No Supestes

>No Supestes

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he means "No Supestes"






So is this game any good? It seemed cool but I just don't see anything about it now.

He is a big guy

Pretty fun game but a bit dead


For Honor is such a sad game, it had so much fucking potential but Ubisoft had to be fucking Ubisoft and fuck the entire thing up.

It's fun, it's a mine of salt and tears too

It's still fairly populated, I don't know how exactly it is on console, but I heard it's actually thriving there.
As far as PC goes I still have no issues finding a match in seconds.
The coming up season is bringing a lot of shit, weakest heros being buffed/changed/reworked, as well as servers and a new gamemode.
I'd say wait for that to see how it go if you want to decide if you should get the game or not.

t. 600 hours in the game.

mostly tears now

It's a good game but with very little content and baiting you with cosmetics to play more. Combat is very fun.
They are doing a rework of classes early February so anyone looking to play the game should get it then.


>Female Kensei and Nobushi


Exactly. I have hopes that maybe they will get their shit together this year, and the game will get good and the numbers will go up again. Jewbisoft has managed to to it to their other games, so.. maybe.

Who's your favorite class? I love bullying people into corners then beaning them on the head with Conq

I know with the announcement of dedicated servers, I'm going to be getting back into the game.
Out of the OG characters? The Warden
The DLC I love the Gladiator

That warden is missing his legs

>warden got sucked into her own vortex

FH is fucking fun, Duels or 2v2 are the best modes, but Dominion is complete ass.

>Duels or 2v2 are the best modes
Honorfag confirmed.

Actually Deathmatch IS the best mode but it's the least popular so I haven't played it in awhile.


Why is Centurion such a chad?

Haven't played since like May of last year, did this game get better? Is matchmaking still fucked? are nobushi, PK and warden still broken? Is Lawbringer still shit? Do people still fun off in 4v4 and fish for ledges all the time?


like pottery go fuck yourself lawtist

pk is still very much BULL

LB is awesome now

I barely played him but I remember people complaining he was bad

Neat, I was always interested but conq was my man, even though I was shit at him.

What's it like on PS4 these days? How are knights doing? Is Centurion any good? I get the urge to pick this back up every so often and it's only getting cheaper.

I also haven't played since August of last year. How exactly have they buffed him?

Nobushi is still S tier in 4v4 and PK is still S tier in everything. As of now Warden is one of the worst heroes in the game. He's literally Orochi but somehow worse

Reminder he was good in 4v4 and after a buff hes top tier

not good in 1v1 but who cares

one handed sword and no shield


They ain't giving up yet, hyped af and i been playing this game since the Beta

I remember the beta, had a lot of fun in the night I played it, threads zoomed along, shame about the actual launch

Game is good. The combat is fun and now that they've tweaked it a fair bit it's getting better. Balance was way off in release but was still fun, now it's getting a semblance of fair competition.

Maiming an enemy while reading him like a book will never get old. But it's even more fun to throw people out of the map or impale them into traps and such. So much salt from a well timed grab or impale thrust.

Also the mother fucking AD MORTEM INMICUS move gets me so god damn hard when it lands. Jesus fuck now THATS SOME DAMAGE.

Executions are top tier

>You posted best one

I'll take for granted that everyone on Sup Forums is a Lawbringer main

game is completely infested with cheaters. there are AT LEAST one, at usually 2 or 3 on each team in every game. either its a block bypasser so all their attacks hit you no mater what, or an auto defense script that makes them practically immune to everything unless you can outnumber them. sometimes both. usually these faggots are also picking the most cancerous, ridiculously overpowered characters like glad and shaman too.

Really? Back when I was playing in August of last year, I only came across one cheater

How many new characters got added since Centurion and Ninja?

4 new ones
highlander, gladiator, shaman and aramusha. shaman and gladiator are ABSURDLY overpowered, aramusha and highlander are so weak as to be pointless punching bags that no one ever picks.

Dunno what he's talking about, I never seen a single cheater.
Might be a chinese player.

I've been playing on ps4 since launch and never seen anything I would consider cheating. Lag definitely can be a hitch though if your against a character with fast lights.

>warden still broken?

They nerfed him into the ground ages ago. Wardens have been a joke for far longer than they were ever broken.

>aramusha and highlander are so weak as to be pointless punching bags that no one ever picks.

Aramusha is perfectly viable in 4v4. Highlander got added to the game just for Kensei to have someone to look down on.

>best one
Uhh, impale isn't metal enough, sweetie

Or maybe the game is that easy I like For Honor but problems stem from not being to advanced

Damn shame, he looks cool. Centurion any good?

only if he's near a wall and gets a parry off someone. hes a total fucking cancer character but not overpowered, just annoying to fight since he does nothing but fish for parries.

Are you on PC? Mouse is proven way faster in blocking

I thought controller was better?

The controller has more deadzone than the mouse, so no.

People thought that but the games honestly to easy on PC 60 FPS+mouse you dont even need to parry

Law main here and agreed its the best execution. I haven’t played in months desu. DLC characters were annoying to learn

Im waiting for someone else to grab what made this game unique and do it right. Wouldn't recommend buying into it just yet unless it blows up with that next patch.

I only like this game for adding Romans

It's okay to be gay

>Rhapsody of Fire in the recommended section

So whens this game adding pirates?

Are there any high level players who stream/record content?

I don't have the game, but I'm interested in seeing what it currently plays like.
Ignoring the cheesy thumbnails and titles, this nigga is fairly chill and record some good duel.
It's console though, and the game play differently on console.