>graphics are not importa-
Graphics are not importa-
Framerate is not importa-
Capcom should've stuck with MT Framework. It's a good engine.
>*monster walks 10 feet away from you*
>*gets rendered at a silly, buttery smooth 10fps*
Every part of a game is important.
Graphics, gameplay, writing, performance and optimization should all be at least decent in mainstream big budget games. Some are more important than others obviously, but they're all important nonetheless.
> Framerate is not importa-
Given the performance on the 3ds, ya, not really.
>this impresses the consolebabby
With modern AAA budgets , I expect everything to be better than "decent", but for the most part I agree with you
nt. As long as it’s not distracting or inhibits the experience unignorably.
t.toaster 'sour grapes' jockey
That isn’t even very impressive
I hate this mentality. Something doesn't have to be impressive for it to be good. Enjoy things for what they are, jesus
>Console user is a retard
Did I say it was bad?
Oy vey goyim, you forgot marketing!
You implied his appreciation for the visuals was misplaced
>played the first crysis back in 2009
Legend of mana is old game but still gorgeous.
tf2 looks nice even if the graphics are simple.
q3 with picmic looks nice.
Realistic graphics were cool in 2009 but now they are just visual clutter.
They definitely are
-nt when my platform has worse graphics
The 3ds games run about the same, if not better, though
No micro transactions that affect gameplay or experience, why is everyone getting mad about these
no fun allowed on Sup Forums-GAF.
I can't believe they were allowed to release MH Stories in the state that it's in. Whenever you aren't in battle the game struggles to reach a double digit framerate. It's like playing Story of Seasons on a poorly coded 3DS emulator.
3U ran at 50-60 fps on the 3DS. That game is 5 years old. 4U runs in the 40-50fps range on N3DS, which is about the same as how well World runs on the PS4 pro.
Don’t make me pull up those Digital Foundry videos for 4U and World.
>all that bloom
>all that occlusion
no it will NEVER look good. It looks some shit ENB filter
lmao looks like an early PS3 game
Yeah but could you imagine how amazing this game would look if they used that Panta Rhei engine they were developing for Deep Down?
>3U ran at 50-60fps
Lmaooo not on your fucking life. Yes, the game had the CAPABILITY to reach 60, instead of being locked at 30, but at most times, the game was around 25. When the game did exceed 30 in specific areas when no monsters were spawned, it would drastically speed up.
Not him, but 3U never dropped below 40 except for Dire Miralis.
I unironically prefer the classic MH aesthetic and would rather play something with Tri, 3U (WiiU), P3rd HD or XX (Switch) visuals
looks like there is a layer of dust on the screen
The whole game has a nice thick coat of vaseline on lens applied to it. Someone thought it'd be a great idea to smear textures whenever there's any kind of movement happening.
Hopefully it'll be removed in the PC version.
which PS3 game is this?
glorious Xbox1X coming through
fixed that for ya bro
It has good potential but its ruined by shitty post effects going on that ruin it, plus consoles are weak as shit
PC will look amazing.
Why would you ever have your brightness this high.
If graphics are that important to you, you'd best be on PC, if not it's like an obese man talking down to a morbidly obese man about healthy eating.
In other words, dumb shit.
I only played the demo, but its performance genuinely turned me off of the main game. Now THAT unironically deserves a Switch port. Just give me 1080p to show off its beautiful art style, 60fps, and we're good. Even if they're lazy cunts and we had to settle for 30fps, it's better than the 3DS' framerate of the game
you're right
here, I've made it even more modern
>too stupid to understand the joke
Your brain on Sony
I'd prefer the game run at 60fps than look as good.
Fails the Crysis test.
where were you when botw came out?
This looks like shit though. This is like a slightly less shitty BotW.
>he bought a regular console
LMAO the upgraded versions run MHW at 40-60 fps
>colors are not importa-
this desu
>so many dead dorfs without proper tombs
Shitty fortress 1/10
Western developed video games are shallow and all about flash over substance. There's a million and one video games that look like this and 99 out of 100 of them are trash.
Leave ypur shakalakas home and turn off the 3D, stable 60 FPS
you don't even play vidya do you?
That looks really fucking boring.
Call me when MH goes back to stylized grafix and vibrant colors.
looks like a work of art compared to other MH games but literally still trash compared to other games nowadays.
>years later
>another game announced
>repeat step one a few times
>graphics are no longer important
And yet it's not as good as Thief: The Dark Project
So long as its clear what's happening and performance is stable, it's totally fine if graphics are trash.
>Rape me please
Say no more.
I have good AIDS
Player better games than BOTW.
>Shit on my chest
Imagine how it will look when it's out on a real platform.
If MHW was on switch or 3ds, you would not be making that post. STFU
She is cute enough to be worth the risk.
Halo 3 looks better
It is MT framework
That's the joke
>Everything is about console wars
Thank you, brainlet, your opinion has been filed away for safekeeping.
Framerate is not importagiven the performance on the 3ds, ya, not really?
>Anything with thailand is the safest choice.
>The rest is a mine.
>I have good AIDS
Capcom should have locked the framerate to 30 on the pro and try to tweak the settings on the og ps4 to make it run at a more stable 30, but i doubt they are gonna bother at all.
OP is a fa-
Hoe can Nintenbros ever recover
MHW is the best game I have ever played
those are some 2009 tier visuals. kys OP
Whoever designed coral highlands deserves a raise
What's the Crysis test?
it looks worse
This whole game is god tier. Just explore the maps and you will find one surprise after another. Litarally compf the game
waifus > graphics
VISUALS are important, which aren't solely defined by graphical fidelity. I think thats an important distinction a lot of people fail to see
the original psp mh looked nothing like this, 3ds mh has garbage visuals.
artstyle is more important than graphics
>that white/grey filter that makes the colors look washed out
doesn't 4u run at 30fps even on N3DS
That's XX on Switch
Hotline Miami was one of the best looking games in recent years. Its artstyle and presentation are top notch.
That actually looks pretty bad
well, that says a whole lot about recent mh.
gud game?
the showcase was running on a PC for sure they downgraded the graphics for DD significantly
also on topic
MH:W looks bad in terms of graphics and runs like dogshit too
nah id say crysis looked better and this time it is not a joke
Does MHW run like shit on PS4 slim?
It runs like shit in general.
Your fault for buying shit hardware.
>That bloom
2005 called. It wants it's graphics back