This man stands between you and the control point. What do you do?

This man stands between you and the control point. What do you do?
Keep in mind that you cannot burn him, since he is already ablaze with passion for war.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shoot my crossbow at him before retreating behind teammates and getting my vaccinator ready.

just like mge
lets rock

use a gun

and if that dont work?

use more gun

use more guns

use more gun

Launch a crit sticky at him because I am a god

Stand behind him because I'm his pocket medic.

Is there any class that benefits from random crits more than Demoman?
I almost want to say Medic since it seems like every Medic melee weapon is blessed with 100% random crits when you're fighting one.

Shoot the bitch


Offer him bread

>poking some Heavy down who is like a mile away from me doing 5 damage every other second
>suddenly random crits turns it into 40 damage monsters that shred me in a second
>he taunts

Nothing because I'm mostly likely Engineer. I'm most likely watching my brainlet team feed their sentries because they'd rather play Pyro instead of power classes. At least I get free score from all the teleports

Blast him.

>mfw 100 teleports off of one teleporter, 150 in total
>But we still lose

Every single time I fight a heavy, especially when I'm retreating. It's like the minigun has a hidden stat that gives it crits whenever it detects an enemy's back facing the heavy

Heavy backburner mini gun when?

I burn him

>*DEAD* Uganda Knuckles : "pyro takes skill"
>*DEAD* Uganda Knuckles : "pyro takes skill"
>*DEAD* Uganda Knuckles : "pyro takes skill"
Now what do you do?

I stab him while he taunts.
Then I taunt back.

Heal him. We're on the same team.

Not responding or throw my own binds back to him about soldier.

I mute him and keep killing him until he ragequits.

I tell him salt makes a good roasted piece of meat taste better.


I wear party hat and strange professor specs just to fuck with people.

How can anyone do anything, his rockets travel a million miles an hour and the splash is as big as a country mile, its literally undodgeable. Just fires in your direction and kills you instantly.


>Keep in mind that you cannot burn him
>you cannot burn him

Have you tried getting out of the way? That usually works pretty well.

And how do you manage to move before the rocket hit you dumdum?

Knob off ya bastard

Unless he is using the direct miss, there really is no excuse unless you are in the vents in Turbine or the staircase in 2fort.

I need some monayy

Usually by pressing W,A,S, or D.

I exit the game and play something that's actually good

try not playing at 5 fps

learn to surf explosives, it's vital to medic play but it'll save your ass as every class but heavy.

Hey Sup Forums,

Post hats you want in the game, no matter how implausible it would be

I really want a striped witch's hat so I can cosplay as my real favorite ambiguously-gendered video game pyromancer, an attached wig would be nice but not necessary

Even if it's just the vanilla RL, it's still a. Fucking. Rocket.
You can't just "Dodge" that, if it was the case what would be the point of using a rocket launcher in war?

At least in overwatch there's a lot of counter like matrix.
Tf2 is unfinished.

>go pyro
>right click

>come back to tf2 after jungle update
>read patch notes pyro got a lot of changes
>try him out in game, flamethrower more consistent.
>Grab the Plong I had, join brain dead valve servers not even trying
>so many mad babies in chat can’t even aim in front of them a Pyro with no airblast not giving a fuck.

Actually you can dodge it, and you can even surf off the splash damage. That's the beauty of projectile explosives.

That's stupid, you can't shoo a rocket away with just some air.

it's a videogame

I'm sorry what kind of pyro main loadout is that?

>surfing off a rocket as a medic to critsaw the soldier in the face

But it's not just air, it's propane. It's much more impactful

if it bothers you that much stick to open maps, soldier and demo are stupid powerful in maps like dustbowl and 2fort

Mains, in order from least to most cancerous:

I was about to reply with
>4th best
But then I realized how fucking terrible everyone else is.

>Heavy mains
Only 3 exist, if that.

Right click

I was just shitposting you lot of fucktards. Why are you all takings my posts so seriously like that?

If It was a discussion about the huntsman I could understand, the hitbox is Xbox tier huge. But, having trouble dodging rockets, seriously?

>engineer and medic mains
>not cancer

>heavy mains existing


I like maining Spy and Sniper, but fuck me does it suck when I'm barely a minute in and three other fucks are rolling it.

>Medic mains not cancerous
They all just shove their hand up a heavy's ass and think they're good at the game while riding dick for points. I say that as a medic main.

>Why are you all takings my posts so seriously like that?
Maybe because sometimes people like to help out inexperienced players of their favorite vidya? Shocking for Sup Forums, I know.

>Pyros will never not catch shit for exsisting
>Snipers will always be considered useless, tryhards, or cheaters
>Spies will never not have a game ruined by other moron spies
At least I still have Scout and Medic.

>That one spy who makes a pyro follow him right into you


because modern Sup Forums is so bad at baiting that when i see posts like yours i legitimately believe it's a newb who has no idea what he's doing.


LEAST cancerous, not cancer free

It doesnt really matter if the pink hatted thot pocketing her boyfriend doesnt heal anyone else since they generally do well, and even medics who get pissy with their team generally still heal everyone

This is your engie for tonight
Say something nice to him


>taunting heavy
>kill him with crit melee
>taunt back

You move out the way and learn to use terrain. Abuse terrain rather, since many areas in maps are guilty of eating up splash damage. Also why are you even fighting a soldier head on, in open ground or when he has the high ground?

Why would I want to LEARN when playing a game, this isn't school.

