I just beat the one reborn and I dont find this game challenging Im having fun but it isnt hard
>Im having fun
that's the only thing that matters, you dipshit
it's piss easy. I got platinum in 10 days.
anyone who tells you these games are hard are full of shit
sure thing big boy
Yeah I beat it with a racing wheel and didn't even get hit once.
holy shit what a badass
The bosses in the base game are pretty easy desu. Anyone who says they didn't struggle beating the bosses in the DLC are lying to themselves.
Surely must be fun doing combos with a wheel
the "hardest game ever" meme comes from reviewers who were horrible at videogames reviewing demons souls
it's not challenging. the only people that believe the souls games are very hard are people that are people that haven't played the games or people that are at journalist tier skill level.
If you use everything the game gives you the souls game are not hard, the hard meme was just a marketing scheme by bandai namco which infested everyone
I beat ludwig on the 3rd try.
It's piss easy and a 6/10 game at best.
If you want a challenge and a good game then play DaS1.
>i platinumed the easiest souls game in 10 days guy is here
>in every thread
kys yourself senpai
>easiest souls game
>what is DaS2?
what was the point of this thread just have fun with the game, it's great
I said easiest not shitiest senpai
>It's piss easy and a 6/10 game at best.
>If you want a challenge and a good game then play DaS1.
Try learning to speak english before you post here.
2nd try here, i might have been overlevelled but I was staying at 81 for pvp purposes
ITT: a bunch of fags measure their dicks and lie about how easy they found Bloodborne
>being this autistic over punctuation
mighte aes welle kile yuoure'e selfe
I was ~60, but I'll admit I think I was just lucky on that fight, probably due to the moveset, but it took me ~20-30 tries on orphan.
orphan expanded my rectum nice and wide
I'm glad I'm not alone then. I have a friend that took a ridiculously long time with ludwig, and then basically breezed through orphan.
he also had a hard time with nearly every other boss, so I was flabbergasted.
like I said, I think maybe the moveset with ludwig was easier to read for me, but it always struck me as odd.
2 is unironically the hardest, for all the wrong reasons.
>for all the wrong reasons.
this is correct. adaptability was so dumb.
stay mad spic