Haiti of multiplayer games.

they keep trying to make new champions unique by adding stupid shit to them


They cornered themselves when they decided to impose a stale metagame. Make any champion different, and he'll be broken in one way or another.

What a fair point! You completly demolished my argument. Why did I even try to have a constructive conversation on Sup Forums of all places.

Since the rise of its competitve leagues, its just so fucking boring to watch. The players are so good nothing happens and it comes down to objectivs and CSing. BORING TO WATCH

>constructive conversation
>league of soy
this is just sad now.

I agree with everything

Season 1 game was fun. Season 2 they started catering to the meta scene laning assignments and the game started to stagnate but I still had hope it would get better. Season 3 they straight up started releasing characters with intended roles and went insane with mobility creep+intentionally making characters unviable for competitive play so I lost interest around then.

There it is ladies and gentleman, The forbidden fruit of meme words.
At least now I know that I got baited into a discussion with a mentally deficient chimp.

stay mad leaguenigger cuck. done replying to you

>udyr signals that enemies are missing


>comes to leagueoflegends thread
>calls someone leagueniggercuck
Mentally deficient chimp, Just as I said.

They moved from solo carrying being an option to team work being the only way to legitimately win.
Obnoxious champion design (Tahm Kench, Soraka rework, Zoe etc)
Balance team that might actually be retarded.
Health scaling, meaning if you want more damage, you don't build damage items on certain champions, you build tanky, to also do more damage. What the fuck.
Attempt to remove any off meta builds even if they are garbage but are just for fun.

I used to have fun in League. Now every game is dull as fuck. Games at relatively high elo (D4+) tend to have so few kills. Everything is just so passive, and people realise that the best way to win is to be passive. It's just so dull now.

>everything is just so passive

It's a symptom of Riot's "every combo must be heavily reliant on a linear skillshot or telegraphed attack" design philosophy, there's pretty much no way to kill someone without them fucking up somehow AND they have to fuck up super hard or twice in a 5 minute period.

Everything went wrong in season preseason 4 when they made half the characters unviable.
bullshit tanky damage man

>twice in a 5 minute period.

3 times now with stopwatch, fucking yay.

>Tencent being their usual Chinese Kike selves and pressuring Riot into doing damaging shit like lootboxes, dynamic queue, blue essence grinding, balancing the game around skin sales, increasing the prices of skins where 1350 is now the norm; etc

>Silver-Ranking balance team with a hardcore fetish for tanky champions & who can't balance metas to save their fucking lives; even high-elo twitch streamers would be better at balancing the game

>new rune system makes games snowball faster than ever, it's impossible to make any comebacks now

>nu-lore writing team retconning the lore of remotely interesting champions with trash-tier writing - most of which is brimming with SJW shit (Varus is the latest example)

>meanwhile rework team is a 50/50 that sometimes destroys or completely removes the move sets of other champions - even those that never needed fucking reworks to begin with (Zac and Graves)

>new champions often suffering from powercreep scenarios until Riot guts them 5 months later (ZOE)

>Korean dominance inevitably destroying its esports scene and making pro games and Worlds fucking 40+ minute meta-snorefests to watch

>adding "new and complex" freatures that do nothing but complicate the game in needlessly frustrating ways in a poor attempt to make it feel fresh (changing the jungle every fucking year, changing dragons to give buffs, plants, throwing in emotes which do nothing but increase toxicity levels in an already immensely toxic game and etc.)

>hiring failures, SJWs & degenerates like Ghostcrawler, Anthony Burch, Lyte, Ironstylus & etc to work on their game

>ever-changing, shit-flinging meta that's constantly gutting & buffing a select number of champions at a time and this forces a lot of its playerbase to play champions that they don't like in order to "win." It's nothing like DOTA, where most of its champion roster is always viable.