Medic mains are the most cancerous, half of them are literally gay healsluts who play the class because they want to join in on circlejerks but aren't good enough to play any other class.

Then keep being a shitty player that complains about soldier, fuck off and die faggot.

And the other half are ArraySeven wannabes.

f2ps are mysterious creatures.

See, that's the difference between your community and overwatch. In the right community you would be shamed and kicked for insulting others.
Good thing tf2 is dying and overwatch with his safe environment is the future, take that you violent kissless virgin ;)

when the FUCK is the heavy update

check your downloads

>medic mains
either a retarded healslut pocketing her bf or a total chad. no exceptions.
>soldier mains
guaranteed to be the sweatiest person on the server, grinds mge 24/7. will rage when he dies to a random crit.
>demo mains
stoned out of his mind. doesn't even know what map he's on but will still m1/m2 you into oblivion.
>scout mains
as obnoxious as the character they're playing, expect lenny binds and ugly cosmetics.
>heavy mains
masters of tf2 and total bros, all five of them.
>spy mains
giant weeaboo, probably has a twitch/youtube channel. spends hours practicing trickstabs but always chokes against real players.
>engineer mains
beta as fuck. probably owns a fedora and browses reddit. thinks you need 300 IQ to play engineer.
>sniper mains
takes himself way too seriously. great aim but zero gamesense. hates his teammates.
>pyro main
brony/furry/girl gamer or a combination of the three. this player is cancer, avoid at all costs.

t. heavy main

soldier main actually

One thing I can say about engie mains is that most of them can actually upgrade and keep your shit safe when you are dead.

game is more or less a casual shooter anyway

>we're gonna fix pyro guys!
>a year and several delays later
>pyro is now more broken than before

I keep seeing this but frankly the only thing that seems more broken is airblast. What else is broken?

Get a Crone's Dome

flamer will always deal full damage, you take as much damage from a single particle at the very end of the stream that a heavy hugging a pyro does.
degreaser is still broken
reflects are still broken
airblast is still broken
flame particles physics are still broken
and to top it off flame particles fucking blind you now

>as much damage from a single particle at the very end of the stream that a heavy hugging a pyro does.
This isn't true though, I have tested it myself. Flame particles deal damage according to how old they are, as they always have. They have a higher velocity now, but still deal less damage at range.

What the video shows isn't a problem or broken. The flamethrower deals damage every .075 seconds but fires much faster than that. In turn, you do not need to hit every particle to deal max damage. It is designed that way to make it more effective against multiple opponents.
>flame particles physics are still broken
In what way specifically?
>flame particles fucking blind you now
They are intended to be visually disorienting, yes. There's actually a way to fire the flame particles invisibly but I'm surprised you didn't mention that. I might make a video showing it sometime, I haven't actually seen other people do it much.

i could still see pyros with the old particles, the new fire looks like they ripped it off hl2 and called it a day. my main issue is that it's too fucking bright, there's a mod that rectifies this but it doesn't work on valve servers

He is a literal retard, I'm sure a shiny object would suffice.

>It is designed that way to make it more effective against multiple opponents.
And it's a shitty design decision. The ideal strategy now is to flail your mouse around like a retard to hit as many targets as possible. THIS DOES NOT FIX PYROS PROBLEMS. Buffing his damage over and over doesn't accomplish anything because he still suffers from two crippling weaknesses. He has terrible mobility options and is limited to very short range. What valve has done is just lowered his skill floor even further even though he was already the easiest class in the game before the update while still being frustrating at a competitive level because he still has no tools to fight good soldiers and scouts. Having good aim isn't rewarded. A plat highlander pyro and a 12 year old who just installed the game five minutes ago have the same effective dps. In what fucking universe is this a good thing? This update made pyro exponentially more annoying in pubs and changed nothing in competitive.

>In what way specifically?
They can't go around corners like they could before.

>They are intended to be visually disorienting, yes.
This wasn't an issue at all before the patch. They made another dumb design decision. If you want a game where you win fights not by being better than the other player but because you blinded/stunned/pressed q then go play overwatch.


medic mains are only cancer if they are on the other team

>about to finish phlog contract bonus (the one for 5 kills in a row while mmmph'd in a single life)
>at 4
>suddenly "!!! (girlfriend) TAKES PRIORITY !!!" appears in chat
>heart sinks
>he leaves me for dead to heal a soldier with near full HP because they called for medic
>die when i have 4/5 kills while mmmph'd

>later we're making a push to cap last on dustbowl
>~12 seconds left
>pops uber and ONLY ubers the soldier
>instead of flashing uber like any other medic they make sure their girlfriend gets all of the uber
>team wipes except for the med/soldier
>pyro airblasts them off the bridge in front of the point into the ravine

The only way I see pyro's skill:reward balance and range being fixed is if they scrapped the flamethrower and gave him a lightning gun, but let's be real, that's not going to happen. Best case, they make the flamethrower deal less damage per particle and require more particles to be on target. I could see them changing that if someone like b4nny spoke up about it, the whole pyro update was basically his brain child.

>They can't go around corners like they could before.
Do you specifically want them to?

This is sometimes acceptable. The pyro is meant to cause chaos in close quarters, blinding opponents helps him ambush them without being snubbed quickly. A good player can still two-shot pyros consistently, I've done it many times despite having flames all over my screen. If you seriously are dying to pyros a lot ______git gud

Medic "mains" are the real cancer
I do that kinda shit when I play with my friend

nice reddit copypasta.