If so will buy instantly
Does this game play anything like Dragon's Dogma?
DD is a clunky mess but ends up being great
MH is very fluid with a multitude of inputs with feedback
They are not similar but one is clearly more engaging
why so angry
Dragon's Dogma feels too "gamey" desu
I just dont think it immerses me
I get really into it with mh
no, they're different but both are incredibly good. buy it right now anyway
>Too gamey
Kill yourself
They're similar in that they both have combos and monsters with unique weaknesses and move sets.
No because dragons dogma is shit praised by v for the sake of contrarianism
DD was actually great except for the shitty escort quests
t. contrarian
if you wanna play a singleplayer game don't buy this
every mh has a singleplayer
nobody plays mh for the singleplayer
Just got this game last night, First MH game for me and i love it but im gonna ask a stupid ass question. Is there an option to Lock on?
maybe focus camera
Yes, I think you click r3 assuming you're on ps4
Yeah, R3 lets you lock on.
Kinda not really. You can push right analog to keep your camera on him but its not very good. The game encourages you to keep an eye on it.
Huh, I think you got that backwards.
Thanks guys I'll def try it out. Any tips for a newb
>Online fags seriously think this about any game with multi
remember to have fun
don't actually use lock on
Always.. That's #1
Stock up on blue mush honey thunderbugs sleep herb now. You will go through a lot of them. Fortuantly they arnt too hard to find. Also capture monster when you can. You get more rewards.
what weapon did you pick
How many weapons do you guys usually use during your playthrough? I'm circulating between GS, LS, and Hammer.
Goddammit, the online keeps shitting itself.
Lone Hunters are a thing, especially those who endured MH1 and didn't have Xlink or Kai for PSP era.
True dat.
gunna go ds/lbg and focus elemental
Can you climb on the beasts?
Literally all I want in life is to play a 46kg tom girl and just perform sick acrobatics all over some fuck huge monster. Taking it down with a thousand scarlet kisses.
jump from a cliff and attack
or play ig
Yes. Sounds like you'd enjoy the dual blades and insect glaive.
Usually people use about 3 from what I hear
New player here
How do I git gud and what are maximum fun weapons to play? I feel too brainlet to use anything other than the big katana
hammer is the ez pz weapon with low floor and high ceiling
try everything
I don't have any friends on ps4, or else id buy this game
ill be your friend on ps4 user
as long as you promise not to look at the games ive played
play sp and pug it, make friends
>started with SnS
>wanted to move into lbg but couldn't figure out mods/long ass upgrade trees till you get to good shit
>settled on LS until i get more materials for a GL
You should circle between 3-4 at least, and always have a decently upgraded ranged weapon now that gunner armors are gone
This is my first Monster Hunter game. I like it okay so far but does the game ever progress beyond chase monster around the map until you kill it, upgrade your gear, rinse and repeat?
No, that's literally all MH is
no, it just keeps getting progressively harder
>series is called Monster Hunter
>"ugh why is there so much monster hunting in this game?"
The sheer nyantity of cat pawns is a meowsterpiece.
Its mainly the running away part that gets annoying. every monster has done it so far.
to be fair this is a little different in this MH, since in previous games zones were instanced.
imo it's still pretty similar though.
Kill yourself if you don't kill every monster solo at least a few times
You can stop them with traps, flash pods and by mounting them. Also if you do enough damage to a monster they'll do a large stagger and drop an item that can be put in your slinger. If you fire this item it'll always flinch and you can use this as well to stop them from running away
Seems like to high of a learning curve for a genre I don't really care about. Sounds like a very impressive game, just not up my ally.
fucking casuals
>tfw it took me 42 minutes to kill fucking Tobi
Is this the casual filter? Feels like when I fought peco the first time
It does; more emphasis on how you can use the weapons though, both in how much more you can do with each weapon type as well as how much more punishing they can be if you use them wrong.
Also, it's like if DD focused mainly on the bosses, but made them more difficult in exchange for you having multiplayer to help you out.
DD was my intro to non Street Fighter capcom games and I've been loving every minute of MHW so far.