

>shortest game, even with DLC considered
>smallest weapon pool
>smallest armor pool
>No fashion souls
>PvP is trash
>arbitrarily added FP
>removed poise, added hyper armor
>most linear
>recycled bosses
>recycled areas
>worst netcode
>80% of the game is cathedrals
>suffers from the same criticisms of DaS2 (too many bonfires/too many healing items/etc)
>removed power stancing
>defacto DWGR roll speed which consists of 90% of the "combat"
> magic/pyro/faith isn't viable at all
>Final boss is literally a half assed piss poor fanservice throwback with no imagination or creativity
>no replay-ability

The only people who defend this trash game are Bloodborne nu-souls fans. Prove me wrong. You can't.

literal facts and anyone disagreeing is probably just baiting

Teenager alert

please improve your ability

>no argument

Thanks for proving me right.

Honestly it's a much better game than DS2 entirely.

>Most polished combat, world, graphics, and story.

Quality is superior to quantity, your argument is invalid. Go back to playing assassin's cREEd.


>most polished combat
t. bloodborne fag.

>most polished world

You mean most linear?

Completely absent from the game compared to DaS1.

>Hold up shield until mob attacks. Block or parry, then punish until boss dies. Repeat for entire game.

Yeah. DS1 and 2 sure had "great" combat

>No fashion souls

>pyro isn't viable at all


Dark Souls 3 "combat".

If you think blocking is a viable option for any build other than a tank than I'm sure you just havent played DaS1.. DaS3 babies don't know what "builds" are since there's no variability or depth to the game.

OP here meant to type DaS2 instead of DaS3

The debate is whether the game is should be proactive vs reactive.

The first two games emphasized reaction. The last and BB emphasized engaging and aggression, which is a more fun and enjoyable way to play. It's streamlined without casualizing the game.

You imply that rolling is the only option, when you can also play DS3 by playing tank with sword and board, but spears are also an option, or being a pyro, sorcerer or etc. Ranged bows and etc never really did well in any DS game so the combat is pretty much the same as it has been in all three titles save for the mechanical application and the removal of poise, which made the first two games a faceroll easy mode.

So yes, objectively, DS3 is superior.

>butthurt nu-Souls fans.

So no legitimate defense of this trash game? Worst in the series confirmed.

is it really the shortest? I always thought 1 was the shortest

Your confirmation bias and refusal to to acknowledge credible arguments in exchange for blindly validating your own opinion because you fear humility or being wrong is very obvious.

What armour is that?


>t. soyboy refusing to play TestosteroneBorne III because of m-muh fashion souls

i dont know man i just think it's a fun videogame



haha actually seething lol

>Most polished combat
Im-fucking-plying. The game tries to awkwardly reconcile bloodborne combat with souls combat and the result is a horribly balanced, inconsistent mess filled with awkward roll-catches and mindless mashing. The only point Dark Souls 3 wins out on compared to Dark Souls or Dark Souls 2 is that it looks a lot better at the cost of being optimized like shit and running like total asshole.
It does win out for the fact that it doesn't just shit the bed after a certain point like the previous two games, but it's also horridly fucking linear.
It looks okay at the cost of running like complete asshole; there was clearly zero attempt to optimize this fucking game and it shows. If you're a console player you're even more SoL because it doesn't look particularly good AND it runs like complete dogshit. It also has the blandest color palette in the series.
The story is barebones as fuck in all souls games, and Dark Souls 3 is no exception. It creates more questions than it answers, the final boss is another fucking "remember Dark Souls?" reference, and the TRUE final boss is just stupid power level wank that comes completely out of nowhere.

Want more fashion souls?

I've enjoyed every soulsborne game so far even if some were better or worse in different ways than each other.

Cathedral Knight Helm, Millwood Knight Chest, Alva Gauntlets, Winged Knight leggings.

>the "well this game is worse" defense

always a classic

I consider 3 to be the worst, because it's the only one I can't see myself ever wanting to play again/do something different in.

I disliked DS3 and DS2 a ton but Pyro is definitely viable. It's a great build.

>without casualizing the game
>you can also play DS3 by playing tank with sword and board, but spears are also an option, or being a pyro, sorcerer or etc

Opinion discarded.

>git gud
>teenager alert
>no das2 is bad!

>credible arguments


Try harder.

>implying all of these replies are the same person.

>looking at "journalist" scores instead of user scores

>DS2 combat is not nearly as satisfying because every single animation looks like garbage, all the sound cues are poor quality that aren't just stolen directly from the first game and there's a massive delay between every swing compared to the first game.

>DS2 is not more fun because 95% of the fights in the game are a bunch of enemies thrown into a mostly flat hallway and most boss fights have multiple enemies in them and thus become drawn out affairs where (combined with the slower attacks in this game) you chip them to death with single hits inbetween 30 seconds of rolling waiting for an opening. It doesn't have the variety in enemies or stage environments that DS1 has and the few notable times it does they're just stuff DS1 did already. People make fun of DS1 for reusing the demon enemies a bunch but DS2 has you fight the pursuer (an extremely boring boss that's super telegraphed and not even visually impressive the way say, the assyum demon clones are) half a dozen times.

>The Belfry Gargoyles of DkS2 are also not great. They take everything good about the DkS 1 gargoyles and throw it out, bar the music. They're tough, no doubt, but not well designed. Hyper aggressive, strong, resistant to magic, fast and more than one within the first twenty seconds of the fight? Especially for a relatively early game boss, these guys are little more than a poor DkS 1 homage.

>I don't think poorly designed bosses are exclusive to DkS2, and unfortunately I haven't played DeS. But Dark Souls 2 is definitely guilty of the worst examples in the series. Which is even worse, since there are well-designed boss fights in it with small enemies/additionals.

>2 is the worst addition to the franchise.

Mine is arriving next week, is it really the shortest?

This plus OP's argument. There's honestly no real rebuttal. BB casualized the series which is why the people defending DaS3 are all BB fans.

I like how the fire keeper has one line of dialog

mmmm, might as well have just not had any of the NPCs talk at all in the shrine

So multiple people can't formulate 1 good argument FOR DaS3?

DaS3 confirmed for trash.

>thinking nu-souls fans opinions mean anything

Does anyone take metacritic reviews seriously?

both are complete shit
make your own opinion

yeah, nintendo fans

Why is all of DaS3 recycled Bloodborne content. Compare Friede to Maria. Can anyone defend this, even DaS3 fans?

Need source

>no fashion souls

Come on OP, if theres one thing DS3 does well, it’s fashion.

III was my favorite. Best bosses, best music, Ringed City is a fantastic piece of DLC that is comparable to Artorias in how it both expands the lore and has satisfying levels and bosses, and doing it with a Faith build is probably the most fun I've had in the franchise. I'll never not be mad that we never got any answers about the sneks though, and if you were expecting answers [which you shouldn't, but I can't blame you for doing it anyway] it raises more important questions than it addresses [though it still addresses some really important ones].

>Best bosses
They're all the same though.

>recycled bosses
man, dark souls 1 had so many great bosses like asylum demon, asylum demon, asylum demon on fire, asylum demon but gold and with a friend, and who could forget the bed of chaos

i'm a big fan of not-maneaters myself

Maybe if you generalize it down enough to "you hit them with attacks and you don't get hit by them and eventually they die", user. In which case I have bad news for you regarding every boss in this franchise except maybe Ceaseless Discharge

There's a huge difference between boss variety in the earlier games and in DS3.

Riddle me this: if I describe a DS3 boss as
>that big humanoid with two swords
which boss am I talking about?

>>magic/pyro/faith isn't viable at all

40str/40agi quality or any other melee build at 120sl is actually pretty much pointless when with the proper infusions or weapons you can do as much if not more melee damage with a 40faith/40int build, AND get to use any spell you want.
Literally changed my whole build from quality refined claymore to 40int/40ft dark infusion weapons or obsidian blade and any pyromancy I want.

vestiges is also an op as fuck spell along with many others that you'd be dumb not to carry.
What really is OP and broken in the game is fully naked + bow and arrow in pvp. You roll fast enough and far enough that you can be untouchable in pvp and still hit people.

who the fuck else?

Unless memory fails me, you could be talking about either Pontiff Sulyvahn or the Dancer of the Boreal Valley.
But in which boss fight from Dark Souls 1 you fight a huge monster carrying a melee weapon?

ds3 bosses

Man, I'm sure glad there werent any of those in the previous games. OH wait.
Or is her name Maria?
>Dragonslayer Armor
>Pontiff Suly
Nearly identical to the Dancer
>Champion Gundyr
IS the same as Iudex Gundyr
Same as the giants in DaS2
Recycled Gwyndolin
>Deacons of the Deep
Prowling MAgus and the Congregation
>Soul of Cinder
Literally recycled moves from Das1/2

Are you even trying?

"Hyper armor" makes any weapon useless against a straightsword.

what else does it even recycle? and Friede isn't that much like Maria other than they're easily parried and they're women

literally the only part on that list that makes sense is the gundyr comparison, but i'll give you props because i needed a good laugh and i've never seen an argument so fucking ridiculous before. thanks user

>Took me a second... but fuck me, you're right. Fatman might as well be another reskin.

>Man, I'm sure glad there werent any of those in the previous games. OH wait.
dragon bosses were shit in every game though
Or is her name Maria?
no, if you even played bloodborne they're different
>Dragonslayer Armor
it's called that because it's the armor being animated to fight you, there's nobody actually in it
>Pontiff Suly
Nearly identical to the Dancer
not really
>Champion Gundyr
IS the same as Iudex Gundyr
look wise yes, completely different moveset
Recycled Gywndolin
the fights are nothing alike
>Deacons of the Deep
Prowling MAgus and the Congregation
all are shit fights
>Soul of Cinder
Literally recycled moves from Das1/2
what did it recycle from 2?

Could be dancer, could be abyss watcher. I guess a broader question would be who's the humanoid with a sword, seeing as there are nine of those and only about twenty bosses in the game in total. Half the bosses have the same exact boss fight, it makes the game easy but not fun.

Demon firesage was a cheap rip-off but the rest were unique enough and had challenging environments for new players. Quite different from DS3's handy, wide, flat arenas that most bosses had.

Being shit fights doesnt negate them being nearly the same fights with mostly the same moves in different settings.

>asks for two swords
>abyss watcher
i mean if you can't tell the difference between a sword and a dagger, sure

user, by now you should have learned that you can't judge a boss' likeness to another boss by generic appearance alone, it's the moveset that you have to take into account. Pontiff, Dancer, Yhorm, Abyss Watchers, Friede. All bosses that are essentially humanoids with weapons. Yet all with different movesets and battle mechanics to one another, and that's what makes a boss fight remarkable. And yet, if you insist on making that a sticking point, DS1 was "fight a big ugly thing carrying a weapon" and DS2 was "fight a knight of some sort".


...because it's a multiplayer roleplaying game?

Still better than DS2

>lion warriors
>snow tigers
>elephant men
>more dwarves
>battlemage giants

>Gee i wonder if "mmotier" means ugly uninspired generic fantasy designs that look straight out of Guild Wars or WoW.

I guess we'll never know


where do I get this fig

>Shortest Game
2 is shorter. Though not by much.
>Smallest Weapon Pool
1's is smaller. Discounting completely irrelevant weapons like the Dagger, which is basically just a worse bandit's knife in damage and bleed with no tradeoff.
>Smallest armor pool
>No fashion souls
Fashion souls is autistic anyway. But sure, correct.
>Pvp is Trash
2>3>1. Irrefutable. Better than 1, but worse than 2. Far from trash. Bloodborne's is much worse.
I agree. FP is a dumb system.
>Removed poise
Hyper Armor is better than Poise. Fucking debate me.
>Most Linear
Dark Souls 1 is literally a sprawling maze of "Wrong way" paths until you arrive at where you're supposed to be. Dark Souls 3 at least has the kindness to not give the player dead ends for not having a lordvessal. In fact you can even fight the dancer early to give yourself even more paths later.
>Recycled Bosses
Dark Souls 2 had like half of its roster as recycled bosses.
>Recycled areas
You mean anor londo? Because fuck world consistency, right?
>Worst Netcode
Best* netcode. The worst is Dark Souls 1 by far.
>80% of the game is Cathedrals
And 80% of Dark Souls 1 was castles. What's your point?
>Removed Power Stancing
Power stancing was fucking stupid for everything that wasn't double rapiers.
>Roll speed
I will agree rolling in this game is fucking busted. It's literally 100x better than blocking. I dont even know why shields are in this game.
>Magic/Pyro/Faith isn't viable
Now you're just lying.
>Final boss sucks
>No replayability
You're stupid.

DaS 3 had some alright sets

>battle mechanics
They were all the same though, that's the issue. The dominant strategy for all of them is to roll through attacks and strike before rolling away. Playing through the game was boring because each boss was the same exact thing, I never had to wonder "how should I fight this thing?", it was always spelled out right in front of me.

The chocolate: The Soulsborne series
The dog: Souls fans who've never played Bloodborne
The woman: Souls fans who've actually played all the games in the series

>Completely absent from the game compared to DaS1.

Nope it's the closing chapter to the Dark Souls trilogy but to be honest I really which DkS2 and DkS3 didn't exist as Fromsoft are far better makings spiritural successors than actual sequels, plus we have lost the opportunity to have two different IP's.

Thanks sequel fags.

Isn't DaS2 with all DLC the longest game in the series? Where the fuck are you people getting this "DaS2 is shorter than 3" shit from?

Like I mentioned earlier, that's just boiling the boss down to "don't get hit then hit it until it dies", and that applies to everything in this franchise. There's not a single boss I can recall that isn't beat by dodging, striking and running away. I'm just going to go and assume you're way better at the game than me user, because all through DS3, the particularities of each boss always gave me pause, and I played the game with basically every major "class" outside of a parry-spamming dickass thief, including heavy armor and tower shield with 99.99% carry weight. Pontiff's JoJo reference, Dancer's weird moveset with the timings that always threw me off, Gundyr with his unending aggression, Nameless King with his heavily telegraphed attacks, Friede's invisibility and Nothing Personell Beyblade attacks, etc. etc.

>2 is shorter. Though not by much.
Bloodborne is the shortest imo
>Fashion souls is autistic
character creation is important in a rpg
>I agree. FP is a dumb system.
What's wrong with it? it's different yeah but I don't feel like it's any worse
>Hyper Armor is better than Poise.
Ds3 is by far the most Linear and Ds1 was a fantastic with the master key.
>I will agree rolling in this game is fucking busted. It's literally 100x better than blocking.
Go play some pve with the Black/Lothric Knight Shield. blocking is just as op as it was in the other games.
Fuck you

good list for the most part

It is. The DaS2 DLC is like 50% the length of DaS3.

>linear is bad

This is actually the worst fucking meme

the master key literally destroys your argument